sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> [linux] register zeroing on execve is much more complicated and I'm not quite sure how to handle it. both loongarch and powerpc backed out of full register zeroing because the syscall number is in a register and is needed for syscall exit tracepoints
<sorear> we need to zero the syscall register because this is the only reasonable way for userspace to know if the _other_ registers contain garbage from the old process image or potentially valid information from ELF_FDPIC_PLAT_INIT/FLAT_PLAT_INIT
<sorear> but that seems to require adding an orig_a7 to pt_regs or something along those lines (not that we'd be the first architecture to do this, arm, arm64, hexagon, mips, xtensa all have dedicated storage for syscall# in pt_regs or thread_info)
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<sorear> elf forward compatibility is a massive mess, linux doesn't even check EI_OSABI or any of the reserved bits in e_flags, can't tell if freebsd is better
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<sorear> arc, arm32, and mips32 are the only linux kernel architectures that do any kind of "reserved must-be-zero bits for forward compatibility -> ENOEXEC" thing. why? is forward compatibility considered obsolete?
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<dh`> my guess would be unclear on the concept between feature bits that mean "there is something here you don't understand and you shouldn't try to read it" and "there is something here you don't understand but it's backwards compatible and therefore you can ignore"
<dh`> s/concept/difference/
<dh`> re zeroing registers on exec, not doing so seems like a bug that's eventually going to bite someone
<dh`> especially if there's a privilege/security boundary
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<sorear> the other architectures will exec absolutely any ELF file with the right EI_MAG[0-3], e_machine, type of EXEC or DYN, loongarch, parisc, riscv, s390 also check EI_CLASS, the others don't even do that
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