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<unlord> > It's pretty easy to distinguish between RVV and the T-Head Vector extension at run time by detecting slightly different behaviour for instructions that exist in both.
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<unlord> of course, I found the answer from courmisch on
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<geist> i assume there's some sort of simple test based on one of the instructions that immediately gives you an answer
<geist> like if the thead extension doesn't support the whole wide stride based mehanism or something
<geist> or maybe one of the wrapping or normalization things?
<geist> what was the answer?
<geist> probably like some of the defacto solutions to detecting 8086 vs 286 vs 386 before cpuid existed, and without throwing an exception
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<drmpeg> I'm still testing, but it looks like the latest u-boot (v2024.01) with OpenSBI 1.4 causes memory problems on Unmatched.
<drmpeg> There's a commit to slow down the memory, but I wonder if that's just covering up the problem.
<drmpeg> My stress test is building gcc. It's been failing randomly. If I can get through that with my old u-boot version, it will be conclusive.
<Tenkawa> My current challenge is still to get the Milk-V Mars CM mainline u-boot to play nice... the non-CM and CM boards have enough differences in the USB controlle it's just being stubborn.
<Tenkawa> Most people I have talked with have worked with the full unit but not the CM.
<drmpeg> Yeah, updating u-boot for Unmatched has been a bit of a nightmare. The reason I wanted to upgrade was because my old version doesn't support EFI, and the new versions of Ubuntu have switched to EFI.
<drmpeg> However, I did learn how to go back to extlinux.
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<Tenkawa> drmpeg: I've actually been able to get u-boot recompiles figured out fairly well now... problem is the dts on this setup I think
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<Tenkawa> Has anyone updated the 6.8 mainline sources yet to run on the JH7110? all my repos appear to be 6.7 at the newest and mostly 6.7-rc
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<Tenkawa> (specificly for the VisionFive2)
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