sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<unlord> V has been hard to understand in places. I ended up asking a lot of questions to some experts before I figured out enough to solve my problem
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<palmer> is the starfive PMU driver getting built on rv32 for anyone else? it's failing
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<conchuod> palmer: ye cos it uses writeq()
<palmer> ya, but it's got a Kconfig 64BIT in there, so not sure why it's being built? or is it just that I still don't understand COMPILE_TEST?
<conchuod> palmer: It's not nothing to do with COMPILE_TEST. The whole condition there is wrong.
<palmer> is there a patch somewhere?
<palmer> (sorry, my allergies are terrible and I'm kind of half asleep)
<conchuod> I think the condition should be this
<conchuod> I'll send it to the list
<palmer> ya, thanks
<Tenkawa> Anyone seen this on any of the recent kernels (specificly on a JH7110) at reboot time... causes the soc to hang
<Tenkawa> pmic_ops: cannot read pmic power register
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<conchuod> palmer: sent
<conchuod> Tenkawa: Is that an OpenSBI printout?
<Tenkawa> conchuod: no.. just os shutdown
<Tenkawa> (not sure if thats opensbi or the os)
<Tenkawa> hard to tell
<conchuod> The platform uses SRST to reboot, right?
<conchuod> Yah, that's from OpenSBI
<conchuod> platform/generic/starfive/jh7110.c:137
<Tenkawa> hmm..
<Tenkawa> interesting
<Tenkawa> It is on a newer opensbi release
<Tenkawa> running these currently
<Tenkawa> U-Boot SPL 2024.04-rc4-g86fd291a (Mar 16 2024 - 17:02:36 -0400)
<Tenkawa> OpenSBI v1.4
<Tenkawa> Otherwise works great
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<Stat_headcrabed> Tenkawa: There are some changes on jh7110 support after opensbi 1.4 release
<Stat_headcrabed> Did you tried newest master branch?
<Tenkawa> Let me go take a look... thanks
<Tenkawa> Yeah I have everything as of 2 days ago
<Tenkawa> Let me check the git change though to make sure it dudn't hard dset it without me knowing
<Tenkawa> er didn't
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<Tenkawa> Looked like I was pulling from a different repo so updating and trying that one
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