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<nona> hmm ... do we agree with https://thoughtbot.com/blog/don-t-inline-rescue-in-ruby ? i never felt mislead by inline rescue the way the author describes. but perhaps that's just me?
<nona> and i'm wondering why sometimes i see `thing.that_can_go_wrong rescue raise StandardError` and sometimes `thing.that_can_go_wrong rescue StandardError`? the latter seems kind of nonsensical.
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<sarna> to me sounds like the real problem with inline rescue is that it's a bare rescue?
<sarna> it'll rescue *all* exceptions, including typos and such
<sarna> so the regular caveats wrt bare rescue apply
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<nona> hmm yeah it is overly broad
<nona> thanks for the shift of perspective
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<adam12> nona: IMHO, avoid inline rescue.
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<sagax> hi all
<Sobinec> Hi, @sagax
<sagax> how to convert string to hexcode? example, when i puts some string, i see in stdout not only hexcode
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<Sobinec> string = "Hello, World!"
<Sobinec> hex_code = string.unpack('H*').first
<Sobinec> Like that, if I wasnt wrong
<nona> adam12: funny, i was just thinking "yeah, no single reason to ever use it" and then i just found https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/52bcc0e42261289a4ea907e6907ec580
<sagax> Sobinec: i know this method
<adam12> nona: Fun stuff.
<Sobinec> @sagax , well, I can't help with anything else then :(
<nona> adam12: i mean, c'mon https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/6c604b5850e8d06a87a5d36fc653a7d2 isn't much worse but much more concise
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<ox1eef_> nona: Generally not considered a best practice but there can be exceptions to the rule.
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<nona> ox1eef_: even in light of https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/10042 ?
<nona> oh. that's completely new syntax to me.
<nona> -> is a "lambda", right?
<adam12> nona: yeah
<ox1eef_> It is not something I would use in a production environment but for quick hacks.
<nona> and .call and -> go together?
<adam12> nona: lambda/proc's have #call method. So we need to invoke the .call method.
<nona> sadly, ox1eef_, this is most certainly production...
<adam12> nona: There's shorthands that could work here but they are not as elegant, imho. try.() { current_baz }. try[] { current_baz }
<adam12> the later is only on newer Ruby versions, IIRC.
<nona> oh that looks cool tho
<nona> unfortunately i'm stuck on 2.7 for now
<adam12> I'd probably extract method in production code with a better name.
<nona> oooh, the brackets only substitute `call`
<adam12> And drop the proc in favour of the method.
<nona> i understood some of those words
<nona> proc being the {} behind .call?
<adam12> Well, presumably this would be in a class of some sort. GatherFoobars. You have some perform method that does the gathering.
<adam12> I might have a private method that is `handle_failure` which does the same as my proc.
<adam12> then `perform` could be `[handle_failure { current_foo }, handle_failure { current_bar }, ...]`.
<nona> alas, it's not in a class but buried in 4 levels of modules
<adam12> Classes all the things
<nona> but what you describe should still work
<adam12> Extract Class and Extract Method are some of the two best refactoring methods.
<adam12> Do you have the Refactoring Ruby book? It's pretty decent.
<adam12> Tho it's out of print so you'll need to hit up ebay/similar.
<nona> i do think i have it as a pdf
<nona> it's just that i'm not feeling confident enough with this codebase yet to improve things outside of a very local scope. like, rewrite a method ok, rewrite a module/class ... better wait until i've seen more of it.
<nona> the lambda technique looks fine for now
<adam12> Yeah. I'd focus on tests until you build up some confidence.
<adam12> A lot of walking skeleton tests.
<nona> hahah. tests. good one :)
<adam12> LOL
<nona> in all seriousness, there are some. just nowhere near full coverage.
<nona> hmm, i never heard "walking skeleton test" before though.
<adam12> I'd focus on outside in tests. Something that just treats it like a blackbox.
<adam12> It's from the book ... let me think.
<adam12> Working Effectively with Legacy Code
<adam12> by Feathers, IIRC.
<ox1eef_> Capybara / chromedriver
<adam12> Looks similar enough. Basically, start the application, automate tests somehow, then shut down the application. At least that's my memory of it.
<adam12> Cover all the happy paths, then you can start slowly refactoring or adding more tests.
<adam12> It's been a while since I read the book...
<nona> i'll talk about that with my boss
<nona> the problem is that the customer's management doesn't allow them even to fix bugs ... they want them to focus on new features
<adam12> People start with unit testing which can work but sometimes you don't have enough knowledge about.
<ox1eef_> That's a recipe for disaster.
<adam12> Tho there is a guilded rose video that does mutation testing + unit testing and it looked super interesting. I'd love to try it.
<adam12> Yeah, that's bad management. Like buying a car but never servicing it.
<nona> yeah ox1eef_ the development team know about it. and they have a really cool scrum master, who's trying to shield them from management's weirdnesses and do deals, like "ok, we'll do feature x without complaining about it, but then you'll have to allow us a bugweek first".
<adam12> Here's the guilded rose video. 3 short parts but not in Ruby. https://youtu.be/zyM2Ep28ED8
<adam12> I spend most of my time consulting, so the "no bug fixes" is something I do see fairly often. But generally I find management just doesn't want a huge rewrite of features.
<nona> oh wow, Emily Bach seems cool
<adam12> I ship a ton of refactorings every week. I'm pretty sure even in the Refactoring Ruby book, they call out that you should always be refactoring.
<adam12> For me, sometimes refactoring is a bug fix :)
<nona> so i'll aspire to be like you :)
<adam12> LOL. If you ship features + bugs, nobody cares.
<adam12> s/bugs/bug fixes
<nona> so far i've been doing a lot of what i've learned is known as "boyscouting" and its been appreciated
<adam12> but if you only ship refactoring / bug fixes, it's where people start to complain about lack of forward direction.
<ox1eef_> On the other hand, it is important to deliver value and not focus entirely on engineering that doesn't reflect in end user experience.
<nona> hmm ok so it's about balance
<ox1eef_> Yep
<adam12> Just cite Kent Beck. For each desired change, make the change easy (warning: this may be hard), then make the easy change.
<adam12> If I'm tasked to ship a feature, I generally won't just drop it on top because it's likely a poor fit. I might insert a few seams or break up a very large class before doing the feature work.
<adam12> Anyways, speaking of work. Good luck!
<nona> you too! :)
<ox1eef_> Have a good one
<nona> and you, ox1eef_
<ox1eef_> Cheers
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<Sampersand> Hi all! Question about rspec: Is there a way to have toplevel `before`s run _AFTER_ `before`s defined in children `context`s?
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<ox1eef_> Sampersand: they're run in the order they're defined.
<Sampersand> darn, ok
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<isene> Having battled with curses (again) for a few days, I now have an upgrade to my curses extension: https://github.com/isene/Ruby-Curses-Class-Extension
<isene> I'm thinking about rewriting the whole curses class for ruby from scratch - the one that exists is silly
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<adam12> isene: The curses class is definitely an odd one.
<ox1eef_> Probably have more success learning the C API and building on top of that. At least the C API is well documented.
<isene> ox1eef_: Yes, that's what I actually meant
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<isene> Our maybe I should write it from scratch in our Ruby. Shouldn't be very difficult.
<weaksauc_> progress happens by the people around
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<isene> Damn autocorrect; Or maybe I should write it from scratch in pure Ruby. Shouldn't be very difficult.
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