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<johnjaye> what are some good basic applications written in ruby
<johnjaye> things more to learn from than necessarily amazing all in one wizard apps
<weaksauc_> metasploit chef
<weaksauc_> basic
<weaksauc_> oh
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<weaksauc_> johnjaye to be fair a lot of good code out there. rails has a lot going on but it's pretty well structured for how big it is
<weaksauc_> a lot of indirection though so it's not a good beginner one by any stretch of the mind
<johnjaye> ah ok.
<weaksauc_> minitest
<weaksauc_> that one is pretty small
<weaksauc_> any of those are actually pretty instructive to look through though
<johnjaye> is metasploit chef one thing or two things
<weaksauc_> two
<weaksauc_> vulnerability scanner and a devops tool
<johnjaye> programmers have a somewhat disturbing habit of naming things random words
<johnjaye> like check out vomit, my new database app. or grease, the new debugging tool for perl and php modules
<johnjaye> chef is exactly what i mean. it's a random word. and the description makes no sense to me at all.
<johnjaye> but a lot of people use it... so it's probably doing something.
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<weaksauc_> homebrew is another tool
<weaksauc_> yeah the names are a bit weird
<weaksauc_> harder to google for
<adam12> Anybody using bake or toys? I was about to just roll my own CLI stuff again but bake is fairly close to what I want. Tempted to just use it.
<adam12> I used toys a while ago but I remember checking docs for everything repeatedly.
<adam12> Prefer not to use Thor.
<weaksauc_> last time i did one it was thor i think
<adam12> Yeah. I've always kinda used Thor, and I did CommandKit on one too.
<adam12> Just looking at alternatives for no reason other than to always be exploring.
<weaksauc_> yeah
<weaksauc_> wait did i use thor
<weaksauc_> i used gli actually last time and it was nice
<weaksauc_> git style command lines
<adam12> Oh yeah. I use Cri for that.
<adam12> It also worked good.
<weaksauc_> similar but a different level of abstraction it looks like
<adam12> I was just trying to be a bit lazy. Did you ever use sake?
<adam12> It was super cool in the mid-2000s. Came from ryan tomayko I think?
<adam12> I'm looking at a shared CLI infrastructure for all my projects and didn't feel like re-inventing the week.
<weaksauc_> i didn't but that looks neat
<adam12> s/week/wheel
<adam12> bake is kinda similar.
<adam12> So is toys, iirc.
<adam12> Oh it was from Chris Wansrath
<adam12> I'm out. Have a good evening.
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<weaksauc_> later on
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<libsys> do you guys know how to ask if something is null when using qualified idenfifiers in ruby sequel?
<libsys> somewhing like .where(Sequel[:tbl][:col]: nil)
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<libsys> also, how to negate that same thing
<johnjaye> is gem install foo the correct syntax
<johnjaye> or does it need sudo
<johnjaye> oh ok i don't have permission for /var/lib/gems/2.7.0 directory
<EvanR> you probably want to use a ruby version manager and install all your gems for the local user
<EvanR> no real reason to need super user permission
<johnjaye> ok. also is dradis-metasploit what weaksauc_ was referring to earlier?
<johnjaye> gem serach sploit returns an octet of packages, including "sploit".
<mooff> johnjaye: you can gem install --user foo
<johnjaye> i tried that i thought
<johnjaye> or is --user interpreted to be --user-install
<libsys> ended up using literals... here is what I'm trying to do... if you know how to do it using built-in functions, that would be great too: https://snippet.host/csbnfo
<johnjaye> also there's no gem show
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<weaksauc_> johnjaye and why are you not using a ruby version manager?
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<johnjaye> because i don't know how
<johnjaye> probably more importantly i'm not sure what that is. like having 2.7,2.8,2.9 installed at the same time?
<weaksauc_> yeah
<weaksauc_> it does a few things
<weaksauc_> has the ruby tied not to your system ruby which may break things if you try to update that
<weaksauc_> makes the ruby installs in userland so you never need sudo
<johnjaye> so it's like brew?
<weaksauc_> and lets you work on multiple projects with multiple different versions of ruby
<weaksauc_> i prefer rbenv as it generally does the right thing
<weaksauc_> coupled with ruby-install
<johnjaye> ok. also this metasploit thing is huge. even with --depth=1 it's taking awhile to download
<weaksauc_> yeah it is a huge project
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<weaksauc_> 70k commits is a lot
<johnjaye> well. can i just learn from small parts of it.
<johnjaye> that was the question you were answering
<weaksauc_> it might be a bit much
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<weaksauc_> but there is no harm at poking around and looking at things
<johnjaye> the problem i have with learning from large projects is the "but why" loop
<johnjaye> i see a variable or function x. i want to know what it is. so i go to its location. it has a definition. but i don't understand any of the things in the definition. so i repeat forever
<weaksauc_> johnjaye do you know any rails?
<johnjaye> it's like using a dictionary. every word is defined in terms of other words
<johnjaye> nop
<johnjaye> i vaguely know rails is a thing people use for web things.
<weaksauc_> yeah
<weaksauc_> try the minitest source
<johnjaye> you can never understand the definition of a word from a dictionary therefore. since every word is just defined with other words!
<weaksauc_> i think minitest is perfect for you
<weaksauc_> it's a small library
<weaksauc_> small in scope
<johnjaye> well it downloaded really fast. that's a good sign
<johnjaye> only about 4k loc. nice
<johnjaye> sloc says it's actually 2k for some reason
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<ox1eef_> I like test-unit. And it ships as part of the stdlib.
<weaksauc_> read that too and compare and contrast approaches
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<havenwood> johnjaye: You might consider checking out Ronin codebase as an alternative to Metasploit.
<havenwood> ox1eef_: Minitest ftw
<havenwood> Also in stdlib :)
<weaksauc_> huh til ronin
<weaksauc_> neat
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<isene> rsh is now usable (at least for me) for everyday use [https://github.com/isene/rsh]
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<havenwood> isene: congrats!
<weaksauc_> isene nice!
<isene> Thanks to you guys for the help in creating this
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