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<heat> oracle's linux kernel is unironically called unbreakable enterprise kernel
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<bslsk05> ​dl.acm.org: Clockhands: Rename-free Instruction Set Architecture for Out-of-order Processors
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<zid> advent day 10 was fun, I was too dumb to do the obvious solution so I did a very pretty but silly way instead
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<netbsduser> quiet day today
<sham1> Makes sense. It's a Sunday after all
<zid> No, I murdered everybody
<zid> sham1: I solved day10 three ways.. I'm tempted to rewrite it as an xor linked list now
<sham1> nice. I tried a flood fill for the second part. Failed miserably
<zid> I did that first, then realized I could just count crossings
<zid> both worked fine, the 2nd was like 1/4 the size
<zid> The flood fill version is pretty after you let cleartype mangle it too
<geist> oh thats neat
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