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<geist> fixed the tape drive, had to oil up the capstans
<klys> is it something you're hunting for vintage tapes for
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<geist> more like i have a machine with a tape drive
<geist> so figured i'd at least get a tape off ebay and see if it works
<geist> this tape of course doesn't really have anything on it
<zid> EBCDIC porn art
<geist> or at least nothing that netbsd can read. it only sees a header. *probably* readable from VMS though
<geist> so may be worth trying to boot off VMS media and see what it can see
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<zid> Is it monday yet
<Mutabah> It is in most of the world
<zid> yay
<zid> 19 hours until honzuki
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<bslsk05> ​redirect -> www.reddit.com: Blocked
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<zid> I should send a patch to musl
<moon-child> what patch
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<Ermine> why bslsk05 is banned from reddit
<Mutabah> The bot's name is a reference to an xkcd strip
<Mutabah> so the reddit account is likely also a reference to the same strip (by a different person)
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<mjg> Since the dawn of time, human beings have asked some fundamental questions: who
<mjg> are we? why are we here? is there life after death? Unable to answer any of these, in this
<mjg> paper we will consider cohomology classes on a compact projective manifold that have a
<mjg> property analogous to the Hard-Lefschetz Theorem and Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations
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<Ermine> Sent this to my topology mate
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<epony> s/strip/smtp/g
<epony> humour of the day: using chatGPT on the toilet is renamed to shatHMmgnomeGPT
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<gog> i'm shitting
<gog> i'm shitting and farting
<moon-child> i'm shitting and farting and camming my pants
<Ermine> Very interesting
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<bl4ckb0ne> gog: advent of code?
<gog> no
<vdamewood> gog: Shitty kitty?
<heat> gog
<heat> that's kind of disgusting ngl gog smh my head
<gog> if you think that's disgusting you should see me
<gog> ah fuck 0 days since negative self-talk
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<bslsk05> ​'James Blunt - You're Beautiful (Official Music Video) [4K]' by James Blunt (00:03:22)
* vdamewood gives gog a fishy
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* gog chomp fishy
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<gog> ég ætlað að borða öllum fiskurinn í heimi
<gog> >:3
<vdamewood> öllum?
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<gog> já, öllum
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<zid> gog: Can I borrow 4096TB of ram so I can run my advent of code part 2 unmodified from part 1?
<zid> smh making me use DATASTRUCTURES instead of GIANT ARRA OF ALL STATES
<heat> you don't have enough address space for that
<zid> shhh
<heat> unless you shard your aoc solution
<heat> which is an idea
<zid> I don't think the datastructure version will be too hard
<heat> your zen doesn't have LA57 right?
<zid> is that pml5?
<zid> no
<heat> right
<zid> zen2, not zen5
<zid> I have pml2
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<zid> or was it zen3..
<zid> amd is hard
<zid> RYZEN 7 is what it says on the cpu, that's no use
<heat> i want a cpuid database so bad
<zid> I want an RTX 3050 6GB
<zid> And a new monitor
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<epony> you have 1MB of RAM
<epony> fint in UNIX inside and leave 95% for applications and buffercache
<epony> you have 1 month
<epony> go.
* epony laughs at your advent.
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<gog> i'm gonna get drunk instead hbt
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<node1> Where can I find a searchable database or portal to look for existing patents or patented ideas?
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<mjg> any lawyer will tell you to NOT look for patents if you have an idea
<netbsduser> just look at microsoft
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<netbsduser> they patented "sleeping on an address"
<bslsk05> ​patents.google.com: US8782674B2 - Wait on address synchronization interface - Google Patents
<node1> Is the Von Neumann architecture based on RISC or CISC? or it's just CPU model for computation
<node1> ?
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<goliath> node1, "Von Neumann vs Harvard Architecture" and "RISC vs CISC" are two different topics entirely (and several decades apart historically)
<node1> So your saying RISC , CISC, MIPS, SPARS are not achitecture?
<goliath> RISC vs CISC are general _design ideas_ for an instruction set architecture
<goliath> MIPS _is_ a specific instruction set architecture
<node1> Exactly. mips is variant of RISC
<node1> Your MIPS do step by step instructions, likely your CISC do most things on fly
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<GeDaMo> That sentence makes no sense :|
<node1> Mine or his?
<GeDaMo> Yours
<node1> What does not make sense??
<node1> For me his sentance was not clear
<goliath> I think you are confusing different abstraction levels (abstract vs instance): RISC is an abstract idea, MIPS is an instance.
<node1> The idea of CISC  is to do it all the instructions in one "complex instructions" and the complex instructions is a magic ;)
<heat> netbsduser, wait how the fuck does that work
<heat> how did they patent futexes after futexes
<node1> smoke
<node1> by passed register with smoke :D
<heat> anyway there's a new patchset for linux where a guy just breaks down common headers into <header>.h and <header>_types.h to help break down header deps
<heat> and i like the idea
<heat> if you only need the type for a struct or interface or something, you include _types.h
<node1> goliath i'm not i am very Crstal clear. MIPS(Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages), is a specific implementation of the RISC principles.
<node1> Your mips require fewer stages to execute instructions than any x86.
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<netbsduser> heat: i also wondered
<heat> i read a bit of it and it seems they detail their own API, so maybe they patented just that? idk IANAL
<netbsduser> patents are known to be a heap of shit nowadays with solicitors adept in writing bs to inflate the importance and novelty of the "invention"
<netbsduser> i asked some probing questions of someone familiar with windows and he suggested that the patent might stand because this is only describing within-process inter-thread synchronisation and not generally inter-thread
<mjg> bsds have separate headers for types
<mjg> (not everywhere, but it is a thing)
<heat> it might be a good idea to avoid crippling header webs
<heat> but the mofo doesn't give out any numberz
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<immibis> if they patented something that already existed, the patent is invalid
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<geist> as a side note, we havne't mentioned that here, but gentle reminder: please dont talk about patents in #osdev
<geist> some of us have a job doing this stuff and very much dont want to be polluted by them
<geist> abstractly talk about it sure, but dont link specific ones or whatnot
<geist> havne't mentioned it here in a while, at least
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<heat> gosh why do i feel such a strong will to discuss patents in-depth and paste GPL source code in this channel
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<mjg> lol here is an except from Windows 11
<mjg> fuckMyLifeByHandleEx
<heat> FuckMyLifeByHandleEx*
<heat> they would never start an identifier with a lowercase
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<mjg> SunOS architects would though!
<sortie> heat, it's because you're an asshole that just want to be annoying when people express their needs :)
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<heat> ouch
<heat> joke over head i guess
<sortie> :)
* sortie pokes heat, a dear friend
<mjg> there was a nicer way to say it
<mjg> but you are an asshole
<mjg> :X
<sortie> oh no
<sortie> I'm the asshole
<mjg> GNU/Asshole
<sortie> Or as I've come to call it, iANAL
sortie was kicked from #osdev by sortie [bad sortie]
<mjg> funny story, recently firefo started continuously eating cpu on my trusty HASWELL
<mjg> to the point where things would lag
<mjg> this is where i found that it has 4.5G "cached"
<mjg> according to perftop it was doing something stupid in a loop in libxul
<mjg> anyhow i cleared that shit et voila, now it only continuously wastes about 10%
<gog> there is no UI, only xul'
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<mjg> and eats very little ram (in comparison)
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<heat> libxuul
<mjg> still fucking webtards gave it 20,4g virt
<mjg> and "only" 5G rss
<mjg> then again, i found evern low end machinery today has liek 32G ram
<clever> mjg: i think haskell just throws 1tb of virt at things, so it can avoid the overhead of asking for more later, lol
<mjg> did you mean firefox?
<clever> nope haskell
<clever> another case of virt just being insane
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<mjg> lol i misread it as hasWell
<mjg> ;)
<heat> have you seen chrome?
<mjg> ye the FP languages are all stupid
<mjg> in terms of their runtime
<heat> chrome does 1TB virt on average
<heat> i... i don't know why
<mjg> i tried chrome, also was eating cpu but afair 20%
<heat> that's because chrome is a good browser
<mjg> that aside it had rendering artifacts
<mjg> so i ditched that sucker
<mjg> also ibus-daemon likes to generate traffic
<mjg> i don't know whatthat fuck is doing, but it takes 5%
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<geist> VAX > HASWELL
* geist fite
<mjg> i said my piece
<mjg> ey sortie do you know how to trigger heat
<heat> screw you
<heat> you killed itanium
<mjg> sortie: see?
<heat> cold bloody murder
<heat> ok mjg real talk
<sortie> That's 16-bit talk
<heat> do you know anything about IO optimization or do you just deal with CPU stuff?
<mjg> i know very little about i/o
<heat> dang
<mjg> but you can safely assume whatever code you ran into is suffering a case of the stupid
<heat> the code i'm running into is not yet written!
<heat> i'm wondering how many requests i can throw to a blockdev before it passes out
<heat> and if there's an actual benefit in not just mindlessly flooding the io queues
<mjg> that depends on magic dev innit
<mjg> it used to be that drives would queue some of the i/o on their own
<mjg> and try to make best decisions based on the queue
<heat> well, yeah, it'll queue stuff
<heat> problem is that, lets say you have a lot of dirty pages and you start flushing them out
<mjg> however, low end crappers will love to run into trouble if you mix reads and writs
<heat> non-urgent writeback can take the place in the queue of urgent(er) reads/writes
<heat> same thing for, lets say, readahead
<heat> "Gorman's patch set starts by noting that "even if congestion throttling worked, it was never a great idea"."
<mjg> i don't know anyone who was dealing with storage and does not consider the entire area utterly fucked
<heat> ok so that sucks
<mjg> firmware lying to you
<mjg> and having bugs
<mjg> hm... now there is something i genuinely don't know how to do on linux
<mjg> without diggingo into kmem
<mjg> ibus-daemon is reading form one eventfd and writing into another
<mjg> in a loop
<mjg> i don't see a way to find out who else is using said eventfds
<mjg> userspace-friendly
<mjg> worst case i can whip out a debugger and print a bunch of stuff
<heat> grab the eventfd's name and grep all other fds for it?
<mjg> there is no name
<heat> don't they have anon inode names?
<mjg> anon_inode:[eventfd]
<heat> aw shite
<mjg> lsof does not add any magic either
<heat> can't you stat it and look for the inum?
<mjg> now that may be a legit idea
<mjg> i don't know ye dos not work
<mjg> inode number is from procfs
<heat> is it?
<mjg> i'll probably bpftrace it later
<heat> stat -L seems to correctly deref things
<heat> but i didn't try with an anon inode
<mjg> nope
<mjg> however, patching the sucker to have unique inodes would probably be beneficial
<mjg> inode = anon_inode_inode;
<mjg> lmao
<mjg> there is literally one global
<heat> yeah
<heat> and then they override the file_operations IIRC
<heat> it's optimal
<heat> literally
<heat> my vfs design is kind of busted in that regard, i have all my vfs ops in file_ops
<heat> there's no distinction between fd - inode - dentry - address_space
<heat> /*
<heat> * We didn't write back all the pages. nfs_writepages()
<heat> * sometimes bales out without doing anything.
<heat> */
<heat> uh oh, someone has been
<heat> horsing around
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<mjg> heat: do you know what "nfs" stands for?