sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> in which I realize all the effort I've been spending on atomic commits and descriptive commit messages for riscv-cheri is wasted
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<pabs3> :/
<sorear> feels like a race to the bottom situation, people don't always write meaningful commit messages, so github starts mass deleting them, so now I guess I need to copy all of my commit messages into the PR cover letter or they'll be lost forever
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<jrtc27> sorear: difference in approaches
<jrtc27> like me, you believe in PRs etc being a series of reviewable commits
<jrtc27> other people believe in the lazy world where you throw any old crap into a PR and squash it on merge
<jrtc27> ... or don't even bother to squash
<sorear> I understand that "people who know how to use git rebase --interactive" is probably a minority
<jrtc27> and unfortunately distinguishing between the two requires thought, and we all know how that is at risk of going..
<jrtc27> quite...
<dh`> the whole pull request model of development is pretty crap anyway, even without squash
<dh`> I mean, it's one thing for filing patches on random projects you aren't part of, but it's a pretty awful way to do real work
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<conchuod> geertu: idk if you noticed yet, but that jh7100 fix missed 6.8 :/ Hopefully it makes 6.8.1
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<geertu> conchuod: I noticed
<geertu> I'm wondering if the clock driver should be fixed instead.
<geertu> Instead of relying on clock node names, it should just use the clocks supplied in the clocks property.
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<sorear> the whole "non-retentive SBI suspend" thing feels far more complicated than it needs to be in a way that isn't actually useful. non-retentive suspend is useful as a *hardware primitive* but the SBI needs to reload a bunch of M-registers from RAM after resume in order for the hart to be usable at all, and the marginal cost of getting the S-registers as well is what, 20-50 instructions?
<sorear> does supporting non-retentive suspend in linux actually save enough time to be worth the huge bug surface? i'd be amazed if it reaches a whole microsecond
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