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<bjdooks> the sg2042 seems ot have an incomplete device-tree build
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<bjdooks> oh, and the linux-riscv list has a limti on posting size, so attaching a .config wasn't such a good idea :/
<bjdooks> can someone unblock my post please
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<conchuod> bindings like that are supposed to go via the subsystem maintainer tree
<conchuod> which they did
<conchuod> but that does mean that you'll get build issues if the dts gets merged before the bindings do
<conchuod> gotta do a shared tag if the driver also uses the defines
<bjdooks> and now i've realised i'm building an riscv kernel tree and my rootfs i want to test is x86_64
<bjdooks> i've done a few W=1 fixes
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<conchuod> smaeul: Did you see
<conchuod> I guess the i2c driver probing unmasks the irq and the hid driver hasn't probed yet, but I'd expect to see the interrupt handler at least read the relevant registers in the i2c driver's interrupt handler
<conchuod> However the emal says this does not take place "No access to the I2C controller ... is made"
<conchuod> So if the interrupt is unmasked and being handled by the plic driver, why is the interrupt handler in the device driver not being called/
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<conchuod> The "fix" seems to be removing some lines of code so that we register handle_fasteoi_irq() as the handler - my immediate thought was that that function will mask the irq if there's no registered action::
<conchuod> My understanding of the plic driver aint great though, so I'm just speculating :)
<conchuod> smaeul: RVVM is apparently an emulator, not some sifive hardware, so it does make me wonder if there's something odd going on with initial state, and the interrupt is unmasked before the kernel itself actually goes an unmasks it?
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<conchuod> I replied to the LKML thread. Looking at the plic in RVVM:
<conchuod> It does seem to check the priority though
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<conchuod> meh, the fact that it checks the prio there doesn't matter, since checking it there is why I'm speculating that the code I linked above works.
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