sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> I appreciate how the edk2 bug reporting page actively says that you shouldn't report any bugs in edk2 unless you intend to participate fully in the mailing list
<sorear> Not sure if I have that time commitment or if I should report bugs by private email instead
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<sorear> ah, WhoAmI is not a problem because Boot Services owns the sscratch register (!), hopefully linux respects that
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<ardb> sorear: which scratch register is that?
<ardb> re edk2 - did you have a bug in particular to report?
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<sorear> ardb: sscratch i.e. CSR_SCRATCH, the register linux uses to hold the current thread_info while executing in U-mode
<ardb> EFI boot services are long gone when linux starts using that
<sorear> ardb: the compare-exchange loops in MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/RiscV64/Synchronization.S are all missing their backbranches so they will misbehave if there is an interrupt or uarch event; i requested a bugzilla account via email
<heat_> ugh
<heat_> i'll try to look into it later
<ardb> yeah that looks pretty broken
<sorear> has two other issues in the same file, i was going to add a comment there
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<ardb> ehm hold on
<ardb> why should there be back branches?
<ardb> to check whether the reservation was honoured, right?
<sorear> You don't need a back branch if the function is intended to have compare_exchange_weak semantics but in that case you do need to return the register written by sc, in this case a3, but a3 is just getting immediately discarded
* jrtc27 wonders if GetTime got fixed yet
<sorear> there's no public spec for those functions but the ARM and LoongArch versions both loop depending on the sc result
<heat_> jrtc27, which GetTime? for which platform?
<jrtc27> at one point RT GetTime was using mtime
<ardb> sorear: so SC puts a pass/fail in a3?
<sorear> "reservation was honored" is slightly weird phrasing, the ISA spec says that the reservation can disappear at any time but will be used if it still exists (which has its own problems)
<jrtc27> although I think that might only have been in a fork
<jrtc27> and yes, you need to branch on a3 here
<ardb> and restart at the LR i take it
<jrtc27> it will eventually succeed (provided you meet the forward progress requirements) but there is zero guarantee it will the first time
<jrtc27> in practice it probably does, but.. no
<jrtc27> yeah
<jrtc27> zero - succeeded, non-zero - failed, retry from load
<jrtc27> and I strongly suspect there are some missing orderings or barriers here
<jrtc27> given the aarch64 versions are full of dmb sy
<jrtc27> (does EDK2 have a memory model?......)
<sorear> my gut reaction is "do whatever InterlockedXyz does on NT for that architecture"
<ardb> jrtc27: not sure what you'd be ordering against there
<ardb> and i wouldn't take the aarch64 code as a reference there either
<jrtc27> it's more likely to be correct that this riscv64 code
<ardb> fair enough
<jrtc27> the lack of a loop for lr/sc, a pretty basic thing to know about for lr/sc, does not fill me with confidence that the author so much as thought about memory ordering
<ardb> yeah i understand that
<ardb> but DMB SY is a heavy hammer and the use of those doesn't inspire me with confidence either
<jrtc27> "This function generates a full memory barrier (or fence) to ensure that memory operations are completed in order."
<jrtc27> which is surely the API it's implementing
<jrtc27> and also given there are no relaxed variants in UEFI it's fair to assume that the sole atomics are SC
<jrtc27> (the overloading between SC the instruction and SC the memory ordering is unfortunate)
<ardb> the original itanium implementations might be useful for inspiration here
<ardb> and that page mentions acquire and release variants for itanium on windows too
<jrtc27> yes
<ardb> so yeah, agree that we need DMB before and after on ARM
<jrtc27> but I see no evidence of them in UEFI
<ardb> no they don't exist
<jrtc27> now, how far back does one have to go to find IA64...
<ardb> 5-7 years iirc
<ardb> let me check
<jrtc27> 2018
<jrtc27> unhelpfully called IPF
<ardb> 3cb0a311cb7e747d7be5c5076d0fff76ad256d2b removed them
<jrtc27> so had an mf
<ardb> -ENOPARSE
<ardb> is that the barrier?
<jrtc27> I assume that is a memory fence
<ardb> and does .rel mean release semantics?
<ardb> ah indeed
<jrtc27> yes, though you have to pick one of acq and rel
<jrtc27> you can't have nothing
<ardb> so why would you choose .rel and put the mf atfter?
<sorear> so .rel prevents the cmpxchg from being reordered with any previous operation, and the following mf (fence rw,rw) prevents it from being reordered with any subsequent. looks like a sc cmpxchg
<sorear> i guess we should follow the memory_order_seq_cst rule in
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<heat_> is there any difference between and lr.aqrl?
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<sorear> that's kind of a can of worms, release consistency wasn't designed to allow release loads or acquire stores, but yes
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<aurel32> what is the best way to get the rdtime frequency? According to the specification "the execution environment should provide a means of determining the period of the real-time counter (seconds/tick)"
<sorear> it's timebase-frequency in the dtb
<sorear> if you mean in userspace ... not currently possible on linux, somebody needs to shepherd a patch to add it to hwprobe()
<sorear> other supervisors may have more useful behavior
<jrtc27> (FreeBSD has the"RISC-V Timecounter".frequency sysctl, though it's a bit ugly, and not sure it's really meant to be a stable interface)
<sorear> or in the RHCT table in acpi i think
<jrtc27> IIRC there was a way to get it from /sys?
<jrtc27> (though probably similarly not a stable interface)
<sorear> a semantically correct way that will also work on ACPI, or a raw mapping of the DTB data?
<sorear> the current server-soc draft is cutting the knot by simply mandating that the rdtime frequency always be 1e8
<sorear> *1e9
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<gurki> sorear: can you recommend a writeup regarding that server-soc?
<gurki> i wonder where the peripherals are coming from
<aurel32> yes, i meant for the userspace. The goal is to fix abseil broken with the rdcycle change. Upstream pointed me to that specification
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<sorear> just pretend riscv doesn't have a timer
<sorear> gurki: what do you mean
<jrtc27> <s>just you wait until someone decides the timer must be accessed via perf too</s>
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<sorear> oh! the appropriate way to use rdtime from Linux userspace is clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
<heat_> does riscv have clock_gettime in the vdso?
<sorear> yes
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<gurki> sorear: i was wondering whether the requirements in there actually match some dw ip or something or whether these were derived without looking at available ip cores
<gurki> a lof of requirements in there will depend on "can i buy ip that can actually do this"
<gurki> since - lets face it - only a quite little part of building such a soc is related to the isa itself
<sorear> as I understand it it's intended to be "hardware expectations of rhel riscv64". it's only related to the isa insofar as distro install images are keyed by isa
<gurki> ah so the rhel guys sat down and (probably with help) made a list of what they need from the software end of things?
<gurki> that would make sense i guess
<sorear> I don't know how much actual input they had into the process but davidlt has been endorsing the output
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