havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.0.6, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Paste 4+ lines to: https://gist.github.com | Books: https://t.ly/9ua4 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
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<Jojero> Hi
<Jojero> Is there is any way to run ruby code on android?
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<sarna> Jojero: if you just want a repl, termux is nice
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<sarna> if you want to ship programs, try either mruby or jruby/truffleruby
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<Jojero> sarna: Repl is not an option, cuz I need to run most of my code offline. Termux is not working on my phone normaly cuz Im on android 6 :(
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<Jojero> Pon
<sarna> oh dang, it EOL'd 5 years ago..
<sarna> you might even have issues writing kotlin/java stuff for it, haha
<sarna> not to mention ruby
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<adam12> gday
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<ox1eef_> Good evening, adam12 !
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<havenwood> g'eve'
<havenwood> Yeah, JRuby is what I'd expect to be running on Android. MotionRuby is an mruby solution, but requires macOS for development environment.
<havenwood> RubyMotion I mean!
<havenwood> I'm so backwards this week.
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<leftylink> pandabot: rb %%%%%???%%%%%:::%%%%%%%
<leftylink> this is getting unoriginal. it's all variations on the same shit
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