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<wakaflaka> now this is defiitely the death of irc
<wakaflaka> after chatgpt nobody's asking questions anymore, ad the questions channels were the backbone
<wakaflaka> theother channels are run by "volunteers", power-hungry waabe-bulies, you know how that is
<wakaflaka> but now there's no real reason to stay on irc anymore
<weaksauce> chatgpt doesn't produce anything that good
<weaksauce> it just hallucinates bullshit
<leftylink> I would like to think that most people aren't here for the questions channels anyway though? people don't derive pleasure from answering questions. people want to discuss topics they are interested in
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<aesthetikx> im here to socialize and because I love ruby
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<leftylink> yup see it has nothing to do with the questions. if anyone actually thinks they enjoy feeding vampires and answering their questions, oh boy do they have another thing coming (they get sucked dry and therefore stop coming)
<leftylink> so it stands to reason nobody in an irc channel likes answering questions
<leftylink> by simple process of elimination
<EvanR> I have seen many help channels flooded with "I tried this code I got from chat-GPT and it doesn't work, why"
<EvanR> so it's generating new problems
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<sarna> hey, is there something like traveling ruby (ie "I just ship a zip to my friend and it works") but for ruby 3.0+? traveling ruby seems to support only 2.4 which is pretty old :(
<ox1eef_> My understanding of that project is that it takes Ruby and produces C++ from it, which can then be compiled and distributed as a binary.
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<sarna> leah2: oh neat! I thought appimage was mostly for GUI stuff, let me see if I can get it working
<sarna> ox1eef_: interesting 👀 "very early-stage work-in-progress" though :( but it'd be great if they succeeded
<adam12> I think this will get better in the next year or so
<adam12> but better might be shipping it as WASM.
<adam12> (or something else, once YARP ships and it's easier to parse Ruby)
<adam12> Natalie had to roll their own Ruby parser, so I can't help but wonder how far it would be along if it just linked to yarp and then had to build the compiling piece.
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<sarna> oh right, when wasm gc lands..
<adam12> I do wish that there was some investment here. And/or a Ruby LTS release.
<havenwood> Once WASI gets thread and networking support, that'll be an option too.
<havenwood> If you don't need them ^ it's an option now.
<adam12> I wonder if there's a way to wasmtime+.wasm->single archive
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<sarna> I mean I'd be fine with even shipping a full ruby distribution in a zip file, as long as I can mail it to somebody and it works
<adam12> sarna: Might be worth looking at .jar files too. They'd need a JRE but that might not be an unreasonable install.
<sarna> bundler's great, but I have to tell people how to install ruby itself :(
<sarna> adam12: with jruby/truffleruby you mean?
<adam12> sarna: Yes.
<sarna> whoa jruby supports 3.1 now, nice
<adam12> It requires Warbler, which may or may not drive you crazy.
<adam12> I never had any success with it, but the Andy from the Glimmer project uses it with great success.
<havenwood> adam12: There's wasm2c and Binaryen's wasm-opt but I haven't tried either with Ruby WASI.
<sarna> hmm warbler looks webserver-oriented - I don't have issues shipping backend apps, it's the CLI apps that hurt
<havenwood> I think the latter may not be far enough along.
<havenwood> Ruby WASI may just work with wasm2c?
<adam12> sarna: Warbler is both. .war for server, .jar for CLI..
<adam12> (CLI/GUI)
<sarna> ah!
<adam12> The Python equivalent of TruffleRuby just gained static binaries. I wonder if that will trickle into TruffleRuby too.
<adam12> I think Python had it easier because of the import syntax.
<adam12> havenwood: I only tried a helloworld type app with WASI. I want to try something more, but only so much time in the day.
<havenwood> adam12: TruffleRuby kinda exposes that through SubstrateVM.
<adam12> I'm interested in this a bit as well, since I want to ship some Ruby to a CentOS7 machine with a stock Ruby 2.0.0 install from yum.
<adam12> (and ideally not use Ruby 2.0.0 ... )
<adam12> havenwood: Yeah? I havent seen it, but I just installed the new TruffleRuby. I've been "avoiding it" because of the Oracle licensing crap.
<sarna> havenwood: lol @ wasm2c :D compiling to C just got cool again
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<havenwood> adam12: Substrate can build a static binary of TruffleRuby itself. Theoretically it should be able to compile your app, even up to the point of serving the first socket, but I haven't seen it done.
<havenwood> sarna: Yeah, full circle from emscripten. :O
<adam12> C is probably a great IR, in reality.
<adam12> I know almost everyone uses the LLVM IR but then fights the LLVM version churn.
<sarna> adam12: it kinda is, but once you hit UB your program is invalid 🤠
<adam12> Heh
<havenwood> Zig maybe?
<havenwood> Not OO style but maybe a good primer.
<adam12> I wonder if Zig can compile Ruby.
<adam12> CC="zig cc" style.
<adam12> (and I wonder if that would help interim for Portable Ruby)
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<leah2> why tho
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<adam12> leah2: me?
<leah2> the c compiler is not the problem
<adam12> Easier cross-compiling. I think a challenge with Portable Ruby was the multi-platform buidls.
<adam12> CC="zig cc -target some-triplet" ...
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<isene> Need a hand if anyone can help. It's an issue with rsh (https://github.com/isene/rsh). Doing this crashes rsh: Start rsh, then enter the command `ls | less` and do Ctrl-c. Why? I've spent a couple of hours trying to debug this, but I'm getting nowhere. And so I'm turning to the pros.
<adam12> isene: can you share a paste somewhere of what the output is?
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<isene> adam12: There's no output :-/
<adam12> isene: What do you expect to happen?
<isene> If I do `ls | less` and then Ctrl-c from zsh, it stays in less, but with rsh, it crashes rsh. Worse with `irb` - irb run from zsh and then Ctrl-c does nothing, it stays in irb. But irb run from rsh and then Ctrl-c throws garbage onto the command line and then crashes rsh.
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<adam12> isene: trap("ABRT") { # Ignored }
<adam12> Oh, actually, you'll want to trap them and then send to the child process?
<adam12> Just ignoring them does prevent the exit, but not the abortion of the current process inside rsh.
<adam12> and you need to trap `INT` too.
<adam12> I don't think you could continue to use `system` in this case.
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<adam12> ie. switch `system` to `spawn`. Start process and record pid somewhere. Set up `trap` to send signal to pid of started process (if any).
<isene> adam12: I'm not sure how to go about tackling this. So, first spawn instead of system. Then trap what and how?
<adam12> isene: system doesn't give you running pid. So first step would be to be able to start a process with stdin/stdout/etc redirects in place, and a pid available. I think this is `spawn`.
<adam12> isene: Once you have the pid, store it somewhere (even a global temporarily, I guess).
<adam12> isene: set up a trap for INT that sends a "INT" to the `$running_pid` if there's a value for it. I feel like that alone should work.
<adam12> Maybe it's as simple as replacing `system(` with `$running_pid = spawn(` and then `Process.wait($running_pid)`
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<isene> I started with this `pid = spawn(@cmd); Process.wait pid`
<isene> But it still crashes/exits rsh upon Ctrl-c inside less
<havenwood> Signal.list.keys.to_h do |signal|
<havenwood> trap(signal) { warn 'Ignoring!' }.then { [signal, {ok: :ignoring}] }
<havenwood> end
<havenwood> rescue ArgumentError, Errno::EINVAL => e
<havenwood> [signal, {error: e}]
<havenwood> I think it's interesting which signals aren't trappable.
<isene> havenwood: So I add this code right after `Process.wait pid`?
<adam12> Getting the signal right is gonna be a challenge I bet.
<adam12> I can get it to exit fine, but `less` is still running in the background for whatever reason.
<adam12> Maybe because of the pipe.
<adam12> So perhaps there's a process group that needs a signal instead.
<johnjaye> how does ruby interpret the expression 1 || 0
<johnjaye> does it do logical or, does it convert to true/false first?
<isene> This is an interesting challenge methinks
<havenwood> isene: Didn't mean to actually use the code above for a solution, more just interesting.
<havenwood> isene: If you try it in IRB you can see a good handful of them won't trap.
<havenwood> johnjaye: Everything is truthy except for nil and false.
<johnjaye> ok. in that case 1 || x will always just return 1 which it does
<havenwood> Only `nil` or `false` to the left of `||` will ever proceed to evaluate what's to the right.
<isene> havenwood: Ah, I see - I got the list in irb
<isene> havenwood: That's some interesting code you landed on my screen
<isene> So, we think the spawn way is the right way? And then trap the right signals? Any example code for that so I can start traversing the signals for testing?
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<havenwood> isene: If I'm following the backlog, you're implementing pipes?
<havenwood> isene: You might consider splitting on pipes before shelling out then connecting the streams, like Jesse Storimer does in A Unix Shell in Ruby.
<havenwood> isene: For a minimalist example, see: https://github.com/jstorimer/shirt/blob/master/shirt
<havenwood> Just an aside, but Shell used to ship with Ruby stdlib and was quite odd. https://gist.github.com/havenwood/742ed2d922622a7bc1f9
<havenwood> It in turn reminded me a bit of Matz other lang, Streem. https://gist.github.com/havenwood/979fbe4b0c07a627c05a
<havenwood> I was glad to see Shell gemified and extracted.
<sarna> do you not like DSLs? :)
<EvanR> you got shirt, you got shoes, all we need now is pants
<adam12> I'm finding I'd rather less DSL where possible.
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<havenwood> What adam12 said.
<havenwood> Or at least fewer cross-language wrappers.
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<isene> adam12: Not getting anywhere with spawn either, is spawn a dead end as it leaves backgound processes?
<adam12> isene: I think the issue is that you get only the pid from the first process, and not the second one.
<isene> How do I trap specific signal after knowing the pid, though?
<adam12> isene: so you send SIGINT to `ls`, but `less` is still running and somewhat confusing.
<isene> But how about irb, then there's no piping involved. Just a simple `irb` and the Ctrl-c does the same type of crash...
<adam12> isene: I don't get the `irb` example.
<adam12> using `system`?
<isene> Yes, the current rsh; launch `irb` and then do Ctrl-c immediately - I think this should highlight an underlying problem here
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<adam12> Doesn't work for me, but for possible unrelated reasons.
<adam12> adam@Adams-MacBook-Air.local: ~/tmp/ruby-playground/ irb
<adam12> 16:50:58: irb
<adam12> Users/adam/.gem/ruby/3.2.1/gems/reline-0.3.3/lib/reline/terminfo.rb:108:in `setupterm': The terminfo database could not be found. (Reline::Terminfo::TerminfoError)
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<isene> But no error from rsh itself?
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<adam12> gotta run. bbl.
<ox1eef_> Kernel.spawn without a shell is what you should probably use.
<ox1eef_> or, fork & exec.
<isene> Guys - this simple one did it (with system); trap "SIGINT" do end
<ox1eef_> system depends on #!/bin/sh
<ox1eef_> IMO your shell should be independent of other shells
<isene> ox1eef_: I am not going to reimplement everything sh does - and sh is there regardless
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<ox1eef_> Not guaranteed it will be there, and a shell that depends on another shell doesn't sound right. And, when background jobs come along, system won't cut it.
<isene> ox1eef_: As it stands now, I'm only running rsh (as login shell and otherwise) and it works nicely - end better than my 15+ years tweaked zsh setup with a bunch of antibody plugins. And it's just one file with 720 lines of code. This makes me happy. Back to creating my curses IMDB program that will serve med the movies and series I should like.
<isene> s/end/and/
<ox1eef_> Fair enough. I'm happy with ksh.
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<isene> 🤗
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<isene> Main reasons?
<isene> Main advantages?
<ox1eef_> Over time I configured it to something I like. And it is the default shell on OpenBSD. That's how I was introduced to it.
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<isene> ox1eef_: Nice
<isene> Notice; rsh (https://github.com/isene/rsh) Version 1.0 release. Several fixes. Celebrating rsh as my sole shell.
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