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<caleb> morning everyone, been a while since I've opened my IRC client.
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<adam12> caleb: morning
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<BazzaBazaa> afternoon here
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<caleb> was doing some robustness work on a client library in Python yesterday, really missed ruby's built in `retry`
<adam12> caleb: Yeah! retry is super handy.
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<ikke> Trying to find the cause of a difference. Using docker image ruby:3.0-alpine3.16, something is writing config to /usr/local/bundle/config (see the last without setting: https://tpaste.us/LRMa). Switchignng the image to ruby:3.1-alpine3.17 (but also upgrading the project version), this config is no longer there. We do explicitly set bundle config like this: https://tpaste.us/Z5Wa, but that ends up in
<ikke> ~/.bundle/config, so I wonder if there is anything that would write to /usr/local/bundle/config.
<ikke> I'll continue investigating the build process, but maybe it's something obvious
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<adam12> ikke: Inspect the image. I think this might be pre-set.
<adam12> ikke: There's a Bundler.io page that covers this I think. It might be related. https://bundler.io/guides/bundler_docker_guide.html
<ikke> adam12: I did check the base image, and did not see the file there
<ikke> and the settings are relevant to the app (gitlab)
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<Mindiell> hey tere, trying to install jekyll to have a static blog but I got lot of errors :/
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<Mindiell> First of all, I tried installing it with : gem install jekyll bundler
<Mindiell> but it's trying to install it on system, so I need root privileges : ouch
<Mindiell> so I created a .gemrc file in order to change config
<weaksauce> Mindiell it's wise to use a ruby version manager
<Mindiell> after that install seems ok
<weaksauce> rbenv is a good one
<Mindiell> weaksauce: I just wanted to try Jekyll, so I was using their doc
<Mindiell> I'll try rbenv, thx
<Mindiell> after installing jekyll, its commands are not avialable : not simple at all finally.
<Mindiell> We'll see if it's better with rbenv ;)
<weaksauce> if you got jekyll installed
<weaksauce> try typing rehash at the shell
<weaksauce> if all you want to do is run jekyll and not program ruby that should be fine for now
<Mindiell> with a simple .gemrc file ?
<weaksauce> what did you change?
<weaksauce> probably easiest to just use sudo or install a new ruby with rbenv
<Mindiell> I deleted everything, I retry with a simple .gemrc file ;o)
<Mindiell> ok, rehash or a new terminal session does nothing, it can't find "jekyll"
<Mindiell> I'll ask to the #jekyll room I think. Thx for you kindness ;o)
<weaksauce> what did you do in your .gemrc file?
<weaksauce> that's quite old
<Mindiell> yup :/
<weaksauce> where are you installing this? on a server somewhere?
<Mindiell> I was misleaded by jekyll's homepage I think
<Mindiell> It's on my own computer
<Mindiell> I don't know ruby, but I know computers
<Mindiell> all I wanted was to test jekyll to crete a static blog !
<Mindiell> and now I have to deal with ruby versions and ask help on IRC :D
<weaksauce> use sudo gem install jekyll if you want the built in ruby
<weaksauce> or use those two programs and install a new ruby
<Mindiell> nope, I don't want to use sudo just to test a static blog !
<Mindiell> yup, I'll give rbenv a try...
<Mindiell> hmmm
<Mindiell> I must be too stupid, but rbenv is quite not clear too :D
<weaksauce> what are you on? pc?
<weaksauce> mac/linux?
<Mindiell> "rbenv init" just tells me to add something in my bashrc
<Mindiell> Debian
<weaksauce> ah
<weaksauce> add it to bash or whatever shell you are using
<Mindiell> "rbenv version" tells me : "system (set by /home/me/.rbenv/version)"
<weaksauce> yeah you only have system ruby rn
<Mindiell> and with the "versions" command I just have a "*" at the beginning
<weaksauce> use ruby-build to install a more up to date one
<Mindiell> :D
<Mindiell> I thought I have to use rbenv !
<weaksauce> rbenv switches rubies based on either you setting it system wide in your ~/.ruby-version file or per project in a .ruby-version
<weaksauce> you do use rbenv
<weaksauce> but you need to install something for it to switch
<weaksauce> to
<Mindiell> well, for now I just wanted to install jekyll :/
<weaksauce> this will do that
<Mindiell> their doc is lying :D : https://jekyllrb.com/docs/
<weaksauce> nope
<weaksauce> you have system ruby which install gems in a system protected path
<Mindiell> well, I tried their commands and it exploded ;)
<weaksauce> you don't have permission by default to install there
<weaksauce> if you logged in as root you could run that command
<weaksauce> if you install a user ruby via ruby-build you could install the gem to a local gem folder
<Mindiell> well, I just want to compile 3 markdown pages and I need to use root for this ? It's problematic I guess
<weaksauce> no you have alternative ways to do this. build a ruby. use sudo. maybe find a docker
<Doc_X> If I need to go to a #rails channel, LMK. For rake db migrations, setting 'protected_environment' prevents "destructive" actions (according to the docs). But I can't seem to find a list of what actions rake/rails considers destructive. Anyone have a link to that info they can share?
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<aestheti1> Doc_X iirc it's just referring to preventing rake db:drop, nothing to do with migrations i don't think
<Mindiell> weaksauce: ok, I'll try to use ruby-build so
<Doc_X> curses. . . trying to find something to prevent DB rollbacks and i was hoping that would be it. the search continues.
<aestheti1> yeah, afaik you can rollback in production... hmm maybe I am unaware of this setting though, where are you seeing this?
<Mindiell> and yeepee, it downloads and build a totally new version :/
<aestheti1> ok, I see where it is used
<aestheti1> anything with :check_protected_environments would raise
<aestheti1> drop, purge, truncate, truncate_all, load
<Doc_X> oh, that's exactly what i was looking for! . . . drop_all, drop, purge_all, truncate_all, purge_current...
<aestheti1> not rollback or migrate though
<Doc_X> nope.... i might be able to bodge rollback into that, but that'd definitely need some testing. thanks for the link, aestheti1!
<aestheti1> yeah
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<Mindiell> weaksauce: ok, I installed ruby 3.1.2 in ./ruby
<Mindiell> via ruby-build, what next ?
<weaksauce> rbenv versions
<weaksauce> echo "3.1.2" > ~/.ruby-version
<weaksauce> ruby -v
<weaksauce> gem install jekyll
<weaksauce> then use it
<Mindiell> "rbenv versions" has same answer as before : "* system (set by /home/me/.rbenv/version)"
<Mindiell> jekyll not found
<Mindiell> ah !
<Mindiell> rbenv versions : rbenv: version `3.1.2' is not installed
<Mindiell> I think I'll go crying in my bed :D
<weaksauce> Mindiell i don't think ./ruby is where rbenv is expecting
<weaksauce> it should be installed to ~/.rbenv somewhere
<Mindiell> doc says : ruby-build 2.2.0 ~/local/ruby-2.2.0 # installs Ruby 2.2.0 to ~/local/ruby-2.2.0
<Mindiell> s I thought I can install it wherever I wanted :/
<weaksauce> you should use it as a plugin to rbenv
<Mindiell> Ok, thx for everything, I'll stop it for now.
<Mindiell> have a good day/evening/whatever ;o)
<weaksauce> rbenv install 2.2.0 # installs Ruby 2.2.0 to ~/.rbenv/versions
<weaksauce> no worries
<weaksauce> it definitely can be installed anywhere but if you want it to play nice with rbenv it should be used with rbenv
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<weaksauce> Doc_X you should be able to load a rakefile to run before migrate
<weaksauce> should do it
<weaksauce> just load that file up in the rakefile before you load up the rails rake tasks
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<Doc_X> weaksauce: And instead of `:migrate` i should be able to specify `:rollback`?
<weaksauce> oh yeah
<Doc_X> I want to be able to do roll forwards, but stop rolling back.
<Doc_X> excellent. i'll try that out!
<weaksauce> should work... i did the migrate one and it did work
<weaksauce> yeah i just tried it with rollback and it stops it
<weaksauce> you can override it if you need to by setting DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1
<weaksauce> of course that is predicated on that method not being renamed but it's probably pretty safe
<Doc_X> weaksauce: Yeah, the idea is to set protection up by default in our deployment scripts, then have a checkbox saying "Allow rollbacks. Don't use this unless you verified it is okay with the oncall first!" :-)
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<weaksauce> ah nice
<weaksauce> rake is pretty cool with how flexible it is... you can keep adding to tasks as needed and they stack
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<isene> I love the simplicity and efficiency of Ruby. I spent more than 15 years on and off tweaking and enhancing zsh (after having used bash before that). Two weeks ago I decided to write my own shell. After around 30 hours of coding I now have a shell that is (for me) better than my fine-tuned zsh setup. If
<isene> ... I am sure few others would agree as rsh suits MY needs. But it does so surprisingly well.
<isene> Color me happy today.
<isene> 🤗
<isene> The "If" up there was a typo, btw
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<aestheti1> isene, I thought of doing the same thing a while back, i may try it out
<aestheti1> isene if you have some free time, maybe do a whole OS in ruby that way I dont' have to use linux anymore
<aestheti1> I was thinking of doing a tiling window manager in ruby