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<yoones2> Hello! Is there a way to perform reflectivity on an object's namespace? How could ::Animal::Dog know it exists in the ::Animal namespace?
<yoones2> on a ~object~ class' namespace
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<sarna> yoones2: if you call `#class` on it, it should say `Animal::Dog`
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<taupiqueur_shiny> hello
<taupiqueur_shiny> I have a question about libcurl wrappers, such as typhoeus
<leftylink> pandabot rb module Animal class Dog end end; Animal::Dog.methods.select { |m| (Animal::Dog.send(m) rescue nil) == Animal }
<pandabot> Animal::Dog[] - https://carc.in/#/r/faz2
<leftylink> damn that is a disappointing result
<taupiqueur_shiny> is there a way to get the response body as an io to read (instead as a string)
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<adam12> taupiqueur_shiny: Maybe by enabling streaming and using the on_body event handler? https://rubydoc.info/github/typhoeus/typhoeus/Typhoeus/Request/Streamable
<adam12> It's not the same but might get you close.
<adam12> Two alternatives (outside of typhoeus) is `down` and `httpx`.
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<isene> How do I extend a method in a class? (I want to extend the method "new" in the Curses class.
<isene> )
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<sarna> isene: you can either inherit and override initialize in the child class, or you can reopen the class
<sarna> `.new` is a bit weird though because it's a constructor, I'm not sure how reliable monkey-patching would be here
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<TomyWork> I'm having trouble getting nokogiri to work with a document that contains a default namespace (xmlns=...). Basically this gives me an empty array: Nokogiri::XML('<foo xmlns="http://bar">').xpath('//foo')
<TomyWork> has anyone ever gotten that to work?
<TomyWork> ok apparently there is doc.remove_namespaces!, but that's not a great solution. nokogiri ought to match foo regardless of if there's a default namespace on it or not
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<Hess> hey TomyWork this sounds intriguing. whenever you have time, if you don't mind, please share a gist so I can try to reproduce and have fun with it too
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<TomyWork> well it's up there in my first msg :)
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<havenwood> yoones2: I'd like the feature. If you come back, weigh in here with your use case. https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17753
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<gr33n7007h> TomyWork: xpath doesn't look in namespaces iirc, you'd have to do xpath('//xmlns:foo') or reference it like xpath('//ns1:foo', ns1: "http://bar")
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<adam12> havenwood: I could have swore that was accepted :| I wanted to use it somewhere as well and instead had to to_s.split("::")..whatever.
<isene> sarna: code example?
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<TomyWork> gr33n7007h, what, why is "xmlns:" needed? why does it even work?
<adam12> Looks like I have the Github redesign enabled now. Interesting.
<TomyWork> gr33n7007h, https://www.freeformatter.com/xpath-tester.html is perfectly happy with "//foo" and if I try "//xmlns:foo", I get the error "Unable to perform XPath operation. Namespace prefix 'xmlns' has not been declared".
<TomyWork> you know, as it should
<TomyWork> so nokogiri is the odd one out here
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<TomyWork> on this page, "//xmlns:foo" doesn't throw an error, but it also doesn't match anything: http://xpather.com/3LH70mjy
<TomyWork> on https://codebeautify.org/Xpath-Tester and https://extendsclass.com/xpath-tester.html neither "//foo" nor "//xmlns:foo" matches
<ox1eef_> adam12: Nice, right ? Except maybe the Pull Request view.
<TomyWork> so it's safe to conclude "//xmlns:foo" is non-standard. "//foo" is spotty too, though.
<adam12> ox1eef_: Yeah, not too shabyy. Kind of reminds me of a 2009 Github.
<ox1eef_> We can dream!
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<ox1eef_> Has anyone attempted a monorepo with Ruby before ?
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Library or application?
<adam12> ox1eef_: I guess I've used monorepo for both. I'm currently exploring it for my framework library, and I have a bunch of applications that use a mono repo.
<adam12> ox1eef_: I like the idea of the monorepo for the framework library tho I question how it will be in practice. I'm not the first to do it this way tho (see padrino, rails, merb, and others). It's nice cutting a single release version and having issues centralized. I find the hanami approach nicer to use for consuming independent libraries but harder
<adam12> as a maintainer to keep up with everything.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: I have a monorepo with ruby+go, and it works fine, but I dislike how complex the CI/etc is. A lot of times, we just throw up our hands and run everything for every commit, even if nothing changed. Could be just a "holding it wrong" scenario, but it might be nice to have split it to isolate the tooling better.
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<leftylink> pandabot: rb (1..100).select { begin eval(?. * _1 + ?1); rescue SyntaxError; end }
<pandabot> [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99] - https://carc.in/#/r/fb76
<leftylink> okay, seems there's an easy enough to remember pattern here
<leftylink> pandabot: rb (1..100).select { begin eval(?. * _1 + ?1); rescue SyntaxError; end } == (1..100).select { _1 % 3 != 1 }
<pandabot> true - https://carc.in/#/r/fb77
<leftylink> great
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<ruser> hello, i'm looking to get started on ruby (i program in other things) 1. what are some recommended IDE's, 2. are there linters available that will satisfy a style guide(3?), and some best practices (4?). 5.What does a typical ruby pipeline looks like? I'm looking to write a toy project scrape RSS, store in some db back end (6. what are popular db choices?) and expose some API.
<weaksauce> vscode with some extensions is good. rubymine is a paid one and it's more like a full ide
<havenwood> ruser: 1. VS Code is more of a text editor but it's popular. RubyMine is an IDE with more of a Rails focus. 2. Rubocop is the typical linter. You can run `rubocop -A` to auto format. 3. Rubocop comes with a corresponding style guide and best practices. 5. Capistrano or Mina are deployment tools or many folk just have some sort of git hook when they
<havenwood> push that automatically deploys either on their server or a service. 6. Postgres is probably the most popular but plenty of folk use SQLite or MariaDB. Redis is usually used as an in-memory store.
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<havenwood> I look forward to Surreal DB support in Ruby, though we can already use the REST interface.
<weaksauce> i would say standard ruby is probably more what you'd want but it uses rubocop in the backend
<weaksauce> rubocop is a bit... overzealous
<havenwood> weaksauce: I'd just back off the Rubocop nutty line, method and class length stuff.
<havenwood> Otherwise its defaults are sane. I don't likes spaces inside my hashes, but can't win em all.
<weaksauce> havenwood yeah but a complete beginner might want to just have all those things taken care of
<havenwood> weaksauce: The Rubocop defaults are more beginner oriented it seems to me.
<havenwood> The suggestions around method length, etc, are really for that audience.
<havenwood> weaksauce: But yeah, standardrb would be fine too. Cracks me up we can't just adjust Rubocop defaults, but what do you do?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<havenwood> Ruby should ship with a minimalist `ruby format` linter on the subset we all agree on.
<havenwood> I've floated it and at least a couple Ruby Core members agree.
<weaksauce> i am fully on board havenwood
<ruser> Appreciate the answers. What makes Rubocop more begginer friendly? Sane messages? Forgiving with style? If the latter, I'd prefer something stricter
<havenwood> Rubocop deps are currently too much for stdlib.
<weaksauce> make it happen
<weaksauce> *let's
<havenwood> ruser: It's length suggestions are aimed at getting folk to break up unnecessary cyclomatic complexity.
<havenwood> More advanced users already do that and tend to just trigger the warnings when things are *actually* complex.
<havenwood> So folk back them off or ignore them. They don't autocorrect.
<ruser> oh, that seems reasonable to me (reducing numbers of execution paths)
<havenwood> My `.rubocop.yml` file, FWIW:
<havenwood> AllCops:
<havenwood> TargetRubyVersion: 3.2
<havenwood> NewCops: enable
<havenwood> EnforcedStyle: no_space
<havenwood> Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces:
<havenwood> Basically, ^ check all the things and don't put spaces inside my Hashes!
<havenwood> I just ignore warnings about length, typically, unless I'm in an actual project.
<havenwood> In which case I disable them.
<havenwood> weaksauce: yeah, i think it'd be very much a win for Ruby to gain a `format` command. :)
<havenwood> Eregon and some others were favorable.
<ruser> oh, also, what are good practices areound unit test in ruby? framework recomendations?
<havenwood> ruser: The two big ones are Minitest and RSpec. The former ships with Ruby.
<ruser> thank you
<havenwood> ruser: 🙌
<weaksauce> ruser welcome!
<ruser> did i miss anything? :)
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<ruser> Oh, just reading the lan page java->ruby identity vs equality gotcha :)
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<ruser> do gems get installed in user space?
<leftylink> if using the flag --user-install for gem
<leftylink> oh, running as a user, it is doing that by default anyway
<leftylink> so I instead need to change my answer to something "as long as you don't pass the flag --no-user-install"
<ruser> running from userspace it's still trying to install into `/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/cache/
* John_Ivan is sad
<adam12> They've been trying to make that the default for a while but not much luck.
<ruser> thought this is listed in gem path - /home/user/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0
<leftylink> guess my gem install has different default behaviour. I wonder what configures that default. was it compiled in or is there a config file
<adam12> leftylink: Fedora has patches to make it the default.
<adam12> (if you're using Fedora)
<John_Ivan> hey adam12.
<ruser> i'm on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
<leftylink> I see that my install of ruby also placed this /etc/gemrc that includes thie line: "gem: --user-install"
<leftylink> that must be what makes it the default for me
<John_Ivan> bit of a non-ruby question here. what package manager does your distro have?
<adam12> John_Ivan: I use Debian almost 100% of the time so I use apt.
<adam12> I have a handful of Almalinux machines using dnf/yum.
<leftylink> I just used the default package manager, I never really looked into any alternatives
<ruser> apt here as well
<John_Ivan> how can you guys stand apt? or do you barely install anything on the machine?
<ruser> John_Ivan: how do you mean?
<adam12> ruser: What ever you do, avoid `sudo gem install`. You might find this snippet handy: https://blog.ryanhalliday.com/2016/08/ruby-gem-install-to-user-directory-by-default.html
<John_Ivan> my experience has been that it's the worst package manager of out everything I've ever tried.
<adam12> John_Ivan: I never run into issues.
<John_Ivan> well, for one, apt doesn't do verification after installation. and it's easier to break dependency trees due to a lack of a sophisticated SAT solver
<John_Ivan> I've had the WORST problems with apt and I find it strange how people rely so much on it, unless, as I said, I probably do niche stuff and install/uninstall/tweak around more often than the average user
<John_Ivan> which would explain why everyone else isn't bothered by it.
<ruser> adam12: yeah, that will solve it, but it I don't know why would I want packages systemwide. I'd be a lot happier with userspace.
<leftylink> I wonder what are the advantages and disadvantages of blog author choosing to do it this way instead of with gemrc "gem: --user-install"
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<adam12> leftylink: Likely just keeping everything in one place, since this sets PATH too.
<adam12> I ran across it for something else, but can't help it's super handy for people coming here looking to just run Jekyll. We always start with a ruby version manager and a bunch of other stuff, but unless they are on RHEL7 (ruby 2.0.0 :\ ), they could possibly get away with system ruby to start.
<adam12> ruser: --user-install is user-space but global for your user. If that's no good, you can set your own GEM_HOME and GEM_PATh.
<ruser> thank you adam12 i should have looked at that page you linked, thank you
<ruser> well that's interesting: >Gem allows you to install packages to your own user directory using the --user-install option but it doesn’t add the directory of these ‘user’ packages to your $PATH. Meaning that its pretty much unusable.
<ruser> apparently the linked github issue is still listed as open :)
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<ox1eef_> ruser: Set $GEM_HOME, and $GEM_PATH to $HOME/.gems. Afterwards, 'gem install foo' will install foo to $HOME/.gems.
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<ox1eef_> For bin support, add $HOME/.gems/bin to the end of $PATH.
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<ruser> ox1eef_: thnx
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<havenwood> Or the start of path, if there are other Rubies you might want to be stomping on.
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<ox1eef_> Unless there's a good reason, I think the end of the $PATH is preferable. Carries less risk that $HOME/bin might take precendence over a system utility.
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<weaksauce> insert it in the middle randomly
<weaksauce> who needs determinism
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