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<leah2> i'm confused about Thread::Queue, it seems to push a nil element when i close it?
<leah2> "When an empty queue is closed, all consumers blocking on deq will be woken up and given nil."
<leah2> can i distinguish that from sending a nil, hrm
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<adam12> leah2: I don't even know where Thread::Queue is defined... I presumed it would be in thread.c but don't see it.
<leah2> sync.c or so
<leah2> https://l2.re/Aaa1sw reproduces it
<leah2> so i need to detect that closed switches and empty doesnt
<leah2> gah this is all crap
<adam12> Ah yes. thread_sync.c.. naturally. lol.
<leah2> i'll send a sentinel instead -.-
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<adam12> That's what I've normally done.
<leah2> but why add this close stuff at all then
<leah2> if it's not reliable
<adam12> I can't actually remember ever closing a queue...
<adam12> Normally I use the queue for a worker setup, so I might send :shutdown instead.
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<adam12> Ah, HTTP nested array params. A fun and also annoying piece of web dev.
<leftylink> pandabot: what's ruby globals
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<wakaflaka> I want more of that Röyksopp - Melody AM and Flying Lotus - Los Angeles sound (two best electronic music albums of modern times)
<wakaflaka> Sadly, subsequent work from these artists never managed to get back to that sound
<wakaflaka> If anybody knows of anybody similar (and largely unknown), do let me know. Cheers!
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<ox1eef_> adam12: Rack::Utils can parse those AFAIK.
<adam12> ox1eef_: Yeah. I was actually looking at the source code for that earlier today (and wondering if leah2 cursed at the time they were involved in it :P)
<ox1eef_> :)
<adam12> ox1eef_: I usually just do the "Rails" way, which is where its `field[0][key]`, which is fine but gives me a hash with a bunch of keys I never need.
<leah2> adam12: yes
<leah2> putting that code into rack was a mistake
<ox1eef_> Might be worth making a Roda plugin for it ?
<adam12> I saw somewhere where someone did `field[key][]`, then `.transform` + `.zip`. And thought that was actually kind of simpler, in some weird way. I added some functionality to a param-like plugin I have a while back to experiment with that strategy.
<adam12> But now I know why they use the integer for keys: it allows missing fields.
<adam12> The second approach requires every field to always exist, which might not always be true (a new record would have no `id` or maybe an empty or nil `id` form param).
<ox1eef_> I think the param handling Rails does is a big part of what makes accepts_nested_attributes_for possible.
<adam12> ox1eef_: It is.
<adam12> I'm not using Roda for this project. I did use typecast_params (the Roda plugin in the past) and it worked OK (but it's narly). Also, I used dry-schema for this and it breaks down with the integer keys :|
<adam12> I wonder who pioneered the Rails approach. I remember using the form-array pattern pre-Rails, but never with the integer array indexes.
<adam12> leah2: It's OK. You're still alright in my books. :P
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<ox1eef_> I wouldn't be surprised if it came from PHP.
<leah2> a simple key=value would have been easier and rails could do a magic thing themselves
<wakaflaka> rails <3
<wakaflaka> my rails sites will become so big they'll get featured on rubyonrails.org some day (i'm a dreamer)
<adam12> Basically write-once as far as I am concerned. I dont' think anybody else ever understood it.
<wakaflaka> yo adam, you gotta see this
<adam12> I made an API similer to https://github.com/zendesk/stronger_parameters which has been not too bad, but I don't have it 100% for nested param types yet (I think I need an optional type).
<adam12> leah2: Jeremy/Samuel have been on a pursuit of extracting parts from Rack, which I think is noble, but after all these years, I wish it shipped with a damn flash implementation. I carry my own around for plain Rack/Sinatra apps and I am surprised it's the one piece of middleware never included.
<adam12> leah2: Or maybe it's a Sinatra responsibility (after all, Roda ships with one). But sometimes I want a simple Rack app with no dependencies.
<wakaflaka> man jeremy and samuel
<wakaflaka> <3 them both to death
<leah2> adam12: i'm pretty much out ;)
<wakaflaka> what's missing? :|
<adam12> leah2: I figured. I'm just ranting :P
<leah2> but isnt a flash like 5 loc :>
<wakaflaka> (please do not share)
<adam12> leah2: My last one was 32 LOC
<adam12> I think I stole part of it from Roda. Which I suspect was partly stolen from sinatra-flash.
<adam12> wakaflaka: Does it work? Or does it halucinate a lot of it.
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<wakaflaka> good q
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<wakaflaka> just hallucinating for now
<adam12> wakaflaka: Cool. I was just curious. Seems valuable if it can take the titles and abstract some sort of knowledge from them.
<wakaflaka> the bit where it takes action, finds your niche, your new domain, generates content and pro-looking related photos
<wakaflaka> still in the works (although the individual parts are done)
<wakaflaka> you can indeed
<adam12> wakaflaka: I'm not great at SEO, but one of my contracts hired a SEO person, so I've seen some of the reports. Some of the suggestions are basically "copy your competitors"
<adam12> and "delete/derank pages that are not crticial and canibalize views". Gotta make Daddy Google happy.
<wakaflaka> yup. same here, doing this to learn seo
<wakaflaka> ouch, yeah
<wakaflaka> i probably need a script to analyze my biz and make sure it's within google's limits
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<wakaflaka> already applying a lot of stuff to please google
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<wakaflaka> schema.org ofcourse, but also not ie. posting 4000 articles at once, but rather in a timely fashion
<adam12> ox1eef_: This is the API I ended up with, which as been reasonably decent so far. Not full-on dry-schema/dry-validation but not as barebones/blocky as typecast_params (from Roda). https://gist.github.com/adam12/d574b04ecc9c1a5b3b90f85658b8c479
<adam12> I think Parameter.values should accept another Hash, with the types there too. Parameter.values({ address: Parameter.string }). But nested params supports tricks like "_delete" => "t", so that would have to be accounted for somehow.
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<ox1eef_> Looks good to me.
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<ox1eef_> Oh wow the new GitHub layout is nice.
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<EvanR> can someone clarify somewhat what jargon "late binding" means in ruby
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<leftylink> could the person who clarifies that also clarify for me: it seems to me that if someone wants early binding, they have to use a statically-typed language; it doesn't seem possible in a dynamically-typed language. is this impression incorrect?
<xuochi> /4
<havenwood> leftylink: Dynamic languages with a JIT make that distinction fairly moot.
<havenwood> (Depending on the JIT.)
<havenwood> YJIT for example will optimize function calls just in time.
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<havenwood> --jit ftw
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<havenwood> Or TruffleRuby has the most advanced Ruby JIT at the moment.
<havenwood> JRuby's is nice too.
<xuochi> Although, with TruffleRuby, you can also use the GraalVM native image feature.
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<lucartc> Does someone know where the 'fetch' method/attribute is defined in this gem https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.7.1-ruby/rb/lib/selenium/webdriver/devtools/network_interceptor.rb ? I've been studying it for quite some time and cant figure it out. This gem is used alongside with selenium-devtools, and my devtools version is 0.109.0
<lucartc> I know that fetch, in line 50, is a reference to Selenium::DevTools::V109::Fetch. 'devtools' is a Selenium::WebDriver::DevTools object
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<ox1eef_> lucartc: You might be able to find it easily if at the call site you use 'p method(:fetch).source_location'.
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<lucartc> oxleef_ thank you, I'm gonna try it
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