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<sarna> EvanR, leftylink: late binding means deferring the lookup until runtime, so you don't really know what code will run just by looking at source code - you need to actually run it
<sarna> methods in ruby are an example of late binding - you don't know what it will do until you run it, because in the meantime somebody could've monkey-patched it
<sarna> functions are generally early-bound, even in dynamic languages. you can override them but only in the local context. so you can definitely tell what code will run just by looking at the source
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<johnjaye> how do i do printf interpolation in ruby
<johnjaye> like if i want to print string of 2 but have 3 leading zeroes
<johnjaye> oh it's just sprintf... i think
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<EvanR> johnjaye, or "%03d" % two
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<naltun> hello
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<johnjaye> does ruby allow strings inside strings inside strings?
<johnjaye> I took an expression sprintf("%02d",2) and put it inside a string interpolation "#{...}". and ruby accepted it
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<leftylink> it sounds like you already experimented and confirmed the answer, so you have no need of any further confirmatin from others
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<leftylink> pandabot: rb eval(100.times.reduce('') { |a, _| '"#{' + a + '}"' })
<johnjaye> sure. the implication of my question is is this normal and how far does it go
<johnjaye> normally you would backslash escape " in any other context
<leftylink> well the above is your answer
<leftylink> the number coud be increased too
<leftylink> pandabot: rb eval(10000.times.reduce('') { |a, _| '"#{' + a + '}"' })
<pandabot> stderr: -e:2:in `eval': (eval):1: memory exhausted (SyntaxError) - exit 1 - https://carc.in/#/r/f8p9
<leftylink> okay fine
<leftylink> pandabot rb eval(1200.times.reduce('') { |a, _| '"#{' + a + '}"' })
<johnjaye> well i'm not sure how to use enumerators with reduce in ruby.
<johnjaye> but i guess what you mean is, you can nest them as much as is allowed
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<leftylink> another way we can answer this question is to look at https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.2/syntax/literals_rdoc.html#label-String+Literals
<leftylink> > Any expression may be placed inside the interpolated section
<leftylink> it doesn't say "any expression except for ....."
<leftylink> it says any expression
<johnjaye> I mean when you say any, for all, or every there's usually some implicit extent you're referring to.
<johnjaye> how long have you been using ruby for
<leftylink> I can't deny that! my reading is since this is the syntax document, "any" actually refers to "anything that is valid according to Ruby syntax"
<leftylink> I see that I've been using Ruby since September of 2010. hard to believe it's been almost 13 years
<johnjaye> that doesn't surprise me. when i talk to experts in various areas they sometimes have trouble understanding what a non-expert or beginner is even asking about their area.
<leftylink> I think there's a name for that
<leftylink> dunning krueger?
<johnjaye> there is. but i didn't want to drag it out any further.
<leftylink> oh I was wrong, dunning krueger is talking about overestimating
<leftylink> it's actually the curse of knowledge
<johnjaye> ruby often surprises me by the conveniences it gives
<johnjaye> but to you i guess it's just the norm, esp after a decade!
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<ox1eef_> But wisdom is bleak, and that's a word from the wise
<ox1eef_> Not my words, credit to Lil Wayne.
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