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<bslsk05> ​elixir.bootlin.com: binder.c - drivers/android/binder.c - Linux source code (v6.6.2) - Bootlin
<heat> it's 8am and i've just seen the worst thing of the day
<heat> i hope
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<Ermine> therefore RUST
<heat> Ermine, they actually rewrote it in rust
<heat> "we rewrote bad C into rust and it turned out better" is like, one of the conclusions of all time
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<Ermine> Isn't it the most popular justification?
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<heat__> Ermine, i think the usual argument is that all C is bad code and can be improved with rust
<heat__> but in this case it really just seems like bad C code is bad, and can be improved with rust
<heat__> OR refactoring
* geist yawns
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<heat> geist: rust
<zid> C seems to have the largest gulf between "What a beginner would write" and "What an expert would write" of any language ever
<zid> It's very.. 'intent' riddled? Like, if you know what you're doing, you write things in certain ways to express certain things to the reader (or compiler)
<geist> are you just speaking of C or C++?
<zid> "You have to write a thing that looks like the thing that it is". Like, I don't get std::vector or whatever, I write one, and the code has to 'look' like one to be readable and debuggable
<zid> a HLL you'd just do thing.thething.thingy
<geist> but if you consider foo.bar.baz, or std::thing to be a library, then to compare it with C you have to consider using a comparable C library
<geist> i think maybe the diff there is you're generally starting over from scratch with C
<geist> at least the kinda stuff we do around here
<zid> You might, but projects.. don't
<zid> glib is a thing, but almost nothing uses it in reality
<zid> Mainly imo, is because if you're writing a thing in C, it's because you needed to / wanted to implement those things yourself
<geist> right
<zid> like, what's glib's answer if I need to instrument, debug, change to a pool allocator etc, its implementation
<geist> or it's old code, etc
<geist> i honestly have no idea, never even looked at glib to see whats in it
<zid> Generally a C program will revolve around a very 'designed' struct
<zid> and everything needs to be customly interacting with it
<zid> rather than "lol it's a dict" like a python or a js
<zid> where everything can be generic
<heat> geist, i think glib is just a utils lib with data structures and object orientedness and stuff
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<Ermine> and pain
<zid> how long has youtube had click + drag for fastforward
<zid> I just did it accidentally
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<Ermine> it's just long click
<heat> yeah long click, i've done it accidentally on mobile
<Ermine> Wasn't it google which stated that 80% of their vulns are memory related
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<heat> maybe
<heat> it's not far fetched
<zid> I'm surprised it's not 95%+
<zid> They're even memory related in JS fairly often :P
<zid> I guess they just do so MUCH js that it lowers the average down
<heat> wdym memory related in js?
<zid> array bounds not checked in v8 etc
<zid> or I mean, in js
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