havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.0.6, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Paste 4+ lines to: https://gist.github.com | Books: https://t.ly/9ua4 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
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<mooff> aestheti1, isene: look at screenshots of Smalltalk, or Pharo! :)
<mooff> congrats on the achievement, isene
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<isene> Doing a whole OS 🤪
<isene> Yeah, should be doable in around 100 hours
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<Mindiell> weaksauce: hey, I used rbenv to install ruby 3.1.2 as you said
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<Mindiell> but now, I need to "gem install jekyll" but it still says I don't have write permissions on /var... So it seems "gem" is using the system ruby not the local one ?
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<Mindiell> yup, "gem env home" still points to the /var/lib folder
<Mindiell> even when I did the "rbenv local 3.1.2"
<Mindiell> ok, this is working now, at last!
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<isene> aesthetikx: If i3 wasn't so perfect, I would consider doing the same. Also a browser, but qutebrowser is too good. I need a next thing, though. File manager and shell is done, a full programming language, as well as a terminal OpenAI interface, astronomy tools, a suite of RPG tools and lots of calculator stuff. Any other ideas?
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<adam12> I wonder when the dev meeting log for May is going to get posted. It doesn't normally lag this far behind.
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<mretka> isene, I'd suggest building something with AI these days
<mretka> Oh, nvm, I saw the terminal OpenAI interface
* mretka goes back to brainstorming
<mretka> Now I got the itch to build a CLI program with Thor
<mretka> I really like that gem
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<isene> I added OpenAI to the rtfm file manager and to my rpg tools (Amar tools)
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<hightower2> Hey does ruby work on windows as problem-free as python does, or there are some edge cases? (or is running ruby on windows even a thing? It's been a couple years since I even glanced at that)
<weaksauce> hightower2 i wouldn't say the experience is golden but with wsl it's a lot bette than it used to be
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