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<epony> web dev is 1/3 of your job, 2/3 are web watch
<epony> oups
<epony> wrong timeline
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* kof123 .oO( and i saw the old compiler dragon book rise up, and 1/3 of the web languages fell from the cloud )
<kof123> this is a trick joke, because many ppl probably don't like either :D
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<epony> you mean big tech imploded into 30% sackings
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<kof123> that works, but from their POV i'm sure it will be efficient cost-cutting measures for utopia :D
<kof123> or whatever ms supposedly used to do...drop the x% lowest performers
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<kof123> i don't really follow those things, or care, but a quick search reveals yes still how it is perhaps done :D
<kof123> i don't really put much weight in big xyz....big america, small america. big china, small china. it is a way of deflecting from whatever countries policies/business environment, as if they are not all part of the same "system"
<kof123> *country's anyways :D
<kof123> analogy: one program is hogging all the RAM. oh, so you are going to add some per-process limit and enforce this? no, it is just a bad program, let it play out lol
<kof123> all the other programs are "good", just a few bad apples lol
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<kof123> how about a real scheduler? nah, the honor system cooperative works fine lol
<kof123> maybe take all these "bad programs" and run them on separate machines and isolated DMZ so they don't take down other services? nope, now you are interfering with the wisdom of sysadmins to partition things correctly
<kof123> and the wisdom of users to correctly decide what programs to run lol
<kof123> the difference between a rogue virus program and a bootloader is just a badge :D
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<kof123> TLDR: money corrupts everyone else but not me, if i was a gazillionaire, i could totally handle it lol
<kof123> they seem to want to leave this path open lol
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<immibis> are you talking to yourself?
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<kof123> > you mean big tech imploded into 30% sackings
<Mutabah> immibis: seems so
<kof123> i just don't care for identity nonsense
<kof123> epony can reply if he wishes :D note the silence
<kof123> and if you want to offer another defiinition of "big tech" (my contention is it is undefined and just identity nonsense) feel free
<kof123> ok, no actual definition exists, thanks :D
<kof123> it is known ms uses that phrase to deflect, if you want to go there :D
<kof123> i do not wish to, just pointing out
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<vdamewood> I think I might need to port my os to arm, now that my daily driver is an ARM laptop.
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<kof123> offtopic, but relevant to epony's claim: the "ideal model people are supposed to emulate" mode of education is a (but perhaps not limited to) "performance-based" model of education. not judging you immi and Muta for that, but...does not help the case that "big tech" exists as some independent entity. just FYI. top-down performance-based hierarchies are more like "big tech lays off x% of low performers" than not.
<kof123> it don't concern me...but i prefer you use other styles of education when trying to "teach" me
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<immibis> I see we have a libertarian on our hands. You'll learn when you're older.
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* geist blinks
<geist> how are my osdevers this evening?
<GeDaMo> It's morning!
<GeDaMo> The shortest day
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<Mutabah> geist: I have escaped from the wagemines for the year
<Mutabah> Glory to holidays
<geist> yay!
<geist> yah today was my last day for the year too
<geist> and i haven't yet settled into vaation time
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<vdamewood> GeDaMo: Ha, it was the shortest day here yesterday.
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<GeDaMo> Looks like the actual moment of solstice was 3:27 GMT https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/when-winter-solstice-shortest-day
<bslsk05> ​www.rmg.co.uk: When is the winter solstice? The shortest day | Royal Observatory Greenwich
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<gog> \o/
<gog> we are climbing up the hill to spring now
<gog> we're running up that hill
<gog> running up that building
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<GeDaMo> Running up that bill :|
<gog> yeh
* kazinsal headpats gog
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* gog prr
<gog> today is going to be a chill day i think
<gog> yesterday was busy af but i did good work
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<Ermine> No chill this weekend, only hardcore. Hopefully I'll survive
<heat> extremely hardcore
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<Matt|home> o\
<gog> Ermine: may i pet you
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<Matt|home> serious question.. wrong channel but need brutal honesty
<Matt|home> is there any chance of success as an individual selling software, either on some app store or to a company or smth
<Matt|home> if it's not a game
<FireFly> if by "any" you mean "nonzero" I guess the answer is yes?
<FireFly> but that doesn't mean it's a good decision
<Matt|home> realistically what's the non zero chance. im close to halfway done working on a major project (well, major for me) and i was wondering if it was worth putting in a gui and trying to sell it as an app or something
<FireFly> no idea
<FireFly> if nothing else it's something useful to put on a CV and bring up in interviews?
<GeDaMo> I'd be wary of relying on income from that for survival
<GeDaMo> Maybe I'm just risk averse :|
<Matt|home> well yeah. oh well. once im done with this project it's going in the bin anyway
<GeDaMo> I think there have been some postmortems from people who developed apps on Hackernews
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<Ermine> gog: no, sorry
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<gog> Ermine: fair enough
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<netbsduser> Matt|home: funny you ask
<netbsduser> perhaps you remember the infamous Sky OS
<netbsduser> its author now makes cheap videogames for iPhones and Androids and (i can surmise) finds it much more profitable than inventing an OS
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<heat> WHAT
<heat> im so fucked
<Gurkenglas> this only implies it's not *maximally* profitable!
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<kof123> see? you just wait a bit and reality sinks in :D $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
<gog> let that sink in
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<mjg> anybody knows if twitter is hiring hardcore engineers?
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<bl4ckb0ne> X is hiring x20 engineers
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<epony> pr0nginex
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<epony> eat your beans otherwise you're never lifting your butt off that chair..
<epony> how many children does the muskrat have?
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<epony> hamstringx
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<bl4ckb0ne> 11
<epony> quite the shagging track
<bl4ckb0ne> latest one is the wee Techno Mechanicus
<bl4ckb0ne> apparently grimes kept some semen in the freezer
<bl4ckb0ne> > On 29 October 2023, Grimes sued Musk over parental rights and custody of their eldest son
<bl4ckb0ne> topkek
<epony> he should have found out about hash tokens earlier in life
<epony> vlogsheined IDs instead of names
<epony> topkek is a bad name for a kid
<epony> hay, topkek, eat your vegetables
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<epony> sounds like bishkek and ekmek
<epony> now if you have some rationale in your brains, what good is the genetic material of a muskrat that looks like that and talks like that, is bald fat and hypothiroid and delivers an outstandingly bad genealogy line?
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<epony> "preserved some banana seeds".. yeah, stories of the dumb
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<epony> "attention masses, we're making publicity and marketing with our sex life" --the rich and famous (but not interlligent, nor beautiful) - just dumb and predatory)
<epony> here's some more braces for your advent of cope )))))))
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<gog> hi
<zid> hi
<bslsk05> ​zid.github.io: scrabl
<zid> your move gog
<gog> i will not email
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<zid> That count as a pass
<gog> ok
<zid> I think the UI is nearly finished
<zid> just needs some more backend work
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<mcrod> hi
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<gog> hi
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<Matt|home> https://i.ibb.co/wdSj1Z5/badcode.png <-- i spent 2 hours writing that.. and now it's gone forever...
<mcrod> gog may i pet you
<gog> yes
* Matt|home pets gog
* gog prr
<Matt|home> first.
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<heat_> LINUX
<zid> ADVENT
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<kof123> > Puzzles consist of two parts that must be solved in order,^[7]^[8] with the second part not revealed to the user until the first part is solved correctly
<kof123> hmm...i might like a non-linear advent if such exists :D
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<gog> hi
<heat> gog
<gog> hi heat
<heat> lets go to krusty krabs
<heat> i want a borger
<zid> you're paying
<zid> I had kfc sides for lunch, so burgers sounds good
<zid> flamey wrap, hot wings, popcorn chimken
<gog> i want a krusty krab pizza
<zid> they do pizza? :o
<zid> Can I have squirrel and shrimp
<zid> with extra krill
<gog> squirrel?
<zid> What else are they breeding squirrels in underwater air domes for
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<zid> wow, the doughnut I had was 380kCal, no wonder I struggled to finish it
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<gog> i could eat that
<gog> easily
* mcrod pets gog
* gog prr
<gog> i'm a hungry kitty
<zid> I am bad at eating, gog
<zid> I get bored after a few bites, and full after a few more
<gog> oh
<gog> sorry
<gog> i'm very good at eating
<zid> but then I'm hungry again an hour later, so I just.. got used to being hungry
<zid> I should be a chimney sweep
<gog> but you'll get the skin cancer they all get
<zid> they get skin cancer?
<zid> I figured the soot acted as sunblock
<gog> the soot is the carcinogen
<gog> although
<gog> you could carcinate
<gog> most forms of life seem to converge on it
<zid> soot is a carcinogen!?
<zid> "Exposure to soot was first associated with skin cancer of the scrotum among British chimney sweeps in 1775."
<zid> uh-oh
<gog> yup
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<heat> the krabby patty is veggie???!?!?!?
<heat> screw that i'm not going to krusty krab
<zid> isn't it
<zid> krill
<zid> I always assumed it was krill
<zid> does krill/plankton count as meat
<zid> or is it like, suspiciously complex plant
<gog> krill is animal
<zid> shhh
<zid> don't let the vegetarians know
<gog> they'r3e like very tiny shrimps
<zid> Nope, definitely just dots.
<heat> "there is absolutely no meat in the Krabby Patty. There's no animal product in there"
<zid> Lovely healthy vegetarian dots.
<gog> is it phytoplankton
<zid> how small does an animal have to get before it's vegetarian
<zid> my vote is "until you can't make out the face"
<gog> hm
<gog> are euglena then vegetarian
<zid> defo
<gog> hmm
<zid> I found a website claiming it's vegan even
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<kof123> you made ignore immibis i don't do mastery learning just FYI. muta stays because an op and i have no choice :D
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<kof123> > (04:18:06 AM) immibis: I see we have a libertarian on our hands. You'll learn when you're older no my argument was markets don't exist, but take it elsewhere. again, i don't do identity nonsense. arguing against brainwashing is not against "regulation" sorry, false equivalency
<kof123> that is an argument that you *should* be regulated
<kof123> humans are not dogs. there is no "politics" in that statement.
* kof123 zzzzzzzzzzz
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