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<clever> this will create a `newbranch`, that points to whatever `oldbranch` is currently on
<clever> same as `git checkout -b newbranch`
<heat> oooh thank you!
<heat> works brilliantly, thanks a lot <3
<clever> also, because they are sharing the `.git`, you can merge between things, without having to first push it to github
<heat> yeah what i was going to do was just to clone using file://
<heat> i only need to do this to work around my crappy makefiles not supporting oot builds
<clever> ah
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<heat> sweet, got riscv running and passing tests on the new page table code
<heat> diff -665 lines on kernel/arch/riscv64/mmu.cpp
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<heat> https://github.com/kdj0c/panic_report/issues/1 OH they actually implemented my idea :(
<vin> heat: how your page table code different?
<heat> i unified it all
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<vin> nice, I am skimming your code
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<heat> it's in a separate WIP branch for the time being
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<adder> heat: I'm not currently working on that one, but the fix ended up being dividing and then multiplying by 4096 somehow
<adder> I'm now hunting a GPF
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<Mutabah> adder: div+mul just rounds down to 4096
<Mutabah> (It's a touch too far back in scrollback for me to see what your orginal problem was)
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<adder> yeah
<adder> so I have an issue where after I enable paging, my assembly code falls apart, sort of it can't find any address?
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<adder> mov %eax, %cr0; ljmp $0x08, $longmode -- can't find longmode
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<LittleFox> adder do you run in an emulator, can you see if it is a page fault (sounds very likely)?
<LittleFox> or how does "can't find longmode" show itself?
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<adder> LittleFox: yep, I run in qemu, and indeed it's a pagefault
<LittleFox> qemu monitor can show you the mapping
<LittleFox> `info tlb` and `info mem` iirc
<LittleFox> and you can tell it not to restart on fault
<adder> 0000000000100000: 0000000000100000 ---------
<adder> hmm, shouldn't here be some letter?
<LittleFox> hm probably
<LittleFox> fighting my build system rn to have a comparison x)
<LittleFox> tlb or mem?
<adder> tlb
<LittleFox> 0000000000200000: 000000000055c000 ----A--UW
<LittleFox> looks like this for me, so accessed, user, writable
<adder> mem says it's 'r'
<LittleFox> so for anything that wasn't accessed yet, is kernel only and not writable, no letters would make sense
<LittleFox> is your memory mapped as expected, as in info mem?
<adder> 0000000000100000-0000000000101000 0000000000001000 -r-
<adder> this means 4kb are mapped as readable?
<LittleFox> I would interpret it as that, ye
<LittleFox> what error code do you have on page fault?
<LittleFox> also, what's in CR2?
<adder> CR2=00000000000000e0
<adder> check_exception old: 0x8 new 0xe
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<LittleFox> hm that 0x8 new 0xe is too late
<LittleFox> that's the double fault
<LittleFox> we need the one before
<adder> check_exception old: 0xffffffff new 0xe
<adder> check_exception old: 0xe new 0xe
<adder> check_exception old: 0x8 new 0xe
<LittleFox> that first one
<adder> these are the three exceptions
<LittleFox> page fault, double fault, triple fault
<LittleFox> we need the error and cr2 at the page fault
<LittleFox> cr2 is the address you tried to access, error code tells you if read/write, data/code, user/kernel, ..
<adder> check_exception old: 0xffffffff new 0xe
<adder> 0: v=0e e=0010 i=0 cpl=0 IP=0008:0000000000101cca pc=0000000000101cca SP=0010:0000000000104fd8 CR2=0000000000101cca
<LittleFox> trying to write
<LittleFox> to 101cca
<LittleFox> if I read that correctly
<adder> addr2line: mov %esi, entrypoint
<LittleFox> ah, read that wrong
<LittleFox> trying to execute
<adder> so that's what I mean by falls apart
<GeDaMo> r not x?
<LittleFox> (e is hex, not binary)
<adder> hm let's see
<LittleFox> but the error code also tells it's not present
<LittleFox> so unmapped
<LittleFox> and yea, CR2 is indeed another page than the mapping you have as per info mem
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<LittleFox> (the next things that's gonna crash is the stack btw ^^ everything readonly so far)
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<PapaFrog> My keyboard code isn't working on a new desktop I bought.. Does anyone know of a kernel that doesn't have a USB driver that I can actually build and run on real hardware.. I tried several from r/devos and I can't seem to get one to work.
<chiselfuse> > AMD's original designation for this processor architecture, "x86-64"...
<chiselfuse> then why do people use AMD64 and who came up with it to denote the architecture?
<heat> PapaFrog, build linux and disable the usb drivers :)
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<nikolar> chiselfuse: I imagine Intel calling itanium ia64 might have something to do with it
<nikolar> Like the perception of itanium being Intel's 64bit arch and amd64 being amd's
<heat> PapaFrog, note: it's very possible your shiny new desktop doesn't have an emulation of PS/2
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<heat> you can actually find that out in the ACPI tables
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<chiselfuse> i wrote this note https://0x0.st/XLhV.pdf , if i got something wrong someone correct me
<heat> the original pentium was the 586 or i586
<heat> >x86 is word length agnostic
<heat> no, depends on the context
<heat> x86 is overloaded as the original 32-bit x86, and the x86 family in general
<heat> "x86 instructions suck" <-- x86 family (includes _64)
<heat> "the old x86 code is slower than the new x86_64 code" <-- 32-bit x86
<nikolar> It's heavily context dependent, yes
<heat> it's like a page in kernel circles
<heat> page has like 4 or 5 different meanings, entirely dependent on context
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<nikolar> True
<bslsk05> ​www.osnews.com: No more boot loader: please use the kernel instead – OSnews
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<Ermine> I have ps/2 keyboard just in case
<LittleFox> PapaFrog, well I have a kernel that runs on some real hardware, but never had it work with usb legacy emulation x)
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<gorgonical> what is up kernal developers
<heat> kernol
<gorgonical> Flying really is very unpleasant. Just flew back from Europe
<gorgonical> I did not get to engage in my regular plane activity of hacking on my forth interpreter because unfortunately my dissertation is due in three weeks
<gorgonical> So that took priority
<nikolar> gorgonical: if flying is unpleasant, imagine taking a bus instead
<nikolar> You'll immediately feel better
<gorgonical> I imagine a bus to Europe from the US would be pretty unpleasant
<gorgonical> Although I did take many busses during my journey so I don't have to imagine
<nikolar> Heh
<heat> what's wrong with taking a bus?
<gorgonical> Loud and bumpy
<heat> i'm not the biggest fan of buses but they work fine, usually
<nikolar> They are fine locally
<nikolar> Imagine crossing Europe in a bus
<heat> 1) headphones 2) maybe the roads just sucked
<nikolar> Extremely uncomfortable
<gorgonical> The coach bus I used in Scotland was actually very comfortable
<heat> nah i'd take a train
<gorgonical> The equivalent bus here was not so comfortable
<netbsduser> where abouts in scotland?
<gorgonical> I flew into Edinburgh and took the bus to Glasgow
<gorgonical> Scotland's lovely
<gorgonical> Though it had the undesirable effect of making me really angry about how much groceries cost in the US
<heat> yeah but you're also paid like 3-10x as much sooo
<gorgonical> No I am not lol
<gog> my wife did london -> varna by bus
<gog> it was not good
<gorgonical> gog: holy moly. That's brutal
<gog> i've done minneapolis->oklahoma city
<gog> not as bad because it's all flat
<gog> but i was hungover
<gorgonical> that's probably not terrible if it's not a packed bus
<gog> and it was like 20 hours
<gog> it was full the whole time lol
<gorgonical> rip
<heat> gorgonical, what's the average salary in your area?
<gorgonical> heat: for a phd student, ~34k/year
<gorgonical> Which is what I've been doing the past five years
<mjg> that's pretty atrocious
<heat> average in my country is ~1000eur a month :)
<mjg> that's pretty atrocious
<heat> meanwhile in SF if you get under 100K USD you're under the poverty line
<mjg> PESSIMAL salary
<gorgonical> mjg: it's pretty much standard across the board so at least in my low COL city it goes further
<gorgonical> people in cities like Boston get basically the same stipend
<mjg> academia is a shite system
<heat> pessimal systemen
<mjg> heat: i'm afraid it's like corporate except worse cause there is less to go around
<gorgonical> I would agree with this estimation
<gorgonical> heat: but what is typical rent for a student flat
<heat> a flat? depends on where you are, but lmfao like 1000 a month
<heat> in lisbon it's probably around 2000
<gorgonical> maybe I should say "typical student housing" then
<heat> here's where i'd say "what student housing"
<gorgonical> dire
<heat> because you need to be fucking lucky to be in one
<heat> i know a guy that's paying 300-400 eur for a room
<gorgonical> good lord
<mjg> less than half salary?
<mjg> great stuff
<heat> yeah this is the effect of tech bros and "digital nomads" and rich tourists coming
<gorgonical> I have friends in Amsterdam that were paying amazingly low rates because they were in social student housing. Of course you have to tolerate the lifestyle of 20-somethings with strong artistic bents but it suited her
<mjg> i don't know mon
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<mjg> back in cracow people would routinely pay about half their salary for a room
<mjg> people in their 20s
<mjg> and it was not tech bros, just a student city
<heat> everyone's priced out when tech companies pay around 4K a month (4x the fucking average), tech bros on remote get 10K a month, and rich tourists happily pay 1-2M for a shitty house because in the US it's a bargain
<mjg> and that was already 20 years ago
<gorgonical> mjg: I hear that some cities in poland may be the next targets for hipsters
<mjg> it may be prices changed for the wrose in your spot, but general phenomena is not something necessarily induced by tech
<heat> i agree it's not necessarily induced by tech, but in our case it really was helped by tech, for better or worse
<mjg> sure it may have happened to be the case
<mjg> luckily for you you are in tech
<mjg> kind of
<heat> this was all to say that things that seem "affordable" usually really aren't
<heat> fuckin 5eur for a pint seems like a steal to all the british tourists
<mjg> that i'm familiar with
<mjg> fuckin guy visited from the UK and was liek "lol subway is so cheap here bro"
<gorgonical> 5eur for a pint was just quite expensive compared to glasgow
<mjg> even though a fucking sandwich would set you back more than most people make per hour
<heat> more "portuguese prices" would price them at 2eur, because we're generally poor, but in touristy areas the prices are jacked up even higher, and tourists still think they're cheap as fuck
<gorgonical> I do get the gist though
<mjg> well jacking tourists is pretty standard
<mjg> anyone serious about visiting a spot knows to avoid the tourist destinations
* mjg is from a touristy area
<heat> lisbon is itself a huge tourist destination mon
<mjg> so was cracow
<mjg> great city btw
<heat> one should be able to go about their life in a big touristy city without paying the US tourist tax
<mjg> i am greed
<gorgonical> Do what the venetians (?) are doing and harass tourists with water guns
<heat> i think it was barcelona?
<gorgonical> Oh yes you are right
<gorgonical> I am just conflating a previous incident where venetians were angry at tourists I guess
<heat> unfortunately i don't condone that either, it's just... frustrating
<gorgonical> Must be. I can't imagine having livability problems in my city because of tourists. I'd think you were making a joke
<sortie> I did just visit Barcelona and did not get water sprayed
<mjg> wtf?
<mjg> i never heard about this
<gorgonical> It made international headlines for half a day last week iirc
<gorgonical> It was definitely quite recently
<bslsk05> ​'Mass tourism protesters in Barcelona, Spain, spray water at tourists' by CBS News (00:01:05)
<geist> if it was hot that might be kinda nice
<mjg> if it was poland it would have been urine
<mjg> so
<mjg> looks like a win to me
<PapaFrog> Spraying water may be the least annoying thing.
<gorgonical> "oh wow barcelonans are so whimsical and kind! they're making the square a water park!"
<geist> exactly
<gorgonical> "if only I could understand them!"
<geist> they're yelling these very kind words at us!
<sortie> I can confirm it was hot
<PapaFrog> "Yes, Puta to you too!
* Ermine remembers things to be afraid off if he is ever going to visit Barcelona
<Ermine> Something suggests me that I'm might get beaten if I visit Poland
<gog> me too
<kof673> without taking a side ..... how do you think that looks "domestically" :D > one should be able to go about their life in a big touristy city without paying the US tourist tax
<heat> where, in the US? I assume people are also getting priced out of big cities
<kof673> no, ye olde "republican form of state gov" you didn't have to be a federal citizen. modern system that is all there is :D
<kof673> tourists all the way down lol
<heat> Ermine, ... why?
<mjg> ze russian?
<heat> there was actually an uptick in well-off-looking russian-speakers around here, since the war started
<mjg> i don't knwo about your area specifically
<mjg> but indeed people who could mostly left
<mjg> except not to poland
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<vin> A bit offtopic: What does "commit" mean in allocators? For example https://jemalloc.net/jemalloc.3.html what does it mean to commit an extent?
<bslsk05> ​jemalloc.net: JEMALLOC
<kof673> > jemalloc uses these functions to manage extent lifetime, which starts off with allocation of mapped committed memory
<kof673> > Committed memory may be committed in absolute terms as on a system that does not overcommit, or in implicit terms as on a system that overcommits and satisfies physical memory needs on demand via soft page faults
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<heat> vin, committed = backed by physical memory pages
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<nikolapdp> psp's back
<nikolapdp> *pdp
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<Mondenkind> ok, i take it back; you can't spell your own nick right either
<nikolapdp> i can't spell
<nikolapdp> spellin hard
<nikolapdp> Mondenkind: does your nick mean anything
<Mondenkind> yes
<nikolapdp> what is it then
<gog> hi
<nikolapdp> oi
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<zid> nikolapdp: psp sucks use a ds
<nikolapdp> lel
<nikolapdp> i have the deck
<zid> Mr. Nikolad Eck.
<nikolapdp> Ack
<gorgonical> nikolapdp: you'll never know what it means
<nikolapdp> indeed
<Ermine> pdp is back, but what about psp?
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<geist> PDP!
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<zid> PDF!
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<vin> Thanks heat, so a mmaped MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE area nead not be commited unless a write operation is performed on it (COW), correct?
<gorgonical> If you're using COW then the memory area struct associated with that mmapping is un-backed anyway