sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<KREYREN> Any news on RISCV CPU that can have a dedicated GPU to do gaming or am i stuck with TH1520 as best case scenario for my portable system?
<jrtc27> anything with a PCIe slot can have a dedicated GPU...
<jrtc27> hell the HiFive Unmatched from several years ago can
<KREYREN> jrtc27, implying without being a major bottleneck
<KREYREN> bcs afaraik HiFive Unmatched will let you slot a dGPU, but there ain't software for it and if you hack something together the chip will reduce the dGPU performance to like 3% assuming something modern and even if we take a theorectical scenario where we have perfect drivers the chip is too weak for anything beyond a slideshow afaik
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<KREYREN> basically i want a riscv alternative that is at least somewhat equal to taking a framework mainboard with RX7700 and designing a custom shell around it
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<jrtc27> well, you can run mesa, wayland, desktop environments, games compiled for riscv, etc just fine on it
<jrtc27> that's been a thing for years
<jrtc27> it may not perform well, but that's nothing to do with gpu support
<jrtc27> that's just the cpu being slow
<jrtc27> and it sounds like the gpu thing is really a red herring
<jrtc27> all you want is a system with a somewhat fast cpu, and those will generally come with pcie because that's a useful thing
<jrtc27> but good luck finding something that's close in performance to a modern x86 system
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