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<epony> the morning team mops up blood stains from the late night hacking team eyeballs
<epony> must.. fix.. that code too now
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* kof123 .oO( motivational poster: compromise: bloodshot eyes during the day )
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<vai> I was thinking I could get an IDE laptop or workstation
<vai> IDE HD
<nortti> what for?
<heat> when life is going too fast
<vai> nortti: for a beginning of hw demo
<vai> I was thinking I could setup a qemu JTMOS server at jtmos.com
<nortti> I guess jtmos does not support ahci?
<vai> nortti: not yet
<vai> qemu works with 512 Mb RAM
<vai> without any memory mapping other than pure paging
<vai> no PCI addresses mapped
<vai> so it is linearally 512 Mb of RAM
<nortti> you live in turku right, or am I confusing you with someone else?
<vai> nortti: www.jyvaskyla.fi
<bslsk05> ​www.jyvaskyla.fi: Jyväskylän kaupunki | Jyväskylä.fi
<nortti> ah okay, then I was
<nortti> I have a fujitsu amilo laptop with amd athlon xp, 256M of RAM, and a working IDE HDD
<nortti> and don't really have any use for it, so if you were local could have sold it for cheap
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<nshire> what kind of code can run in the efi bootloader environment
<gog> any code that doesn't violate the spec
<gog> you can do many t hings
<puck> oh you can violate the spec too
<bslsk05> ​osresearch/safeboot-loader - Linux kernel module to use UEFI Block IO Protocol devices. Probably not a good idea. (9 forks/60 stargazers)
<gog> neat
<gog> also i have violated the spec and it "worked"
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<zid> UB has UB
<gog> i like a little undefined behavior
<gog> keeps life spicy
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<zid> advent wants me to write graph search and I hate it
<zid> with an passion
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<heat> gog
<heat> bazel
<heat> puck, that hack beats the whole uefi network stack
<puck> yes
<puck> but i'd not use most of the UEFI network stack anyways
<puck> i'd probably just import smoltcp
<heat> sadly the great IBV VALUE ADD all use it
<puck> doesn't mean i have to :p
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<epony> write facetious serach then
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<gog> hi
<gog> heat: bazooper
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<gog> there was a big bang theory reference in this episode of what we do in the shadows i just watched
<gog> they went to atlantic city and nandor was playing the game and got a bazinga
<gog> the slot machine that they probably made up for the episode
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<sham1> zid: I somehow failed with my graph search. Apparently I can't A* properly. Absolute shenanigans
<sham1> Maybe I'll just do a flood fill at some point for that, I dunno
<zid> I'm off by 1 somewhere
<zid> and idk where
<sham1> Thus far most of the AoC problems this year have been BFS-able
<zid> my 'far too slow to solve the real input' one gets it right, but.. can't solve p1
<zid> my 'clever version' runs in 2 seconds but can't solve the example correctly :D
<sham1> I also got stumped by the example
<sham1> The "you can only go 3 spaces at most in one direction" really makes it difficult
<zid> I think I need to add the entire state space to my memo, I was hoping to get away with just the amount of steps in a row I'd taken
<zid> but apparently it gives false answers
<geist> neat. got a old DEC magnetic tape in the mail from ebay
<geist> 295MB
<sham1> nice
<zid> okay even that does too, what
<nortti> anything on it, or just a blank tape?
<heat> geist, admit it, you're the openvms guy
<geist> kinda, though i'm moslty running old BSDs
<geist> nortti: dunno. has a label, but dunno what format it's in
<geist> but i have a TK70 drive in the vaxserver so i needed a tape to see if it even works
<geist> limited utility since i only have one of the drives, but hey
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<oldbsduser> vax
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<geist> but i have a lot of vaxen now, so i can run a different os on each one, basically
<zid> oh weird
<heat> one day you'll star on one of those hoarders reality shows
<heat> but instead of trash you're lost in VAXEN
<geist> i need to get a van at some point and then just store vaxen in it too
<zid> sham1: okay that was super weird, my answer was too low because I ignored the 'no doubling back rule'
<zid> It was actually quicker to violate that constraint!?
<geist> like show up with vaxen in the passenger seat
<nortti> how much power do they draw, actually?
<gog> hi
<geist> these are all fairly late model, late 80s, so actually not that much
<gog> geist i'm making bagels
<geist> the pdp-11/53 seems to draw about 90W at the wall, i think, surprisingly low
<nortti> oh huh, yeah
<nortti> so could reasonably build a battery pack in the van and run one off of that
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<geist> the vaxserver 3800, which is a large pedestal, weighs like i dunno 70kg probably, seems to draw about 300W
<geist> both are fairly noisy, but sort of pleasantly so, IMO, since they have large fans
<geist> that spin slowly, so it's more of a lower pitched rumble
<geist> and these old drives have no spindle noise
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<clever> geist: do you happen to know anything about SYSTEM_SUSPEND and os-initiated within PSCI?
<clever> trying to make sense of why os-initited being missing matters
<geist> hmm, no not at all
<geist> i'm guessing there's some sort of setup so that PSCI knows how/when to restore?
<geist> but that's a pure guess
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<clever> the system-suspend call accepts a return addr, and must be ran when only 1 core is active
<geist> otherwise suspend with no obvious configuartion as to when to come back doesn't make sense
<clever> and the system will suspend, and later wake up, and jump to the specified return addr
<geist> that makes sense
<clever> but there is also an os-initiated flag on that feature, and i'm not entirely sure what that means
<geist> what does the PSCI docs say?
<clever> one guess, is that maybe its to deal with multiple OS's under a single PSCI?
<clever> > PSCI supports two modes of power state coordination, platform-coordinated mode, and OS-initiated mode.
<clever> ah, this page seems to explain it in more depth....
<geist> the docs?
<clever> reading DEN0022D_b_Power_State_Coordination_Interface.pdf
<geist> yeah, that's the docs. it's pretty clear i think, trhough sometimes it's confusingly obtuse
<clever> i hadnt noticed that section explains it more
<geist> as is the case with lots of ARM stuff
<clever> the other pages where it was mentioned, where a lot more vague
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<clever> skimming over it, it does sound like my guess was right
<clever> in platform-coordinated mode, each guest and cpu core tells PSCI what the deepest sleep level allowed is, and the wakeup latency its willing to accept
<clever> and PSCI will then decide what sleep mode is best, potentially including suspend2ram
<clever> while in OS-initiated mode, the PSCI just obeys, and does what the OS said to do
<geist> ah okay. that makes sense
<clever> platform-coordinated mode would play nicely with a 2nd kernel running in secure mode, and it may not want to go to bed right now, lol
<clever> and the pi5 psci, lacks os-init mode
<clever> but the cpu_suspend PSCI call, can still trigger the suspend2ram mailbox
<clever> i see some conditionals for checkign that
<clever> i guess i'll need the debug uart adapter, to see why things arent suspending properly
<bslsk05> ​github.com: arm-trusted-firmware/docs/design_documents/psci_osi_mode.rst at master · ARM-software/arm-trusted-firmware · GitHub
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<geist> yay the tape immediately got stuck, guess i have to dissassemble the tape drive
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> photos.google.com: Shared album - Travis Geiselbrecht - Google Photos
<geist> will have to pull out the tape drive. actually easier than it looks. that entire top part is just a metal plate you unscrew and there are 4 bays behind it. two big hard drives in bay 2 and 3, and tape in bay 4
<geist> bay 1 is unused at the moment
<zid> sham1: Finally got it, with a couple hints from fizzie. <3 fizzie.
<sham1> nice
<sham1> I'll just solve it later
<sham1> The flood™ consumes all
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<kjoint> and 4
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