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<gog> meow
<heat> VAX
<netbsduser> the VAX/VMS Operating System (r)
<gog> GOG
<zid> GOG is a good brand naem
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<zid> If I had to pick between a GOG and a VMS I'd pick a GOG, whatever either was
<heat> i'd prefer GROG
<gog> congratulations you have a gog
gog is now known as grog
<zid> heat: I made a crappy compiler for advent today
<grog> dang somebody owns this nick
grog is now known as gog
<zid> You can tell it's a compiler because my structs have enums in them
<gog> enum struct
<heat> heh nice
<gog> enum deez
<heat> upstruct
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: 2023-day19b.c · GitHub
<zid> but look at that sick struct dec on 17
<zid> I even forgot to move the comment on 22 to 25
<zid> it parses mq{s>3033:gv,a<2484:hf,s<2929:R,tx}
<zid> and evalulates it
* zid selfclap
<gog> you unioned
<gog> anonylmoust struct unions
<heat> gog: upstruct
<gog> not much what's upstruct with you
<zid> I told you it was sick
<heat> it's all structing
<zid> back to watching majora's mask randomizer I guess
<zid> you guys aren't fawning over my struct enough
<gog> your struct is beautiful zid and i'm proud of you
<zid> thank you
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<zid> Do you think people will want to sleep with me now
<gog> idk i'm a virgin
<heat> depends
<heat> is it a linux struct or a sun struct
<gog> i don't kiss girls
<zid> I don't either, kissing is gross
<zid> you get cooties
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<mjg> heat: > The Linux emulation of futexes in NetBSD does not work correctly.
<mjg> :X
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<heat> lol
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<bslsk05> ​www.theregister.com: CLIs are wizard at character building. Let’s share the love • The Register
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<heat_> this is wild
<bslsk05> ​learnbchs.org: BCHS: BSD, C, httpd, SQLite
<heat_> how do you recommend openbsd for its security and then C right afterwards
<puck> the OS will not be able to be exploited by the shitty code written by the server dev!
<mjg> obsd is security by lack of deployment
<mjg> lfmao
<mjg> 11 puts("Status: 200 OK\r");
<mjg> 13 puts("\r");
<mjg> 12 puts("Content-Type: text/html\r");
<mjg> 14 puts("Hello, world!\n");
<mjg> excellent example of code
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<bl4ckb0ne> the transparent code in the background fucks up the reading big time
<bl4ckb0ne> > Is BCHS a joke?
<bl4ckb0ne> > Software development is full of jokes. This is not one of them.
<bl4ckb0ne> kek
<heat_> mjg what are you on about
<heat_> it's great, safe code
<heat_> no exploits! see the pledge call
<mjg> fearless webdevelopment
<GeDaMo> is "Hello, world!\n" valid HTML? :|
<heat_> yeah
<heat_> i think so
<heat_> you don't actually need tags do you? at least for it to render
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<heat_> btw "OpenBSD's home-grown web server. If you need more features for your web application, submit a patch."
<heat_> genius marketing
<heat_> "Onyx. heat's home-grown operating system. If you need more features, submit a patch."
<nortti> < GeDaMo> is "Hello, world!\n" valid HTML? :| ← going by https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#writing and https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#optional-tags I *think* it's not, but "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello, world!\n" would be
<bslsk05> ​html.spec.whatwg.org: HTML Standard
<bslsk05> ​html.spec.whatwg.org: HTML Standard
<GeDaMo> Yeah, some browsers might still render it though
<nortti> oh for sure, browsers accept all kinds of broken html
<nortti> there's even html standard guidance for how to ignore most parse errors
<mjg> :d
<mjg> you can in part thank php
<mjg> and microsoft
<heat_> thank you php
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<heat_> thank you m$
<heat_> thank you webdevs
<mjg> 1. make webdevs type out html by hand
<mjg> 2. be surprised it's broken
<nortti> yeah, pretty sure web browsers have been ignoring parse errors ever since original WorldWideWeb, some intentionally and some because no actual parsing into a tree was done
<nortti> the html standard guidance aims to make it so that you don't end up with two conflicting results due to differences in browsers there
<nortti> (also, funnily enough, I do think IE5 for mac at least *will* sometimes pop up a parse error dialog)
<zid> yea most html parsers drop into a 'quirks' mode the moment they see something off
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<zid> (and start in quirks mode unless they see a strict doctype)
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<nortti> I'm not even talking of a quirks mode, I mean ignoring e.g. the xml self-closing tag indicator on a non-self-closing element and continuing to parse in standards compliant mode
<bslsk05> ​html.spec.whatwg.org: HTML Standard
<nortti> looks like the only things defined to drop the parser into quirks mode there are issues with the doctype
<mjg> at the sam time browsers had bugs
<mjg> so you got people experimenting how to get the stupid look they were going for
<mjg> so that bchs thing really forks and execs for every request
<mjg> lmao
<mjg> so 90s
<Ellenor> wha
<Ellenor> ?
<heat_> WHA
<heat_> yeah mjg that's cgi
<heat_> cgi is peak technology for the minimalists
<heat_> #musl goes wild with cgi
<zid> cgi is literally peak technology fastcgi doesn't exist
<mjg> heat_: i'm aware
<mjg> there was cgi in produciton at my first job
<mjg> and it was killing the poor fucking machine
<heat_> is that where you learned the word PESSIMAL
<mjg> i thought they might have reused the term for something less fucked
<heat_> you spoke 0 words of english but suddenly you just "PESSIMAL"'d
<heat_> like a baby's first words
<mjg> mon i was upset with unix already in the womb
<mjg> it does answer the question about performance of old code though
<mjg> it only "worked" because you had like 1 request per hour
<bl4ckb0ne> qnx > cgi
<heat_> mjg, btw i called it they don't care about the zfs problem
<heat_> zfs is a stupid stupid filesystem
<heat_> i use real filesystems with blocks and block groups and inodes
<geist> failsystem?
<mjg> geist: are there any plans for fuchsia to be used from something else than mobile?
<mjg> s/from/for
<Ellenor> uhuhuhuhahahahahahaha
<Ellenor> it only worked because you had 24 req/day
<geist> mjg: i hope so
<Ellenor> hogfuckinwild
<GeDaMo> Is Fuscia not the basis for those amazon smart speakers?
<heat_> google nest
<mjg> amazon?
<mjg> what?
<GeDaMo> I'm easily confused :|
<Bitweasil> Fuscia is a Google development effort, I expect it's probably not used by Amazon.
<Bitweasil> Though if we could just brick every smart speaker on the planet, the world would be a better place.
<geist> heh
<mjg> brick every iot lightbulb
<heat_> fuchsia
<Bitweasil> mjg, you ever read the "Nuclear IOT" paper talking about Zigbee worms?
<mjg> no
<Bitweasil> It's a fun little read on popping IoT gizmos.
<mjg> popping iot is probably like exploiting early 00s web
<mjg> picking on the disabled
<heat_> geist, those nest hubs are pretty beefy aren't they?
<Ellenor> I consistently bite my friend for using a nest and an alexa instead of an old-fashioned thermostat
<Bitweasil> I have a Nest thermostat, and the thing is stupid enough I'm seriously debating going back to a basic thermostat.
<Bitweasil> Smart Learning! "Zoof? You turn tempurter up Tuesday afternoon! Must be every Tuesday want temperature high!" No, kid was taking a bath...
<kof123> just imagine pinky i guess *zoinks*
<Bitweasil> Yeah, except even dumber. :(
<Ellenor> I could make a smarter thermostat... and it would still run on shitty Linux.
<Ellenor> (It would have a human person motion sensor in the sanitary closet, which would turn the thermostat (either in the sanitary closet or globally) up several degrees, unless I emailed it to tell it to don't)
<geist> heat_: not particularly
<geist> just a usual quad a53
<heat_> how much memory though?
<geist> oh 1GB, i think
<geist> i mean they're not embedded. they're so-so for something with a screen nowadays
<heat_> yeah
<heat_> i wasn't expecting too much compute-wise, but they certainly need a bunch of memory for stuff
<heat_> and fuchsia probably isn't too light on memory anyway
<geist> it's pretty good
<Ellenor> i thought embedded was "the fact that this is a computer is incidental to performing the function people think it performs"
<Ellenor> the fact that my computer is a computer is not incidental to its intended purpose, whereas the fact that one of those smart speakers is, is.
<Ellenor> although it happens to be absolutely necessary
<geist> well, sure, but then when talking about cpus or socs, there's usually a more defacto definition of embedded
<geist> ie, a microcontroller
<Ellenor> i suppose
<geist> of which the lines are blurred a bit right now, but usually the difference is you dont run a 'large' OS on MCUs
<Ellenor> not a multi-user OS where at least some interprocess separation is expected
<geist> it's a moving definition, but as it stands MCUs usually dont have an mmu, are usually 32bit or less, etc
<geist> yah
<Ellenor> the fact that your TV is a computer is incidental to it televising (its core function being televising) - I would consider that embedded, although it probably uses a 4-bit acorn risc machine
<Ellenor> 64*
<Ellenor> don't think they do arm in 4 bit
<Bitweasil> Pretty much. I would handwavingly define embedded as "If it runs an OS, it's for task scheduling and basic services, but the bulk of your code is bare metal, and the chip is designed for realtime consistency, not always throughput."
<Bitweasil> The M-series ARM chips with a lot of SRAM, for instance.
<Bitweasil> They're insanely consistent in execution time of a particular hunk of code.
<Ellenor> ah
<Bitweasil> But "embedded" is a bit like porn in that it's hard to define, you just know it when you see it. :/
<Ellenor> and that's the core of the apparent clash in our definitions
<heat_> great analogy
<Bitweasil> I think so, you're looking at it top down, I'm looking at it bottom up.
<kof123> and thus ends the analogy :D
<Bitweasil> And then you get the weird stuff, where you've got a couple M series cores and SRAM on the same general package as a few A series chips with DRAM and a GPU, and... then everyone just mumbles and mutters about heterogeneous compute.
<Ellenor> if my boombox had a compopter in it, that would be embedded. it doesn't look like it should, appx. all the controls are analogue, it has tape decks... if it has anything more than very rudimentary digital circuitry in, that would probably be an embedded computer from its time
<Bitweasil> As far as I know, though, most modern "smart speaker" type devices are running a full Linux kernel and such down in there.
<Bitweasil> Which blurs the lines a good bit.
<Ellenor> that heterogenic SOC is confusing me. do they work as the same computer (like can cores directly schedule over to the other type, barring NUMA issues), or do they work separately? does the M handle the realtime stuff and the A handle the soft real stuff?
<Bitweasil> "It depends."
<Ellenor> It's messy. People are messy.
<Bitweasil> They work as separate compute clusters, typically.
<Bitweasil> But also have some interaction between them.
<Ellenor> The things people make, are mess.
<Ellenor> y
<Bitweasil> You're not going to see an A series core migrating a task to an M series core, but they usually have more than a UART connection between them, and often enough (but not always) can access each other's memory via various mappings, and... "See your SoC's datasheet for details."
<Bitweasil> If you've ever wondered about ARM's "inner vs outer shareable" things, I believe those are an example where the "same cores" are in the inner region, and the "different cores" are in the outer region.
<heat_> my mouse has an arm processor
<mjg> lol
<Bitweasil> My mouse is an ARM peripheral! :D
<mjg> my ereader has a linux kernal
<Bitweasil> Same.
<Bitweasil> Kobo?
<mjg> why are they not making mobile phones with itanium kurwa
<heat_> because you killed it mjg
<mjg> Bitweasil: pocketbook
<mjg> heat_: they could have before 2022
<Ellenor> A serial story I'm in the process of writing is messy. From the first episode, you kinda get the idea that the place is a pseudo-utopia. The second episode harshes that a bit, to "utopia within the confines of earth weather under SSP-8.5 at 2260 A.D.". The third episode introduces farm conscription. "Corvée", we call it. The point? I'm not sure where I'm going. People are messy. Their creations are
<Ellenor> messy.
<Ellenor> The SoCs Bitweasil is talking about are messy.
<heat_> every soc is like this
<Ellenor> My brain is messy, because I've been filling it with caffeine as a substitute for both sleep and food.
<heat_> a conventional PC has several microprocessors with several architectures
<Bitweasil> A cluster of "4x of the same core" is a lot easier to reason about than the heterogeneous ones, though.
<Bitweasil> ... but anymore, even those are mostly big.LITTLE or some variant of that.
<mjg> i have a short story idea
<Bitweasil> Often enough separate L2 caches, but shared L3, and... etc.
<Bitweasil> Computers are just a mess. :/
<heat_> my mouse example is funny because it mirrors the ones you find in mobos/SoCs, but with USB instead of SPI, or whatever
<mjg> computers suck
<Bitweasil> mjg, yup.
<Ellenor> I have a cluster of 4 Arm & Hammer Baking Soda boxes in a bag here.
<Bitweasil> Planning to take a nice break from them next year.
<mjg> interestingly the webdev think systems are great software
<Ellenor> I think I've fully lost it
<mjg> and firmware
<Ellenor> mjg, they worship what they cannot even slightly understand
<Ellenor> they used to look up to webdev, then they got into it and it was all trash
<heat_> what's with the doomer vibes atm
<mjg> millenials getting to bommers age
<mjg> you gotta talk shit mate
<Ellenor> Gen Z watching shit sink beneath the waves, and watching millenials become fash
<Bitweasil> heat_, looking around at the state of the world?
<mjg> you will hit puberty, you willu nderstand
<Ellenor> i've hit puberty twice, by some definitions
<immibis> I want to see an OS that can make a single computer out of an Ethernet-connected cluster
<Ellenor> do any of you know the parable of the techie, her gun and her printer
<GeDaMo> immibis: VMS?
<Bitweasil> immibis, wasn't that plan9?
<immibis> was that plan9?
<Ellenor> "this is the smartest not-directly-computer piece of tech I own, and I am drilled on rapidly loading my frearm in case it makes a funny noise"
<Bitweasil> Ellenor, that a technophile has everything connected and nothing quite works, and someone who's worked with tech... yeah, that.
<Bitweasil> "I keep a loaded shotgun leaning against the table in case it makes an unrecognized noise" is the punchline I know for that. But, yes, same sentiment.
<Ellenor> plan 9 cannot oneify a network; it can, however, make networked computing much less painful within its problem space
<Ellenor> Bitweasil, you see, where I'm from, we don't store guns loaded unless there's a VERY good reason
<Bitweasil> Define "single computer"? You're not going to get a single system image machine over ethernet, but you can get a very tightly coupled cluster.
<Ellenor> (that can go for both ways of answering "where I'm from")
<Bitweasil> Ah. I live in the rural US mountain west. Guns are most commonly loaded. :p
<immibis> what do you define as a system image?
<immibis> Americans probably keep their guns loaded to kill people faster. Americans like killing people.
<Bitweasil> Typically, single uniform physical memory space.
<Ellenor> ... one IPC domain, I guess?
<immibis> what do you define as an IPC domain?
<Bitweasil> Though, again, there's a bit of "I know it when I see it" there. Two machines with a NFS share are not, RDMA does not a single system image make, etc.
<Ellenor> processes talking to each other as they do processes on the same machne
<immibis> processes on my Linux home box do talk to my dedicated server the same way they talk to my home Linux box
<GeDaMo> Processes which can move transparently between computers?
<immibis> in both cases with IP sockets
<Ellenor> "single system image" = i have my text editor open here, and the OS on these two computers bats it back and forth between them based on which computer can better run it at the time, with nearly no impact on my use of it
<immibis> I don't see what that has to do with anything that could reasonably be called a "system image"
<Ellenor> true
<Ellenor> I was using Bitweasil's sense of the term
<immibis> moving processes between cores is already expensive. Moving them between NUMA domains is very expensive. Moving them between computers is very very expensive. It's just a special case of NUMA
<Bitweasil> I ran some OpenMosix clusters back in the day, I wouldn't call that a single system image.
<Bitweasil> It could just migrate tasks between machines.
<Ellenor> Probably about that tight then?
<Bitweasil> Hm? That wasn't a single system image, though.
<Bitweasil> Anyway, not sure it really matters unless there are particular specifics being discussed.
<Ellenor> ah.
<immibis> the Linux multicore boot screen displays 4 penguins because it's 4 copies of Linux that pass around processes between them, and when you view it through that lens, it inspires you to think about passing them farther
<Ellenor> oh...
<Ellenor> i want to drink some unsee juice
<Ellenor> if I had any sense, I would have hung up the compopter and built a compost bin *checks iguana* 2 years ago
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<gog> hu
<gog> hi
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<bl4ckb0ne> ho
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<Ermine> hp
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<heat_> gog
<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [PATCH 00/27] sparc32: sunset sun4m and sun4d
<heat_> they're killing the sun engineering ethos in linux
<bl4ckb0ne> leon pls
<moon-child> who's still using sparc
<moon-child> and why
<Ermine> Sparc enthusiasts? Like ia64 users?
<Ermine> There is a spike of support drops last time
<mjg> moon-child: geist
<mjg> works on an unofficial fuchsia port
<mjg> rumor has it google is feeling edgy and wants to skip arm64 for the next mobile dev
<mjg> riscv is out as well
<mjg> so, ultrasparc
<Ermine> But most important, they expel those who ever kissed a girl
<heat_> ia64 ia64 ia64 ia64
<mjg> arm64 ia64 ultrasparc64
<mjg> i am noticing a pattern!!
<moon-child> riscv-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
<nortti> < mjg> rumor has it google is feeling edgy and wants to skip arm64 for the next mobile dev < mjg> riscv is out as well < mjg> so, ultrasparc ← do they make embedded 64-bit ppc cores?
<heat_> moon-child, lol you don't have the Zkmakmakwmjnadjanwdha extension
<heat_> loser
<mjg> did you just copy paste a c++ symbol
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<heat_> ha no
<heat_> a C++ symbol would start with _Z
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<heat_> basic ITANIUM C++ name mangling looks ok and is mostly understandable by humans
<heat_> until you get such names as "_Z11make_uniqueIN11compression21decompress_bytestreamEJ10unique_ptrINS0_20decompression_streamEERN3cul5sliceIhLm18446744073709551615EEEEES2_IT_EDpOT0_"
<heat_> and in those cases you give the fuck up and pull out c++filt
<Ermine> Mangling depends on arch?
<heat_> depends on the abi
<heat_> gcc uses the itanium c++ abi
<heat_> thankfully rust is unified so they have a single name mangling scheme
<heat_> oh? what? that's not true?
<heat_> rustc broke something? shocking.
<mjg> ?
<bl4ckb0ne> what? rust agreeing on something?
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<heat_> mjg, they broke the mangling ABI randomly a few years ago
<mjg> :p
<mjg> was it for the greater good tho
<heat_> you can see like 2 different mangling schemes
<heat_> i hope so
<mjg> how "random" was it, really
<bslsk05> ​rust-lang.github.io: 2603-rust-symbol-name-mangling-v0 - The Rust RFC Book
<Ermine> So mangling scheme is part of the api?
<Ermine> abi*
<heat_> yes
<heat_> how would 2 toolchains agree on what "void foo(unsigned long a)" maps to
<mjg> _ZFuckYou_asshole_hihihi
<Ermine> I've heard thing like 'if you use c++ compiler XYZ, you can use only libraries compiled by XYZ'
<heat_> that's wrong
<heat_> -ish
<heat_> clang and gcc are fully compatible
<Ermine> On windows, there are Qt builds for mingw and for msvc
<heat_> yes, because mingw does not use msvc's abi
<heat_> mingw = gcc's abi, msvc is msvc
<Ermine> And what abi clang uses?
<heat_> gcc
<Ermine> okay, thank you
<heat_> i think mingw might be partially msvc compatible when it comes to C (and the calling convention)
<heat_> but i'm not sure
<heat_> it probably is, else calling native APIs would be a PITA
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<bl4ckb0ne> why are computers so mean to us heat_
<heat_> you're doing electrocuting sand to make it do math
<heat_> we deserve everything we get
<bl4ckb0ne> seems like rightful retribution
<bslsk05> ​clang.llvm.org: MSVC compatibility — Clang 18.0.0git documentation
<heat_> Ermine, yeah that's another target
<heat_> --target=x86_64-unknown-windows-msvc I think?
<heat_> damn yeah i've just busted out a random ass correct target name
<Ermine> This page says nothing on target
<Ermine> Default target is x86-64-pc-windows-msvc
<epony> bl4ckb0ne, you better ask a philosophers' stone
<epony> the same level of insanity you'd hear ass an asnewr
<bl4ckb0ne> i could ask chatGPT
<epony> what is that
<epony> shatchip IT
<epony> (E.T. the extra ternary)
<heat_> oh this is awful mingw does LLP64
<Ermine> Anyway, seems like I don't need to build qt with clang
<heat_> yeah
<heat_> and if you build with the windows-msvc target you might not need a qt mingw build at all
<heat_> oooh, new qemu just dropped! with virtio-sound
<heat_> and a completely new virtio-gpu crosvm thing for android
<Ermine> for android as guest?
<heat_> yes
<heat_> ... i think
<Ermine> nice
<Ermine> NY holidays promise to be fun
<gog> hi
<Ermine> hey gog
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<Ermine> Extremely weird idea: win95 driver for virtio-sound
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<zid> My list impl is being weeird
<zid> oh I need to handle pop clearing out the last element resetting tail to &head, grr
<gog> pop pop
<zid> that is such a weird edge case
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<puck> heat_: oh wait did qemu with rutabaga drop
<heat_> yes
<puck> oooooh
<heat_> the name is so silly
<puck> rutabaga gets you virtio-gpu support for opengl/vulkan virtualisation, as well as google's custom opengl passthru
<puck> *and* drm native contexts
<puck> which allow near-native performance inside VMs
<Ermine> So far the whole gpu thing worked well only under vmware. I even played 3d gamez on XP vm
<Ermine> gamen actually
<epony> rutabaga also gets you a nice holiday look smile with an image search
<epony> ugabuga next search
<Ermine> puck: re opengl/vulkan virtualization: does it mean that direct3d is not virtualized?
<puck> nope
<puck> but you can just dxvk that :p
<bl4ckb0ne> isnt rutabaga a play on the turnip driver
<Ermine> puck: yeah. There was also a trick to swap direct3d related dlls to wine-provided ones
<puck> bl4ckb0ne: i don't think so; adreno was the first target for drm native contexts (and thus, turnip works with it iirc)
<puck> (it uses a different kernel<->userland api)
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