sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<bjdooks> grr, the linux kernel is getting too big... over an hour to build with make -j4 on my modernisn laotop
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<bjdooks> oh that's because thunderbird is taking 75% cpu
<Tenkawa> bjdooks: what "modernish" laptop would you only be using -j4 on? the minimum I use is a -j8
<bjdooks> yeah, I was background running it as I am technically still meant to be working until pub time
<Tenkawa> Ahhh .... good reason
<bjdooks> it's a p14 gen4 with i7-1360P
<Tenkawa> Yeah I usually use j12-16 on my 6 yr old I7
<bjdooks> my home box is a Ryzen 9 3900X, but my ususal gateway is a bit dead and I need to rebuild the psu for it
<Tenkawa> Its a behemoth though
<Tenkawa> the 2 fans almost act like a drone on this thing
<Tenkawa> now "this" machine is great... Macbook Pro ARM..
<bjdooks> I did just look at a 7900X but it's more than the cpu to buy new motherboard and DDR memory
<Tenkawa> I do everything in ARM/RV now though
<bjdooks> we have a pile of ARM64 and X86_64 machines in our racks for build infra
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<bjdooks> it'd be nice to get some RISCV in there
<Tenkawa> I have several JH7110's now
<bjdooks> we're after something that is 2-4U rackable
<Tenkawa> Yeah I'm a retired hobbyist now..I'm doing this all from home.. got a complete room for this
<conchuod> bjdooks: Yah the am5 stuff is still so expensive.
<bjdooks> conchuod: and having to just change everything, I've got 64GB of DDR4 as well
<conchuod> IIRC the first intel stuff that could do ddr5 also supported ddr4. Aint got that option with am5.
<bjdooks> oh and all the bloody RGB LEDS
<bjdooks> I think my cooler has an STM32 in it
<bjdooks> fucksack
<conchuod> I just have some nice brown noctuas :)
<bjdooks> if work have another good year I'll probably go AM5 for Christmas
<bjdooks> after i've stopped crying over the bill for replacement tyres
<bjdooks> it built!
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<sorear> bjdooks: pity scaleway isn't selling their new 4U lichee cluster :)
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<GenTooMan> I wonder if that is just the board only and nothing else LOL
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<geertu> GenTooMan: Looks like it's just the "Bundle: RV Debugger Plus" part.
<Tenkawa> yeah you have to click on the "bundle"
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<sorear> am I missing the 4U rackmount option on that page?
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