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<zid> day4 was mainly about figuring out how little processing you can actually get away with doing, I used a very dumb incremental approach where I went 250ms -> 1ms -> microseconds
<zid> as I realized less and less of the code was actually needed
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* blockhead never uses i and j for variables as they look too much alike
<blockhead> zid: just woke up and saw your link. checking now...
<zid> j has a hanger though!
<blockhead> i recognize the "idiot" part :)
<blockhead> it compiles with tcc as well as cc. nice
<zid> That's more about whether your compiler can compile C or not
<zid> I don't write non-C unless it's very obviously using gcc attributes
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<zid> to achieve some platform specific behavior
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<blockhead> no two compilers are alike. some things gcc never notices get picked up by tcc, like subroutines that don't return a value at the end
<zid> gcc notices that very very well
<zid> it often over-warns on it infact
<blockhead> not here
<blockhead> and totally goes over gcc's head
<zid> 'not here' -> you didn't enable -Wall or optimizations
* blockhead keeps it simple: cc -o proggy proggy.c
<zid> yea, never ever do that with gcc
<blockhead> -l as needed
<zid> it produces useless code that it hasn't checked for correctness
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<blockhead> which would explain why you get the (no) return values warnings and i don't. i see
<zid> gcc is *very* clever
<blockhead> i sit corrected :)
<zid> but only part of various optimization passes will it obtain the information to tell you about a lot of the things it can find out
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<zid> how's tcc handle this?
<zid> oh, godbolt has tcc
<blockhead> bam: i used -Wall jsut now to compile one of my known good progams ...bam
<blockhead> lots of warning output
<zid> bam bam
<zid> -O2 -W -Wall
<zid> do eet
<zid> tcc will not compile my example..
<blockhead> i see no need to optimize my programs
<zid> have you *seen* -O0 output? it's fucking awful, and it's required for useful diagnostics
<blockhead> when i used gentoo, i learned overdoing the optimization sometimes made things worse
<blockhead> tcc compiled your example here
<zid> it says indentifier expected, on g1(&i);
<zid> oh no
<blockhead> still typed "idiot" but that's because i haven't figured out exactly what it does yet
<zid> I forgot the var name in g2
<zid> yea, no warning
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<zid> (also generates code that you might actually want to run, too)
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<geist> indeed. for probably historical reasons gcc defaults to very very basic options. not very good optimization (though i think that may be configured by triple?) and almost no warnings
<mjg> it warns now by default
<zid> It's also like, computationally expensive
<mjg> a lot more than it used to anyway
<zid> that's why diagnostics is tied to optimization in the first place, gcc does not *do* the passes that would find out the problem
<geist> well, sure i mean it warns, but it only warns about really basic stuff
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<zid> oh heat came back
<zid> with a full cadre of AoC solutions for me to browse
<heat> haha yes of course!
<heat> fuck it i'll do day 1
<heat> in RUST even
<zid> can you write it super procedural, so that I can read it
<zid> rather than all 'it's a lambda closure over the sum map of the input elements'
<zid> people like to write non-C code as if they were writing APL
<zid> and calling it good code
<heat> i can't lambda closure over the foldl of the map
<zid> are you saying that so that I don't think you did it for my benefit
<zid> rather than doing it because of lack of competence at doing it
<heat> i cant functional
<zid> yes
<zid> we established that
<heat> but seriously people that write OBFUSCATED code piss me off
<heat> like fucking pythonic
<heat> in italic
<heat> pythonic
<heat> it's reverse musl
<zid> clthonic
<zid> why am I awake at 2:34
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<geist> cause you're at least nominally a programmer
<heat> yo they went overboard for day1
<heat> dang
<heat> rust doesn't let me compile the program if any variable may ever be uninitialized
<heat> the fuck kind of language is this??
<heat> >char is always four bytes in size
<heat> >char is always four bytes in size
<heat> >char is always four bytes in size
<heat> >char is always four bytes in size
<clever> heat: seen a string like 'dbus' in c before?, yes single quotes
<geist> heat: RUUST
<heat> clever, yes
<clever> heat: and what does it do?
<geist> slames a 4 character into a 32bit value
<heat> 32-bit int with 4 chars
<geist> it's not a string, it's a constant
<heat> yeah
<clever> yep
<heat> C is fuckin perfect man
<clever> its more of a char[4] then a null terminated c string
<geist> heat: whoa, slow down there slick. /me looks around nervously
<geist> you dont want to attract too much attention
<heat> hey kid, want some malloc?
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<heat_> zid, what a bullshit day1
<heat_> man wtf
<heat_> i wasn't figuring out why my parsing was going wrong. i was parsing nineight as 9ight
<heat_> none of their examples covered this
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: day1.rs · GitHub
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<zid> wtf why am I awake NOW that's even strange
<zid> r
<zid> I was aslep then suddenly I wasn't
<zid> oh heat quit
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<heat_> zid, did you see my solution
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<zid> yes
<zid> it was incredibly long
<zid> and I do't know what Some means
<GeDaMo> More than none, less than all
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<zid> Thanks GeDaMo
<heat> zid, rust has enums but they're more like algebraic data types (like haskell)
<zid> means nothing to me
<heat> so Option<T> is one of those enums, and can be either None or Some(value)
<zid> You *have* to say it in terms of n1256
<zid> or I don't understand
<heat> erm
<zid> do you mean it's a ternary that re-types something
<zid> a ? MB_OK : MB_ERROR;
<heat> struct option { Type value; bool has_val; }; #define None {.has_val = false;} #define Some(val) {.value = (val), .has_val = true;}
<heat> literally this
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<heat> i think rust (or rustc?) NaN-box so not *literally* this
<heat> but the idea is there, it's pretty simple
<Mutabah> Not sure about nan-box, but `Option` will pack itself into fully invalid locations
<Mutabah> (other enums - including option, bool, null pointers, ...)
<zid> Anyway, your thing was reaaaly complicated
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: 2023-day1-cleaned.c · GitHub
<zid> I just p++; the entire string, strcmping one/two/three/four
<zid> final match wins, done
<zid> I never even found out the strings overlapped until reddit told me
<heat> I don't think mine is that much worse
<heat> you're just not familiar with it (neither am I)
<heat> granted the code is probably not... rustonic? rusty?
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<heat> because i don't know what I'm doing
<zid> rustonic -> cthonic
<zid> chthonic
<Mutabah> heat: "rustic"
<Mutabah> cthonic is some of the unsafe code I write
<Mutabah> Seen the UDI rust bindings I was owkring?
<Mutabah> *I was working on
<heat> no
<kazinsal> seeing the acronym UDI in this channel is a blast from the past
<heat> I don't really know rust
<Mutabah> Converted rust async into UDI calls, with a massive pile of hacks under the hood
<heat> rust async tokio serdes upvotes left
<Mutabah> kazinsal: Reading the docs was a blast from the past. I did find that USB-IF had some draft bindings
<kazinsal> I just remember the days of L4B building AMD64 ABIs for it as a labour of love and unfortunately getting nowhere because GNU tanked the effort of the whole UDI plan
<kazinsal> the good ol' days
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<heat> hot take: UDI was kind of a crap idea to begin with
<Mutabah> Despite having spent far too long over the last month fiddling with it... I half agree
<Mutabah> Device interfaces are just a little too complex to capture in such a spec.
<kazinsal> universal ethernet driver interface: packets in, packets out, wizardry ioctl. boom
<Mutabah> Well, that's kinda what the UDI ethernet bindings are
<kazinsal> a lot of folks think ethernet is some kind of magic. it's really just getting messages in and out the door as fast as possible
<mjg> what is magic about the internet is that it works given all the dogshit under the hood
<kazinsal> teaching the new guys about BGP is one of my favourite yearly exercises
<heat> mjg, could you say it has a lot of
<heat> CRAPPER
<mjg> dawg at this point i'm surprised one can send a packet
<heat> Mutabah, my opinion is that these kinds of driver <-> kernel interfaces are far too volatile to be in any spec
<mjg> let alone make the content useful
<heat> and if they aren't, they should be
<kazinsal> once it's beyond my autonomous system I don't care what happens
<kazinsal> until someone complains
<mjg> device drivers using tokio when
<heat> there has to be a device driver out there using tokio
<mjg> ticket90210: reimplement vpp on top of rust + tokio
<heat> the fuck is vpp?
<mjg> wat
<heat> i've definitely seen vpp in those freebsd rename implementations
<heat> no idea what other meaning it has
<mjg> userspace-level actually non-slow networking
<mjg> builds on dpdk
<mjg> you can do switching, firewalling 'n shit
<heat> ah cool
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<kazinsal> the one networking/osdev hackery wish I have is that broadcom would open up their 1/2.5/5/10GBASE-T switching
<kazinsal> "whitebox" switching has for the past five years been really just "choose between three linux-based OSes with binary blobs for the switching"
<heat> my one osdev hackery wish I have is that broadcom would blow the fuck up seriously what the fuck kind of cursed hardware do they make the fuck up
<kazinsal> their switching ASICs are phenomenal
<kazinsal> it's their cheapest level of dogshit PCI ethernet cards that are dodgy
* mjg sticks to his trusty ne2000
<mjg> fuck the haters
<kazinsal> had some good luck with their 25GbE
<heat> rtl8139?
<Mutabah> 8139 ftw
<Mutabah> although curse that random 0x10 byte offset
<kazinsal> 8139 is the realtek equivalent of the e1000
<kazinsal> reuse 90% of your code with the remaining 10% being a bunch of if statements for various model edge cases
<Mutabah> Pretty much.
<heat> but the 8139 is objectively a crap NIC
<heat> the e1000 is pretty solid
<Mutabah> e1000 is nicer than 8139 due to being a little newer, but damn the 8139 was common
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<heat> the 8168 i have is really similar to the e1000 in the base design
<kazinsal> at some point once I get around to redoing my kernel core I'm going to do an XL710/E810 driver
<zid> I don't think my part 2 is going to finish running
<heat> ring buffer of rx descs, ring buffer of tx descs, ezpz
<zid> unless I write a range checker instead of this for loop
<kazinsal> get that sweet 200GbE going
<heat> i'm not sure how the really big really fast NICs work
<heat> but for 1GbE and shit? yeah, ring bufferz of descs
<kazinsal> enormous amount of offload
<kazinsal> and dozens of MSI-X interrupts
<kazinsal> it's almost entirely built around making sure you can spread all you need around as many CPUs as possible and let the other side's offload reorder shit
<heat> i don't think i've bothered to implement TSO and GSO yet
<heat> i do have csum offloading tho
<zid> You have completed Day 5!
<zid> real 3m59.506s
<zid> oopsie?
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<zid> scary, thought my monitor had finally totally died
<zid> turns out it just forgot the latch status of the power button
<zid> so unplugging it and plugging it back in did nothing, had to turn it off then on
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<netbsduser> interesting to hear about the great revival of UDI
<netbsduser> i was feeling like being interoperable one day so i looked at it, left it alone, and implemented a shim for windows storport drivers instead
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<moon-child> udi revival?
<zid> universal derial is
<netbsduser> moon-child: apparently so
<netbsduser> now the RUST language has a binding for it seemingly
<Mutabah> Nah, I just got bored and decided to try it out
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<zid`> Stupid internet, I blame the series of tubes
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<Ermine> udi?
<zid> It's what it's called when it hurts when you pee
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<kof123> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Driver_Interface i assume that but not going to read the logs :D
<geist> hmm, great revival of udi? eh?
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<netbsduser> geist: rust bindings have been created to it
<geist> oh well there you go!
<geist> it's official!
<netbsduser> i remember there being a prior initiative for its revival a while ago but it got dragged down into this ridiculous argument to make the drivers bytecode
<netbsduser> which was in any case irrelevant as the bytecode advocate didn't lift a finger to try to realise his vision
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<geist> yeah, i've been hearing about UDI for what seems like at least 20 years
<virt> coming from c# and windows, how difficult would it be to learn xcode? It seems a lot more complicated at first glance.
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<node1> When someone say "Microcode" what does it mean?
<bl4ckb0ne> its code you need a microscope to look at
<gorgonical> I normally hear about this in the context of shit like "a microcode patch to fix a vulnerability"
<node1> i  got it inside a processor?
<gorgonical> So to me that's the code that the IME runs on
<zid> I made my day 5 code a bunch faster with CLEVER HAX
<node1> How about Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
<zid> It now runs in 3 minutes instead of 4 minutes :(
<gorgonical> a tee is a separate, parallel software stack
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<heat> gorgonical: the IME does NOT run on microcode
<zid> what's an IME
<gorgonical> heat: That's why I said "to me"
<gorgonical> I'm not an authority
<zid> other than input method editor
<heat> the ME runs on a separate coprocessor
<heat> 486-like
<zid> oh, the ME
<gorgonical> sorry, wasn't sure whether we called it the intel ME or the IME
<zid> yea, ME runs either on your cpu if it's old, a seperate CPU if it's mid, and internal silicon if it's new
<node1> How about Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) ??
<zid> I've had all three now
<gorgonical> node1: A TEE is a separate software stack that you cordon off to be more secure
<gorgonical> It almost always runs with extra hardware security enforcement in place to ensure this
<node1> when you say separate software stack means?
<gorgonical> a parallel kernel and userspace
<gorgonical> living somewhere else in the address space, sometimes even in physically separated memory
<heat> yeah thats the ME as well
<heat> separate CPU, separate memory, with a kernel and userspace
<gorgonical> If it's purpose is to do "secure computing" work on a machine then it could be characterized as a TEE, sure
<gorgonical> That usually implies that *you* can issue work to it, but I don't think it's necessary
<node1> When someone mentions the 'Trusted Computing Base,' they are typically referring to all the security components, including hardware, software, and firmware, that are integral to the system's security.
<node1> ???
<heat> gorgonical: anyway to be clear, the ME is a completely motonous piece of software that does, erm, management
<heat> the vulns have nothing to do with the ME
<gorgonical> broadly yes, but sometimes TCB refers only to the software, with the implicit assumption that the hardware is "secure enough"
<heat> *usually*
<heat> monotonous*
<gorgonical> heat: thank you for the clarification
<zid> heat, day2, stat
<node1> gorgonical thanks, but still i am unable to visualize TEE
<heat> haven't done it yet
<heat> i'm a rust programmar now
<zid> that's what that means
<heat> so i'm laz
<zid> stat = at once, immediately
<gorgonical> node1: that figure is a reasonable architectural diagram
<gorgonical> I can't link you the ones in my paper because they aren't hosted lol
<heat> hehe littlekernal go brrrrrrr
<gorgonical> op-tee's not lk-based I don't think
<gorgonical> though nvidia has used lk before
<heat> trusty is
<gorgonical> they call it "trusted little kernel" so that way you know its secure
<gorgonical> node1: one way to think of the TEE is analogously to processes. You *could* just run all your code in the same address space and trust that the software is correct. This is a bad idae, so we invent hardware mechanisms that enforce separation between processes, all managed by the kernel. A TEE is like doing this same thing but at the kernel/OS layer
<gorgonical> And for basically the same reasons. If it were trivial to determine if software were correct we would basically not need any hardware help. If you could just press "check for bugs" in your editor and it said "yep no bugs" then everything would be much simpler
<node1> And what it execute in this space???
<gorgonical> node1: whatever you like: kitten, linux, andix, littlekernel, raw ASM
<heat> softwear
<node1> ok
<gorgonical> the "traditional" use of the TEE is do to things like identity/key management or DRM enforcement
<gorgonical> but you can run whatever. Ultimately it's just another processor mode. Technically in ARM you have to explicitly turn OFF security at the firmware level. You start up by default in secure mode
<node1> Also what ths Application Binary Interface ?
<gorgonical> That's a standard concept you can search for yourself, here's wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_binary_interface
<node1> well i think It's not related to programming rather then how to design programming languages
<heat> why do you come here asking for definitions?
<heat> we're not a dictionary mate
<Ermine> Does nvidia drop their hw to geist?
<heat> geist gpu plox
<heat> thank
<node1> that should adhere to some specific rules how these applications runs  on target OS
<node1> What's your thought?
<zid> no, he has an A750 :D
<zid> My nvidia friend said they had a like, internal store, at cheapish prices
<zid> but he never got like, free gpus
<zid> unless it had 'wires coming out of it'
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<kof123> node1: i have a hypothetical, language, any language, that compiles down to asm. how are arguments passed to a "function" ? what if i want to call that function like a library, from another program? how is all this going to be coordinated for 10,000 programs that other people write and want to do the same?
<heat> >buy gpus at cheap prices on the internal store
<heat> >resell gpus at a huge markup
<heat> >$$$
<heat> >get fired
<zid> If they have any
<kof123> ibm did give a discount on like refurbished stuff, maybe mcro d should go there for that :D
<gorgonical> It would be pretty cool to have a newer POWER workstation
<gorgonical> IBM must have some of those kicking around internally somewhere
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<geist> haha nvidia give me anything? haha
<gorgonical> you're telling me they aren't giving you a Grace(TM) Hopper(TM) Superchip(TM)(R) for free, geist???
<geist> :(
<gorgonical> I went to SC and I swear nvidia has outfitted reps with shock collars to make sure they say that superchip part
<Ermine> Boo bad nvidia!!!!!!!
<zid> nvidia events should have goodie bags with 4090s in
<zid> I need something to play gta6 with when it comes out afterall
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<heat> geist: im well aware nvidia aren't giving you anything, i just want you to buy me a GPU
<heat> can you do that? thanks <3
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<netbsduser> kof123: the solution to your problem is to define a convention for calling
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<kof123> yes, node_one asked what an ABI was :D > Arguably the biggest and most important part of an ABI is the procedure call standard sometimes known as the "calling convention"
<heat> the most important part of the 386 sysv abi is the X11 interfaces
<Ermine> nortti explained this part to me some time ago
<nortti> which part?
<Ermine> x11 interfaces
<Ermine> ... in sysv abi
<nortti> did I? I thought someone else on here did
<zid> I remember the pdf getting posted
<Ermine> you did too
<zid> and most of us were like "This is a weird thing to be documented in the abi doc"
<nortti> ah yeah I guess I did take part in the explanation https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/osdev/2023-11-19#35270379;
<bslsk05> ​libera.irclog.whitequark.org: #osdev on 2023-11-19 — irc logs at libera.irclog.whitequark.org
* CompanionCube wonders how you would fill that hole in the log
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<immibis> the main purpose of a trusted computing base is to make sure you don't own the hardware you bought
<immibis> otherwise you'd make it a process or a kernel module
<immibis> even the OS kernel isn't allowed to mess with the TCB
<immibis> so they put all the DRM and backdoor stuff there
<clever> yeah, the kernel needs to lock down the datapath from the decryption program to the gpu
<clever> so you need to prevent a debugger from attaching to things like the video player and X server
<clever> you need to prevent any modifications of the kernel (sign the kernel and modules) so the kernel cant be used to sniff things
<clever> and also to protect the keys
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<clever> immibis: i can picture ways to allow partial kernel changes, lets say there is a trusted kernel in EL3, and if the EL1 kernel is signed, it gets the keys, but if EL1 is unsigned, it still runs, but lacks key access
<clever> that would give the user partial control over the device, and the ability to run any kernel they want, the keys for DRM would just not be accessible
<clever> until they restore the "authorized" kernel