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<Mahfuj> Hello Everyone!
<Mahfuj> Seareed Inc. is seeking a skilled and passionate developer to join our dynamic e-commerce platform. If you are an experienced professional who thrives in a deadline driven, and fast-paced environment, and who has a strong background in web development, this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our platform. At Seareed, we value creativity, innovation, and a passion for delivering exceptional user experiences. If you are
<Mahfuj> excited about joining a dynamic team and making a significant impact on the future of our e-commerce platform. Our technical requirements includes doing many payment integrations, but the main framework is Stripe. Pay range 40 USD -100 USD per hour depending on skills, and experience. Please email me resume, portfolio, your relevant experience and why you are interested in this position at reazmahfuj124@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
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<panella32> Surprisingly Movie.joins(:movie_people) works but MoviePeople.joins(:movies) not! Any idea? (There's a one-to-many relationship between them)
<panella32> Error Can't join 'MoviePerson' to association named 'movies'; perhaps you misspelled it?
<panella32> >> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT movie_people.* FROM movie_people INNER JOIN movies ON movie_people.movie_id = movies.id") also works!
<ruby[bot]> panella32: # => (https://carc.in/#/r/f5bl)
<panella32> Isn't weird?
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<adam12> panella32: Is it MoviePeople or MoviePerson?
<adam12> panella32: Make sure whatever model it is, has the inverse association back to Movie. Might be belongs_to or something else.
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<panella32> adam12 Sorry. it is MoviePerson. The associations : https://imgur.com/a/ilI1RqW
<panella32> spend almost 5 hours and still hav no idea why it's not working vice vera.
<adam12> panella32: joins(:movie) maybe? singular.
<panella32> Let me try
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<panella32> adam12 you such adam12! It worked!
<panella32> I wanted to say you such a savior!
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<panella32> There's a similar issue with another association somewhere else. Let me try this trick to see it also works there or not..
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<panella32> It worked but I now I have another issue.
<micah> How do I test if a variable is true or false? I want to do an action if one of those states exist, but if its not set, then i dont want to do the action
<panella32> micah I think there would be a predicate method by default for all boolean variables. obj.foo? # true/false
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<micah> so will this work:
<micah> def foo(reason = nil)
<micah> if reason
<micah> puts "set"
<micah> end
<micah> end
<mooff> micah, that should indeed work
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<mooff> you can also: puts "set" if reason
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<mooff> note that the only values which aren't considered truthy are nil and false
<mooff> = puts "wow, all true!" if [] and {} and 0 and ""
<ruby-eval> (eval):1: warning: string literal in condition
<ruby-eval> wow, all true!
<ruby-eval> => nil
<panella32> considering this erd (https://i.imgur.com/RpGtTRZ.png) could you tell me why the select part of the following query does not work as intended?
<panella32> Person.joins(movie_people: :role).select('people.name','roles.name').where(movie_people: {movie_id:4}).where.not(movie_people:{role_id:1})
<panella32> The output: https://imgur.com/a/o9xd9s8
<panella32> why isn't 'people.name' presented in the result?
<panella32> Maybe both selected columns have same name "name"?
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<adam12> panella32: Likely.
<adam12> panella32: Maybe try `roles.name AS role_name`
<adam12> I don't know if that works in ActiveRecord.
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<panella32> That syntax seems to be valid because the equivalent sql command does include the alias you defined but the result is still not as expected. For some reason I could select either people.name or roles.name, not both at the same time..
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<panella32> adam12 the query actually works inside the app and both attributes are accessible via their alias names, although the appeared result on the the console (https://imgur.com/a/o9xd9s8) seems to be incomplete.
<panella32> So it solved and thank you, time to move on.
<adam12> panella32: You'd probably need to access it via the square bracket I think.
<adam12> person[:role_name] or something
<adam12> Oh, nevermind. Sounds like you solved it.
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<panella32> Yes it solved. Both dot notation and square bracket notation are working here as expected, both inside the app or in the console. The only thing I still don't understand is why the result of the query (shown in the console) is incomplete! Even though they actually exist but the console tries its best to hide them unless I use dot/square bracket notations to access them manually. Please check out these 2 screenshots https://imgur.com/a/m3Yhn5Q
<panella32> The 2nd image seems to be deceptive, because the shown result is not as expected.I thought my query was wrong but it was correct, from now on I try not to count too much on the results that appear on the console!
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<adam12> panella32: That's natural. ActiveRecord constructs a model by looking at the columns on the table. Your query is returning columns that don't exist on the table.
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<panella32> considering an Arel like this ["John Smith":"Writer", "John Smith":"Director", ...] possible to "group_by" it in order to look like this: ["John Smith": "Writer,Director"]. Hard to group_by, isn't it?
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<panella32> (solved)
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<Guest26nakilon> is it possible to know if Gemfile had github: "..."? can't find it in Gem.loaded_specs
<Guest26nakilon> oh, it's .source
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<panella32> in the views, <%= to_rgb(@movie.color,0.84) %> does not work but <%= to_rgb(#{@movie.color},0.84) %> does!
<panella32> Any idea why I have to do a string interpolation?
<panella32> the 1st syntax consider "movie.color" a nil but indeed it exists.
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<panella32> Let me know please if you have any idea!
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<weaksauc_> panella32 do you have context? is it in the middle of a string or somthing?
<weaksauc_> gist the context
<panella32> It's just a div as following, nothing really special or related is happing around it. Just a flat html div.
<panella32> <div style="background-image: linear-gradient(to right, <%=hex_color_to_rgba("#{@movie.gradient_color}",0.84) %>, white)
<panella32> (it's another div but with same issue)
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