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<mcrod> it brings a tear to my eye
<mcrod> the things I see on IRC
* mcrod weep
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<mcrod> "and static libraries are not a thing for any significant application"
<mcrod> god bless you sir
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<mjg> where is heat when oe is trying to shit on solaris? https://www.illumos.org/issues/16093
<bslsk05> ​www.illumos.org: Bug #16093: shm_open() can arbitrarily sleep 64 seconds and then fail with bogus errno - illumos gate - illumos
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<kof123> > mlibc mlibc mlibc > is this how i spawn the devil well i was pondering that....flesh and blood inherits nothing so..........port mlibc to run on solaris, and throw systemd into that somehow, and surely some kind of spawn will pop out :D
<kof123> i mean, to get spawn you need parents
<kof123> so aix or whatever else, also possibilities
<kof123> you have to find proper parents, in any case "O Beginning of the first Beginning, consider the End. O End of the last End, see to the Beginning"
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<heat> mjg, henlo
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<heat> that code is so bizarre wtf
<zid> part 2: "Do something entirely different"
<zid> :(
<zid> I need a hashmap already I think,w t
<zid> it's day 3!
<zid> linear scan time?
<heat> i haven't done any aoc yet
<heat> dang
<heat> oh well, see you next year
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<zid> gave up day 1?
<zid> day 1 was weirdly hard for a day 1 aoc
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<heat> i haven't even opened the webpage yet
<heat> like all of that completely slipped my mind
<zid> I mentioned it many times
<zid> specifically to make you aware
<zid> go catch up real quick
<heat> i can't, im bz
<zid> no you're not
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<heat> yes i am
<zid> no you're not
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<mjg> lol
<zid> okay got back off my arse and solved p2
<zid> It's an horrendous pile of shite though
<Reinhilde> owo
<bslsk05> ​mail-index.netbsd.org: help compiling md to create zram
<mjg> Good night.. Thanks add me
<mjg> Greetings from Brazil
<mjg> How to compile module md?
<mjg> wtf
<heat> why you follow netbsd emailen list
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<heat> zid help
<heat> my skybox texture looks like ass
<zid> are you cubemapping
<heat> yes
<zid> did you .xyzz
<heat> no
<zid> (unrelated to how it looks, it just works the best)
<zid> what's wrong with it then?
<zid> My cube map is great
<heat> i'm disabling depth testing and using some weird method using the view direction
<zid> see, perfect
<zid> (works significantly better when you don't fuck up the UVs!)
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat> it looks like ASS
<zid> That just looks like it's too low res
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<zid> do you accidentally the 4 degrees of FOV or something
<gog> hi
<zid> ih
<zid> You should try drawing a box over the source image
<zid> for how much is onscreen in your picture
<zid> I bet the red square you draw is.. tiny
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<zid> This actually looks like it's a cylinder map anyway, so maybe doing it in shader is best afterall, rather than doing it with textured geometry
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<heat> huh i was doing 30
<heat> it looks significantly better with 90
<zid> 90 is a very normal fov
<heat> https://i.imgur.com/s7UiiKh.jpg it's not perfect but it's wayy better
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<zid> 30 degree fov is like.. jeweller's loup
<zid> heat: Consider the skybox here like a quad that's sat in front of the camera
<zid> like 10cm from the camera
<zid> your job is just to adjust the texturing on that quad, so that the 'right' amount of the background image is in-frame
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<heat> yeah i know
<zid> you had it set way too low, like the quad was zoomed in a lot
<heat> or adjust the fov from CRAPPER amounts
<zid> I bet it went BRRR if the camera spun, relative to the planets
<zid> If you get the fov/zoom/etc correct, they'll look nearly motionless
<zid> if they're wrong you'll get parallax scrolling
<zid> (Effectively, the skybox spinning at a different rate to the camera)
<zid> you need 2pirad of camera movement to scroll the quad 1 texture width
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<zid> haha
<zid> transistors have been like that since 45nm to be fair
<zid> but I love the use of the beckham meme format
<GeDaMo> Beckham?
<zid> yes
<zid> that is david and victoia beckham, you are welcome
<GeDaMo> Oh :|
<zid> It was part of an interview victoria was doing, she claimed to be working class, then david popped in from another room and said "How did you go to school?" and she reluctantly answered "..cheuffered land rover"
<GeDaMo> I was actually wondering what that was from, I didn't recognise them :P
<zid> (or was it a bentley?)
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: 2023-day3.c · GitHub
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<gog> hi
<zid> heat being lazy, there's obvious low hanging bananas here
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<zid> https://gist.github.com/zid/8c560010fc3a3b9dd478996019f02b5e I cleaned it up without heat's help, fuck heat
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<gog`> i dusted my computer
<GeDaMo> Icing sugar? :|
<zid> I made my computer fast
<zid> pls feed it, it's hungry
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<gog`> yes
<gog`> i mean i got the dust out of it
<gog`> there was quite a bit
<gog`> my lungs ar eunhappy even though i used the air can outside
<GeDaMo> Did you wear a mask?
<gog`> no
<gog`> perhaps i should have lol
<gog`> baldurs gate performance is fucked up again
<gog`> it also crashed which had only happened once before
<zid> did you check your BOOST CLOCKS
<gog`> i would install it in windows but i don't think there's enoug disk space for that
<zid> to see if it's just being shitty, or if it's 100%ing
<zid> I have.. puffed rice chicken, it's slightly strange
<gog`> boost clocks?
<zid> ye, rather than the "idling at desktop" clocks
<gog`> pretty sure it was boosted
<gog`> power consumption was 45W
<zid> and at 100% use?
<zid> 45W is.. less than a 750 ti
<gog`> 95%
<zid> pci-e slot limit is 75W
<gog`> according to nvidia-smi
<zid> so it's using half the power of a gpu that doesn't take power cables
<gog`> it's a mobile gpu
<zid> oh
<zid> all bets are off then
<gog`> it performs very well on my wife's computer which has nearly identical specs
<gog`> but in windows
<zid> yea I imagine the 4xxx and 3xxx mobile chips are actually really good
<zid> cus they're.. massively overvolted in the desktop configs
<gog`> 1650
<zid> like, if you underclock them by 10%, you get 40% the power use
<gog`> it's a couple generations behind
<zid> I've not used a mobile gpu in.. a long time
<zid> they used to be trash cus the desktop cards used barely any power anyway
<zid> 4090 "What if we took a 1650 and just ran it at 500W?"
<gog`> i don't think it's my gpu that's the problem, native games run ok
<gog`> cities skylines doesn't stutter or jitter or crash even heavily modded
<zid> I don't believe you
<zid> that thing runs like ass
<gog`> not csky:2
<gog`> og
<zid> even 1 runs like ass
<zid> all paradox games do
<gog`> well, in any case, it's my benchmark rn
<zid> they perfom like they were written in python
<zid> despite being in C++
<zid> good talent
<gog`> csky is c#
<gog`> mostly i think
<zid> orly? all the others ones I've seen crash were C++
<zid> cus they all used the CLAUSWITZ engine or watever
<gog`> csky is unity
<zid> unity + 20MB dll doing all the work is a thing a lot of the time
<zid> but at leat the render path code should be solid
<zid> cus unity is doing it
<gog`> yeh
<gog`> idk i'm pretty sure it's just proton
<gog`> i've tried hotfix and experimental
<gog`> or it's because i'm trying to use steam-native
<zid> as in, steam in wine?
<gog`> steam-native as in using native shared libs
<zid> (-native is an odd thing to *name* a thing, does it mean renativized, or from its native location?)
<gog`> rather than the valve ones
<zid> sounds like they mean renativized
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<zid> heat
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<heat> zid
<zid> you said that single statement else is not allowed in your codebase?
<heat> it's not allowed in edk2
<heat> that's not my codebase
<zid> Does that mean you have to write if(a) { ... } else { if(b) { } }
<heat> no
<zid> inconsistent bastars
<zid> question
<zid> short a = 1; printf("%d\n", sizeof(+a)["0123456"]);
<zid> what print
<zid> LP64
<heat> 4 in ASCII
<zid> so close, 1
<heat> rly?
<zid> yea, the LP64 thing was bait
<zid> [] has higher prio than sizeof
<zid> (+a)[""] gives char, sizeof 1
<zid> the + was bait too
<heat> wait what
<heat> fuckin
<heat> ew
<zid> the DOUBLE BAIT
<heat> well i'm happy i guess +a would be an int expression
<heat> guessed*
<zid> I actually checked if unary + existed earlier
<zid> cus I was lining some numbers up
<zid> I'd never used it before, always did spaces
<heat> i think default int is really good and everything really should be int
<heat> shorts? int.
<heat> char? int.
<heat> long? somehow, also int.
<zid> long is int on windows
<GeDaMo> long long? :P
<heat> long long is not real
<heat> C99 is not real
<GeDaMo> Is it float? :|
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<heat> floats are real, you probably mean something like complex
<zid> float_t is a double
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<GeDaMo> No real! Only float!
<zid> No Réal! Only Madrid!
<heat> haha is that a football reference???
<heat> whose idea was it to make char signed OR unsigned
<mjg> i'll tell you how it happened
<zid> Nobody knows. We should find Mr. Nobody and kill him
<mjg> - ey joe, you know what would be funny?
<mjg> joe snorts a line
<mjg> - what
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<mjg> - if signedness of char depended on the implementation
<mjg> - i was hoping for worse but it wont hurt
<mjg> not an *exact* transcript but it gives you the general idea
<heat> -ey joseph, you know what would be funny?
<heat> -what
<heat> -given short a = 0; sizeof(a) == 2 and sizeof(+a) == 4
<mjg> - but mon, nobody is gonna write that in a real program
<heat> TINPOT LANGUAGE LMAO STOP USING C USE C+... wait what do you mean no one fixed any of this in C++?
<zid> cus C++ never changes the language
<zid> they stopped after breaking void *
<zid> cus it was too much like a good thing to try make a *new* language
<zid> so they just bolted more and more classes onto C++99
<heat> 98 btw
<mjg> c++ bestest language, second only to javas^WRUST
<zid> 98 then
<heat> its only now that they more or less sync'd up the standards
<zid> international power soccer international 97 is better than C++98
<zid> and it came out 1 year earlier
<heat> >soccer
<heat> no its worse
<heat> football football footall football football
<gog`> hi
<mjg> heat is into football like MAGNUS CARLSEN
<heat> thanks for the reminder for my daily chessle
<zid> Play me and stockfish at chess
<heat> today's opening was giuoco piano
<zid> Me and y doubles partner, stockfish
<mjg> wait u pley?
<mjg> :O
<mjg> don't
<mjg> all luck no skill game
<mjg> trust me, i'm on reddit
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<heat> i don't play
<heat> i do puzzles and my daily chessle
<bslsk05> ​jackli.gg: Chessle
<mjg> puzzles? chesstempo
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<mjg> (for real, best quality afaics)
<zid> Got it in 1
<heat> did you google giuoco piano
<heat> cuz thats cheatin
<heat> mjg, i usually use lichess
<mjg> they are shite-ish
<heat> the puzzles are kind of ass but idc
<mjg> chesstempo.com
<heat> oracle.com
<mjg> a mixture of positional play and tactics
<zid> nah I was just lying
<zid> I did it in 2 though
<zid> I did wordle in 3 without lying
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<heat> i never wordled i just chessle
<heat> i even have a specific super sekrit optimized opening i use
<heat> ... its e4 e5 d4 d5 Nf6 Nc3
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<zid> That's more or less what I played round 1
<zid> which let me get round 2 in one
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<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [PATCH 0/7] File abstractions needed by Rust Binder
<zid> heat: done day1 yet?
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<moon-child> hey gog`
<moon-child> gog`:
<moon-child> gog`:
<moon-child> gog`:
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<moon-child> gog`:
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<moon-child> gog`:
<gorgonical> Holy god almighty
<gorgonical> Anyone who does not use braces with things like for or if should have their hands summarily removed so they can no longer code
<moon-child> gog` doesn't like me any more :\
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<heat> zid, no
<heat> mjg, lmao peterz is based
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<gog`> moon-child:
<gog`> moon-child:
<gog`> hi
<gog`> sorry i was watching tv
<heat> So to summarise, Rust cannot properly interop with C, it cannot do
<heat> inline asm from this side of the millenium. Why are we even trying to
<heat> use it again?
<heat> BASED
<heat> peterz is REDPILLED
<gog`> based and rustpilled
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<gog`> root root root
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<moon-child> gog`: next time I'm in iceland can I have one (1) headpats
<moon-child> i feel like i deserve it for being a good kitty and not murdering anybody while forced to stay on the helltube for an inordinate number of hours
<gog`> yes
<gog`> you are a very good kitty
<moon-child> :3
<gog`> :3
<zid> heat: if it can't interface C, and it can'tdo asm, remind me why it's a system's lang?
<zid> systems
<gog`> you gotta be able to interface with the C
<zid> Correct
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<mjg> it can interop with c, but not in a manner which is anywhere near close to OPTIMAL
<mjg> people seem to be forgetting that this is not a system's developer systems language
<mjg> this is a language created by someone working in a general area known to be bloated into fucking oblivion
<netbsduser> this reminds me of the argument stephen kell made about what makes a systems language
<netbsduser> in his "some were meant for c" paper
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<netbsduser> he reminds people that systems programming is about the creation of systems (i.e. systems of multiple components that interact with one another) and argues C's merits as such by constructing an argument founded in 'communicativity'
<zid> rust not working between .so units when I first heard about rust, gave me a real wtf
<netbsduser> because it as a language imposes few requirements, in no way even attempts to hide the byte-representation of runtime entities in the language, it is especially 'communicative'
<zid> extern "C" -> extern "I want this to work with how computers function"
<zid> :P
<zid> This article would be better
<zid> if it wasn't about some poem
<zid> also one of the major issues I've had with C++, "What do you mean, + could be in in another file and can *allocate* memory?", it violates this guy's communication princple, to me at least
<zid> "C has the fewest externalities" is another very similar take
<zid> I've seen the horrors of Go projects, where they pull a snapshot copy of every dep they use, then maintain every single dep in-house, because the out of tree one diverged
<zid> and it dirverged because of the 'communication' issues this guy talks of, imo
<zid> they're talking in abstractions, rather than shared representations
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<gorgonical> I am not having a great day with this
<gorgonical> Just realized that poll is so stack-intensive that I'm getting stack corruption and then for some reason if I try to increase task kernel stack size other things are broken
<heat> yeah poll needs a bunch of space for OPTIMIZATIONZ
<heat> to avoid kmalloc'ing
<zid> did you do day 1 yet heat, or read my ramble
<zid> either works
<heat> what ramble?
<zid> directly above what gorg said
<heat> oh it can interface with C and it can do asm
<heat> just not nearly as well as gcc
<zid> so I can create arbitrary memory representations and access them natively at least then? even code pointers, etc?
<heat> peterz is BASED AND REDPILLED but also being a bit exaggerated IMO
<heat> probably?
<zid> lol
<heat> i'm not a rust developer
<zid> me either
<zid> who is peterz?
<zid> zjilstra?
<heat> peter zjilstra
<zid> Peter Zijlstra is an associate professor of Molecular Plasmonics in the research group for Molecular Biosensing for Medical Diagnostics
<mjg> 's a dude at INTEL
<zid> The kernel one is actually way handsomer
<gorgonical> "molecular plasmonics" is a really good name for a field
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<gorgonical> sounds like a fucking comic book villain's job
<zid> Molecular plasmonics sounds made up
<zid> Watery Solidics
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<mcrod> hi
<heat> i think the kernel developers don't realize how edge case all of these features they use are
<heat> like
<heat> i've seen ~0 asm gotos in non-kernel code
<blockhead> jmp
<gog`> hi
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<heat> gog` are you based and redpilled or just based
<gog`> i'm based and bluepilled
<gog`> keep me in blissful ignorance
<heat> knowledge is power: +2 national unrest
<heat> ignorance is bliss: -10 national prestige
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