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<ox1eef_> isene: Ctrl+C is an exception in Ruby. Are you allowing it to be re-raised ? eg: rescue Interrupt; raise; end; rescue Exception; end
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<isene> ox1eef_: Ah, I'll look into that.
<isene> Now, how about this; https://gist.github.com/isene/308da04381e5281f3a2cdeda424a0e28#file-gistfile1-txt Running this with cmd containing escape characters (e.g. Esc+Up) crashes out without catching the error and puts does nothing. How can I ensure no error can kille the program?
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<isene> s/kille/kill/
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<mooff> isene: StandardError does not include all possible exceptions, such as system exceptions / syntax errors
<mooff> try "rescue Exception => err"
<isene> mooff: Great. Thanks.
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<isene> roblem solved - for both rsh and rtfm
<isene> s/^r/Pr/
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<mooff> woot
<Guest26nakilon> I wonder how do I avoid this "@var = arg" thing while keeping the lib API as simple as possible https://github.com/Nakilon/wsui/blob/458cc5cc685c4923df97b6a6a97d3c5eaa0b6f67/lib/wsui.rb#LL10C13-L10C13
<Guest26nakilon> especially with block as var value it looks clumsy
<Guest26nakilon> I don't want the user to define the whole method -- it would make the library become a framework; though maybe it should be a framework, I'm not sure, hm
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<Guest26nakilon> made it https://imgur.com/a/YYqLjNK
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<ox1eef_> Guest26nakilon: I miss having you around.
<Guest26nakilon> ox1eef_ hey
<ox1eef_> Welcome back :)
<Guest26nakilon> I miss my ability to pay for bnc server and stuff too
<Guest26nakilon> it's just temporary opened webgate page
<Guest26nakilon> I still have no job; get the same response "according to your CV you'll find our job position uninteresting for you (so go starve)"
<ox1eef_> :(
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<ox1eef_> isene: CTRL+d is a common escape mechanism you shold probably implement
<Shell> Guest26nakilon: tried making your CV look stupider? :)
<Shell> (I'm in this mess too, it's not fun)
<ox1eef_> I think the economy is not in such a good state atm
<Shell> it's really not
<ox1eef_> I get that impressiong reading the news
<Shell> my country is formally in a recession apparently
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<ox1eef_> Yeah the economy is like a bad trip. Up a little, lasts a while then down a lot.
<Guest26nakilon> @Shell I suppose among stupid CVs they chose by age and it's kind of difficult to hide your birthday when you provide the documents or when they google you
* Shell nodnod.
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<miah> its great for those at the top, for everybody else... pound dirt =)
* miah hi #ruby, been a while. hope all you nerds are doing well.
<leah2> heyy miah
<Guest26nakilon> I wouldn't mind if someone I know here to check my English version of CV for cringe
<Guest26nakilon> *lulz
<Guest26nakilon> **advices
<isene> ox1eef_: that's taken care of
<miah> sup leah2
<miah> i used to feed my resume through grammarly to check syntax / spelling. but now with the invasion of llms I just avoid feeding my text to anything on the web
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<joto> I'm currently wrapping the code within some migrations with if Rails.env.production? .... end. I want to prevent these migrations from running in development. Would this be the right way to do it?
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<aesthetikx> joto that's probably fine although it raises a few questions;
<aesthetikx> but yes, I have done that before
<adam12> joto: Beware env checks like that, as they hide bugs that you only see in production.
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<joto> alright. I will keep it in mind
<joto> it's a temp fix until I get this postgres extension built on my fedora box :-)
<panella32> Hi everybody
<panella32> Could you please check this basic view helper method and let me know what is wrong with it not making the desired output? https://i.imgur.com/pecf8Hn.png
<panella32> This is the only output that appears on the page and I have no idea what the reason could be: {:class=>"item"}
<panella32> Any idea :)
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<adam12> panella32: I'd start by adding parenthesis.
<adam12> concat content_tag(:div, ...) do
<adam12> You might be dealing with a precedence issue. I'm not familiar enough with Rails to know if your content_tag/concat is correct.
<adam12> Actually, it might be OK. concat is not receieving the block without parens.. I think?
<adam12> I can't confirm because you shared a picture :|
<mooff> > concat content_tag(:div, ...) do
<mooff> fwiw in this form, the block will go to concat
<mooff> > concat content_tag(:div, ...) {
<mooff> in this form, it goes to content_tag
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<panella32> sorry I was actually away.. let me try parenthesis..
<panella32> Thank you mooff adam12, That one-line block syntax did the job perfectly. Thanks again!
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