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<gog> meow
* moon-child pets gog
* gog prr
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<netbsduser> https://twitter.com/aionescu/status/1583550293240750081 apparently the Windows has RCU now
<bslsk05> ​twitter: <aionescu> There are starting to be surprisingly less and less differences between Windows and Linux kernel core features. @yarden_shafir was right — time to brush up on Linux internals. ␤ I love RCU (Read Copy Update). Thank you @mamyun !!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FfnmmQAXoAAEOkY.jpg
<Ermine> Merry Christmas!
<nortti> isn't it a couple weeks off in russia still?
<sortie> sortixmas is year round
<Ermine> nortti: it is, but I presume that most people here celebrate it today
<bl4ckb0ne> tfw nobody did "all i want for christmas is rcu" yet
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<epony> getting married around Xmas is fun
<kof123> > In contrast, RCU-based updaters typically take advantage of the fact that writes to single aligned pointers are atomic on modern CPUs :/ i'm not opposed, but not high priority
<kof123> i just want story of mel with pervasive partial application and things like that...it is closer to sortimas :D
<kof123> > Purple herons are colonial breeders and build a bulky nest out of dead reeds or sticks the phoenix needs dead things to revive them :D
<epony> Melania looks geeky ;-)
<bslsk05> ​www.google.com: Error 403 (Forbidden)!!1
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<epony> bslsk05, if they don't let cripple bots in the house, how did the senile agent Smith replicant get it?
<epony> (through the *backdoor*)
<puck> i wonder if they finally saw the weird UA i'm using
<puck> firefox 0.0 baybeee
<epony> the anomaly register did not register it
<epony> I'd inspect headers in the server replies
<epony> try with libwww or something
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<kof123> have to run lots of sites do that now...
<kof123> github relatively recently, or something similar
<kof123> lynx is a sign you are up to no good lol
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<gog> hi
<zid> hi
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<mcrod> hi
<pounce> hi
<gog> hi
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<bl4ckb0ne> hi
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<Matt|home> https://pastebin.com/1KHNd1Ve <-- this is just a small snippet, but i think i can get this finished by today
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: Shoe shoe = CreateCollection(100, "deck");InitializeShoe(shoe, SIXDECKS); /* - Pastebin.com
<Matt|home> not osdev related
<kof123> well rng is :D
<zid> gog: marry chriksmu
<gog> gleðileg hátið
<FireFly> g'yule
<zid> hghlethilehgh
<FireFly> g'sundheit
<zid> I think that also applies to nortti
<zid> the rest of you can have it tomorrow
<FireFly> I think there are a few more people from outside the anglosphere :p
<zid> or francosphere
<zid> or spanisphere
<zid> or balkanisphere
<zid> it's literally just germany, prussia, scandanavia + iceland
<zid> or my map is lying to me
<bslsk05> ​en.m.wikipedia.org: Christmas Eve - Wikipedia
<zid> (austria and poland count as germany, I tried to protest but they had fokkers and lugers
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> www.reddit.com: Blocked
<zid> They tried to make the map more dark blue twice, they even got pretty close in part 2
<FireFly> but true, seems also Italy is in christmas day gang
<zid> heat: portugal cyka
<FireFly> zid: huh, well I dunno :o
<FireFly> I guess it's 25th then mostly
<zid> (side note, the toggle-lock action on the luger is still really cool looking)
<zid> seems like it'd be stupidly fragile and not work, but it do
<kof123> "anglosphere" depends if you believe that was ankland or not :D
<kof123> in which case, pun on sphere :D
<FireFly> must be where duckburg is
<kof123> since that would be the whole sphere :D
<kof123> i'll just say they had avalon :D
<FireFly> (TL note, ank- being the prefix of duck- in swedish)
<zid> swedish gets its own prefix just for duck? dang
<FireFly> well, it's more that you get compound words written together instead of separated by a space
<zid> yea it was an joke
* FireFly ducks
<zid> no need to duck, it already flew over
<FireFly> (quack)
<kof123> supposedly that was one form of dippers :D
<kof123> so there is a heavenly duckland too lol
<heat> zid, portugal cyka wear
<zid> wear?
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<heat> wear
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<zid> wear?
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<gog> heat
<gog> zid
<gog> duck
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<zid> yay duck
<heat> fuck
<zid> advent is algebra
<zid> I am putting it off
<zid> I will 100% swap some shit and invert some signs
<zid> for a few hours
<zid> and have to draw diagrams and shit
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<Ermine> fuck indeed
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<zid> what did indeed.com do you you!?
<sham1> exist
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<zid> I have gingerbread and a pint of bitter
<zid> very christmas
<gog> i have sparkling moscato dolce and panettone
<zid> I don't like sparkly mosquitos
<gog> dang you didn't read twilight?
<zid> strange isn't it
<zid> it's pretty universally loved
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<dzwdz> is there some database of libc functions supported per os out there?
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<dzwdz> i want to find what's the most reasonable unix-ish platform without getsockname(), for Reasons
<dzwdz> also hi and stuff
<zid> I did some extensive searching for you, the answer is not windows
<brynet> dzwdz: It's in 4.2BSD and POSIX, so.. you're not going to find much of anything on the intersection of "reasonable" and "unix-ish".
<geist> yah maybe some sort of late mode SVR version?
<geist> without too much BSD influence and pre posix?
<Matt|home> o\
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<epony> you said BeestieSuperDisturbedution
<epony> vrynet, makes an unclear point..
<epony> dzwdz, why are you so obsessed with LISP anyway?
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<epony> dzwdz, better make a list of the standard C libraries and pick one instead of making irrational questions and remarks of no real importance
<epony> 2023 is about 50 years too late for that kind of pondering for C and 40 years too late for C++
<epony> or.. do whatever you like without drama
<epony> or, if you want to be rich and famous, make one yourself, but first try to remember who wrote the other ones, and see how famous you will be to others (exactly in the same way)
<epony> remember ulrich drepper?
<epony> you'll be less famous..
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<heat_> geist, maybe a really old System V without networking? if those even existed