klange changed the topic of #osdev to: Operating System Development || Don't ask to ask---just ask! || For 3+ LoC, use a pastebin (for example https://gist.github.com/) || Stats + Old logs: http://osdev-logs.qzx.com New Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/osdev || Visit https://wiki.osdev.org and https://forum.osdev.org || Books: https://wiki.osdev.org/Books
<epony> that fast Fourrier..
<epony> and theen, you have to transcode all your files are belong to USoA
<epony> otherwise, you're not really using it ;-)
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<kof123> i should explain why i call it the story of mel shell: https://wryun.github.io/es-shell/ > In modern parlance, every single instruction was followed by a GO TO! Put that in Pascal's pipe and smoke it. > In es, almost all standard shell constructs (e.g., pipes and redirection) are translated into a uniform representation: function calls > for example, a user can override the definition of pipes to cause remote execut
<bslsk05> ​wryun.github.io: es - extensible shell
<kof123> it is like looking into a mirror
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<gog> 2fast2fouriers
<zid> 6fast9fouriers, get on my level
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<gog> how juvenile
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<zid> I fucked up getting a 5800x, clearly
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<Ermine> is it word?
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<geist> zid: clearly. that graph is irrefutable
<zid> I think it makes the m68k the best cpu, running windows server 20xx as its best OS?
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<epony> if it's the best one why is it not being produced any more ;-)
<epony> here is the answer, it was expensive and it was obsoleted by a better one
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<epony> zid cires.. silently
<epony> (on the inside)
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<Ermine> Wow, ARM publishes optimized stringops and such in a separate repository
<zid> I've seen the math ops
<zid> I was laughing at musl for copy pasting them uncredited with the original weird formatting
<mjg> ? :D
<Mondenkind> huh? isn't musl just an msun clone same as everybody else?
<Mondenkind> mjg: btw how does it make you feel to know that all the math libs come from SUN
<mjg> Mondenkind: safe and secure
<bslsk05> ​www.illumos.org: Bug #16093: shm_open() can arbitrarily sleep 64 seconds and then fail with bogus errno - illumos gate - illumos
<Mondenkind> looool
<mjg> did red hat write this? :thinkingface:
<mjg> red hat is sun's spiritual successor man
<Ermine> l mao
<mjg> speaking of l mao, check out this offer Principal Software Engineer, Trilogy (Remote) - $100,000/year USD
<Ermine> that's roughly 8000 bucks per month
<mjg> people get that below senior level
<Ermine> Another l mao: ubuntu showed me ubsan warning
<zid> I has thermal pasta
<Ermine> really, ubsan warning on kernel 6.5.0
<mjg> ubsan?
<mjg> what exactly are you running
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<Ermine> ubuntu 23.10 on an old imac
<Ermine> it uses radeon for graphics, so it's probably poorly tested
<mjg> it probably is
<mjg> but where did you get ubsan from
<mjg> are you fucking with a custom kernel?
<Ermine> no, it's ubuntu kernel
<mjg> production kernl with ubsan?
<mjg> are you sure you did not just get an oops?
<Ermine> Yes
<Ermine> it's not an oops
<mjg> wut
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<Ermine> I'm confused as well
<nortti> did it give any details other than just ubsan having fired?
<Ermine> But here, dmesg, "UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in drivers/gpu/radeon/radeon_atombios.c:2620:43"
<mjg> :O
<Ermine> Then goes cpu, pid, kernel version, hardware name, call trace and register dump
<mjg> and credit card number
<Ermine> "Donate us to fix that shit"
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<antranigv> Is this a linux os-dev oriented channel? sorry, been here for a while, but never had the time to read
<gog> there are linux kernel contributors here, but that's not the whole scope. it's more for discussion of theory and practice as it relates to developing operating systems
<nortti> also I'd say there is a focus on kernels over userland
<gog> yes
<gog> kernal
<gog> operating kernal system development
<mjg> in reality the channel is mostly populated by people who tod webedevlpoment though
<mjg> not pointing fingers!
<zid> there's literally linuxnewbies or whatever if that's what you want
<zid> on.. oftc? I forget
<gog> mjg: i felt that finger pointing directly at me
<sham1> Same
<mjg> whaaat
<kof123> "is this a linux osdev..." "linux is a kernel" "focus on kernels" (in #osdev) *head explodes*
<mjg> 's not like me
<gog> i'm writing tag helpers for razor rn
<gog> they're nifty and idk why we don't have more of them
* kof123 .oO( dental plan lisa needs braces dental plan )
<zid> razor is a bad brand
<sham1> Always SeQueL
<zid> my keyboard is defective
<gog> i'm ~~ugly~~ a webdev and i'm proud!
<zid> I'm ugly and just ugly
<sham1> Same
<mjg> i just am
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<netbsduser> antranigv: no
<netbsduser> this is an openvms-oriented osdev channel
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<heat> Ermine, no way ubuntu does CONFIG_UBSAN=y??
<gog> illumos
<heat> SunOS or SonOS?
<heat> DaddyOS? UwU
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<Ermine> heat: CONFIG_UBSAN=y
<mjg> wait what the actual fuck
<mjg> my kernel also has it
<mjg> lol
<mjg> 5.15.0-91
<mjg> no wonder this shit is dog slow
<heat> LITERALLY (and I mean LITERALLY this time) pessimal
<gog> unconfig sanitizers and security mitigations
<gog> security is an illusion safety is fake
<mjg> fuck this i'm ditching ubuntu
<gog> live fast, die young, bad girls do it well
<mjg> fuck me
<gog> "fuck me, please"
<gog> ftfy
<mjg> makes you wonder what kind of pessimizations they cooked up for userspace
<mjg> i genuinely need to boot a saner distro just to check
<Ermine> which?
<Ermine> in userspace ubuntu cooked snap
<mjg> debian does not have CONFIG_UBSAN at least
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<heat> fwiw archen linuxen do not enable CONFIG_UBSAN
<Ermine> alpine doesn't enable it too
<bslsk05> ​git.launchpad.net: ~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/impish - [no description]
<heat> it's kees cooken's fault
<Ermine> bad cook
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<sham1> Absolutely no cooking in premises
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<heat> hmm it seems minimally crappen, it'll just trap on bad array bounds
<heat> wouldn't be surprised if you bleed some minimal performance
<heat> like, full UBSAN (and it's a lot heavier) on my kernel loses ~10% in microbenches
<antranigv> mjg ahahaa
<Ermine> and it indeed trapped on bad array
<Ermine> and it runs pretty smooth, despite using llvmpipe
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<Ermine> That said, I can enable all *SAN. Perf here is not really needed, but testing would help
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* Bitweasil yawns.
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<zid> Bitweasil: Don't "honey" me! You've *shrunk* the kids!?
<Bitweasil> :D Been a while since I saw that movie, but I recall it was quite good.
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<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [PATCH 00/45] C++: Convert the kernel to C++
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<Bitweasil> Huh.
<sbalmos> I'm waiting for Linus to chime in with a 4th-degree burn
<nikolar> lol
<Bitweasil> I mean, they're not *wrong* on many of those points either.
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<netbsduser> they would rather rusticate the kernel
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<netbsduser> smart of the C++ advocates to use the recent rustication initiatives as precedent for this truly radical proposition
<gog> are there not out-of-tree kernel modules in c++
<netbsduser> there may be
<gog> i found one guy who wrote some bare bones c++ support for linux
<netbsduser> but it's well known that linux considers modules which aren't part of the linux monorepo to be a danger that poses a threat to linux
<gog> i mean
<gog> they're not wrong
<gog> unless source is available
<gog> then it can absolutely be audited
<gog> why do out-of-tree modules need to touch the kernel's taint, that's a weird request
<heat_> gog, many of the headers explode C++, i.e struct S { int new; void *private; };
<gog> ohh
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<heat_> also obviously lacking the extern "C" stuff, so you'll need to wrap your includes with that as well
<gog> yes
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<sham1> Exploding C++ is a feature
<Bitweasil> IIRC "taint" for the kernel is just "You're running some weird blob in there, don't come crying to us when it breaks and blows up"?
<gog> it means tainted as in it needs to be cleansed of sin by baptism and repentance
<gog> (reboot)
<heat_> no
<heat_> taint is the area between your genitals and your anus
<heat_> also known as the perineum
<gog> dang that's a long way away
<gog> tthat s 2.58e9m
<nortti> what does that mean in context of a kernel though? I always thought they have cloakas
<heat_> cloacae*
<heat_> do u even latin
<nortti> no, I do not
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<node1> Hi folks
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<gog> hi
<node1> Hi gog how you doing?
<gog> i had spaghetti
<node1> oh
<node1> What's your thought on this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Turing_machine
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<sham1> I assume that those things are Turing complete, but I wonder if they're just Turing complete
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<gog> they're turing complete and not turing complete but it's impossible to know until you observe the machine
<sham1> >.>
<node1> Sorry i don't get you?
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<gog> it's a joke aboout wave functions
<gog> quantum wave functions
<nortti> hm, considering that it is apparently equivalent to a quantum circuit, which afaiu cannot do the equivalent of a while loop, I'd be willing to bet it's not turing complete
<node1> why your saying wave function? does this wave function make some sense? or pattern?
<gog> it's a joke
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<node1> ok
<gog> i don't know anything about quantum mechanics and this is very theoretical work
<heat_> gog: quantumzinga
<gog> hhhhhhhhhh
<heat_> r u laughin
<gog> i'm laughin so hard i peed a little
<heat_> woma moment
<nortti> node1: if you're interested learning about quantum computing I can recommend https://quantum.country/
<bslsk05> ​quantum.country: Quantum Country
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<nortti> there's also https://quantum.ibm.com/ which allows you to run your own code on actual quantum computers, though with limitations
<bslsk05> ​quantum.ibm.com: IBM Quantum Platform
<node1> thanks, but i don't  want to lost with an idea that do not exist in real world.
<nortti> how do you mean?
<gog> quantum computers do exist they're just not really well-understood
<nortti> also they're fairly temperamental beasts currently, limiting the usable scope
<gog> probably needs advancement in superconductor technology
<gog> omg i just ralized that the radiocomputer in disco elysium is a type of quantum computer
<nortti> also insulation. haven't kept up with stuff too much, but I think noise leaking in is still a fairly big problem
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<node1> Those phenomena does not exist in real world. And to understand it required sophisticated tools equipment and devices. And to be honest
<nortti> are you saying that quantum mechanics are fake?
<node1>  one can only understand their potential in specific scenarios, such as counting or implementing parallelism
<bslsk05> ​arstechnica.com: Quantum computing startup says it will beat IBM to error correction | Ars Technica
<node1> What's fake or real idk, but to jump into something you need to measure it's depth. Either you can jump it or get sink
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<node1> And the most important thing is that they produce non-deterministic state result
<nortti> and?
<node1> so somewhere you gona using classical computing in terms of generating meningful information
<heat_> Quantum Mechanics are Fake Mechanics
<heat_> Big Mechanics wants us to believe in Quantum Physics
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<nortti> I mean, yeah, you want to run the measurement several times. quantum computers are not going to replace classical computers in all cases and imo thinking that is a good litmus test for a person not knowing much about the subject
<node1> I'm not a scientist. But those who claim they must be livin on some other planet
<nortti> claim what?
<node1> idk but i am not in position to speak about anything :D
<heat_> what
<gog> then why did you ask
<node1> i'm just asking you people views to learn and know what other part of the world  thinking about this idea
<sham1> Some actually serious people/institutions (cough Google cough) have talked about "quantum supremacy"
<heat_> this is #osdev not #quantumdev
<heat_> i know about kernal, not about quantum physics
<gog> i don't even know about kernal
<gog> i just hang out here
<node1> same here, just for interest since there 're lot of news about quantum supremacy , so just thinking what the heck is this!! but it looks like it's not cup of my tea
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<gog> i'm too tired to do anything productive
<gog> maybe i should just play video game
<node1> ok play well
<node1> which game you play?
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<epony> where are they not understood? Jan10 2100<gog> quantum computers do exist they're just not really well-understood
<gog> i mean the physics and how to speed them up
<gog> idk
<gog> i don't know anything about it
<epony> the entire inturdwelp understands quantum computing
<gog> who
<epony> well check out the Linux kernel blog and the errdits (forum) and the quattors (Q&A) vote sites of pseudo-news
<epony> everyone understands quantum computing superbly
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<epony> and writes on the good undsrstanding of artificial intelligence too
<epony> these are totally well understood technologies ;-)
<gog> i'm a dumb person with a small thinking part
<epony> they have just not been implemented
<epony> so are in the R&D stage
<epony> but understanding.. they have a lot of it
<gog> if they're so well-understood then why are they still in r&d
<epony> so, they don't exist ;-) as not propagated
<heat_> checkmate liberals
<heat_> science isn't real
<gog> oh
<epony> which is me saying: it's the opposite of what you said
<gog> it's antiproliferation
<node1> epony where is the  blog? just wanted to read out
<epony> on the blog.kernel.org
<epony> where is the kernel? ;-)
<epony> in the nut
<gog> kernel is stored int he balls??
<epony> which are hanging around the butt ;-)
<epony> so the collonel is around the infirmary
<gog> dang guess i don't get any kernel :(
<node1> why they have named kernel? looks like military kernel
<gog> my latest expeeriment is called kjarna
<gog> it's icelandic for "seed"
<epony> which is.. not going to be used as terminology even if your experiment succeeds, freax
<gog> it's for tré
<epony> that register thing..
<heat_> linux colonel
<epony> colonialism
<gog> i'm calling my operating system after iceland's most coveted resource: woody plants
<node1> I see most people from your side  promote confidential computing and social software idea
<epony> which side?
<node1> In europe.
<epony> I thought you meant the side of rational computation and communication..
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<node1> specially scandinavia nation
<epony> but you meant the irrational policy and politics of regulating the irregulated business of economic and financial military instrumentation
<gog> idk i work with hospitality management software
<epony> bug and bitten
<node1> ok.
<epony> (bead and brake fast not to crash)
<node1> To be honest it's good things, Respecting someone identity.
<epony> if it's just on paper, it's nothing
<epony> see how much respect the immigrant slavery workers are getting under the macron boot
<epony> the fuck with that wording
<epony> it's like BSD and GNU licensing "freedoms"
<epony> of business
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<epony> like the USA consitution of liberties and freedoms and democracy.. and free speech.. for the senators, and not for the bombed nations and countries in live hot war and civil narcotis warfare of military weaponisation..
<node1> I'd also like to highlight that these nations were the pioneers in introducing the concepts of GDPR and the Artificial Intelligence Act, with other countries just copy pasting their act
<epony> you know what to do with fake wordings, they are not worth the toilet paper
<node1> lol
<node1> might be your true
<sham1> What are you talking about
<node1> But It's disappointing that our government hasn't been as proactive in promptly investing in or showing interest in things.
<epony> when was it ever ;-)
<epony> be real
<epony> 250 years of monopoly wars
<node1> lol
<epony> it's an imperial system
<node1> Agree hidden colonial rules exist
<epony> with the feodalism prior to the reformation
<epony> it's just noobie stuff
<epony> that has not been having its rennaissance and freevolutions
<epony> it just has the poison injections and the electric chair instead of the guilloten auto-tools make files
<epony> make flies
<epony> and hangers and satan's wind instead of due process
<heat_> why is anyone discussing feudalism in FUCKING #OSDEV
<epony> such "civil" wordings, about to tear me up
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> www.reddit.com: Blocked
<epony> heat_, because listen, machining of the occult are the imperial toolkit of the "nationalism" and "weapons of mass destruction"
<heat_> remarkably relatable
<nortti> epony: I genuinely have no idea what you are on about most of the time, I think because of your reliance on intentionally obtuse language and/or free association
<epony> so, the scramble for quantum computing and the scramble for artificial intelligence, is much like the scramble for africa and before that south america and central-south asia
<epony> and not about.. making the perfect "quantuper"
<epony> but creating "data processing" tools to sift through e-waste garbage data for population control
<epony> and you're the population
<epony> :-) enjoy
<node1> lol
<nortti> ah, conspiracy nuttery
* node1 he has the point
<epony> nah, it's more like, your quantuper is fictitious
<sham1> nortti: so it would seem
<epony> so is about pseudo-science
<epony> we call these boilers and electrovacuum instrumentation
<epony> you call it a computer, it's not yet no computer, just physics experiments
<nortti> honestly should have guessed that from the continual usage of very specific but incomprehensible jargon
<epony> don't play dumb ;-)
<nortti> I am not. I am recognizing the same pattern I've seen in other people who've gone off the deep end with conspiracy theories
<epony> you pretend very high smarts online on publication forums and discussions
<epony> and you see up to your noselentgh and shorter
<epony> it's pretty shallow
<epony> and you invented that stupidity yourself to reject rational thought as an offensive discriminatory ellimination of it
<epony> get it, there is no conspiracy theory it's stupidity propagated by businesses wanting people to quarrel about
<epony> nothing more
<epony> so might as well stop being part of that stupid
<ThinkT510> I'm surprised they haven't banned you from #linux yet
<epony> you can be surprised a lot about great many other things..
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<epony> but that is just you not knowing enough ;-)
<epony> so.. focus and do some arm porting, or your otherwise important work will have to wait.. with that quantojumbalaya talk
<sham1> Then maybe enlighten us, but please, try to not ramble
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<epony> ok
<epony> 1) RISC is not RISC, it's partially compatible CISC that fails commercially on larger computers so remains in the embedded computing and microcontrollers space.. forever
<epony> 2) you're programming shitware of short lifespan of 1-2 years that is obsoleted already and going out of circulation before it is manufactured on older processes
<epony> 3) the UNIX system needs restructuring to be compatible with the logic serialiastion architecture of the RICS micro-architectures, which we already commented on point 1)
<sham1> What would make an ISA RISC? How many instructions? Would they all need to be orthogonal, or could there be overlap?
<nortti> for 1 you need to defined what you mean by "RISC", "CISC", and "partially compatible"
<epony> 4) you have no outlook and awareness on the business and impelementation and propagation and consumer realisation of these captive platformisation tooling from the communications services sector
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<sham1> It's true, that ARM has long since stopped being all that RISC-y, but I'd say that RISC-V is fairly nice in that sense
<nortti> 2 is again made hard to understand due to your reliance on your own jargon (e.g. what does "shitware" mean? presumably a derogatory descriptor for either hardware or software, but how is it relevant in this context?)
<epony> 5) you have deep problems addressing the register spillage of RISC computers and can not yet behing programming efficiently the harvard architectures which are also miraculously not even used in generally programmable computers, so your register pressure is low and you're pegging on logic instructions and praying to the VM goats of JVM and LLVM for a pseudo-architectural match
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<heat_> why are you trying to argue with schizo?
<kazinsal> I would recommend using the ignore feature and not engaging.
<epony> 5) you're the jargon coming from falling on your head on online forums
<epony> 5) you get a 555 timer.. and you get a 555 timer..
<epony> 6) whare is your RISC-V hardware?
<nortti> yeah, there's no making sense of this
<epony> you've not been to school
<epony> it shows in every elementary discussion thread
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<epony> find a way to educate yourself compensatory at least
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<epony> 7) who said you need a RISC architecture at all for generally programmable computers, it is for logic serialisation and i/o processing
<sham1> I thought this might be entertaining
<sham1> Anyway, back to being enamoured with M68K
<epony> did you follow the progress between Tanenbaum and Pattersaon, and where Berkeley RISC is placed in the business domain of it?
<heat_> sham1, you lost x86 won x86 won x86 won x86 x86 x86
<sham1> heat_: unfortunately. x86 is pessimal
<epony> yah, back to being stupid in an inturdwelp fashionable "belief" systems of an imaginary nothing to program while the computers are in your hands and in front of your eyes
<heat_> i really want a 90s-style m68k vs x86 flamewar
<epony> wait for the quantum computer and the return of the emulated cancelled past families of logic too
<epony> why don't you start believing in NMOS or TTL ?
<heat_> and C vs C++, microkernel vs monolithic, UNIX vs VMS, nvidia vs AMD, CONFLICT
<epony> idiots ;-)
<sham1> Well microkernels are just better as far as research is concerned. More flexibility. In practice they do struggle a bit (well, in some cases a lot), but yeah
<epony> that is "productisation" or false category delineation, in reality "segmentation" of the market
<epony> what if you got told that these "brands" do not exist, but are business doing a "sector" of computing in a vertical layered approach
<epony> would your fashion icon shelf collapse or your natural being change in any way?
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<epony> you're as stupid as can get with naive beliefs of "brands" and "logos" and conflict between them, that does not exist
<epony> can you "fix that" by "removing the idea" or technically correct and valid engineering concepts that are not "policy" and "licensing" and "marketing" and "branding" and "platformisation" from false product separation of features that are "trivially abandoned sets of non technically significant competition" ?
<sham1> Even assuming this, calling people stupid isn't exactly a way to get others to agree or to see this from that point of view. If anything, it would just make things more difficult for that
<epony> you get called what you are
<epony> by your operative reactionary response to technically important details
<epony> it's your choice
<epony> people signal each other which is correct and which is nto
<ThinkT510> sham1: they are trying to get a rise out of you by either isulting you or saying something that you feel you need to correct. classic trolling tactics. just don't bother
<epony> if you signal each other incorrectly and believe that is reality and "the true belief" system, and call for no challenges or incorrect "pseudo-rationalisation" you get shared confusion but not improveemnts or solutions
<sham1> Right. I also like to sometimes feed the trolls for my own curiosity
<epony> ThinkT510, stop this stupidity attempts
<epony> you are the one that has not been to school
<epony> so you're getting the brushing off of people who have been to school and say valid details
<epony> the dunnign krugerism is astounding
<epony> see you can't even call an "effect-reaction" system without using the ##wrong terminology
<epony> you use the names of two persons, to name a socio-psychological confusion
<epony> that's as absurd as it can get
<heat_> trolls are hungry and want some yummy food
<epony> well feed your peers then, heaty
<epony> they are naming themselves after failed pseudo-personal computer tablets with SoCs for the mobile telecoms applied leasing financialisation
<epony> right about that, thinko?
<epony> you get some authority son for using the name of a "thinking desk cover" mat
<Mondenkind> heat_: best I can do is arm vs riscv
<epony> thanks pa, can I call them "trolls too" yea sohnny sure you can
<epony> it's not a "vs"
<epony> it's one of the more reused proprietary model compared to the one that is not used and has no practical hardware yet same model with differnt branding and logo but same premises as a failed second source
<epony> remember, the production lines in Taiwan are stuffed
<epony> there is no room for competition in the small RISC, it's really proliferated and spilled into models and 'brands'
<epony> and the factories are not enough
<epony> so you have to wait long orders before you can shove the pseudo new-RISC platformisation in between
<epony> you're not seeing things
<epony> nVidia is about to go out of business on the large streaming processor market
<epony> wafer scale integration is coming like the incoming train in the tunnel
<Bitweasil> Hm? They seem to be doing fine, last I looked.
<epony> ahm, look closed what is going on with Cerebras 1 and 2 against nVidia on the large traiming and compute sets
<epony> the protein folding for the last pandemics was not done on nVidia, get that from the list of incoming changes "hints"
<Bitweasil> Link? I don't care much for the ML stuff. And I was pretty sure that quite a bit of protein work was done on nVidia and AMD GPUs during the early analysis of Covid.
<epony> might as well rething what is happening on the HPC fronts and HOW your programming model is or is NOT adequate for that
<Bitweasil> I mean, I'm moving away from tech in general, but...
<immibis> huh I didn't realize epony was a troll before now
<epony> it's not trolling, it's commentary on the events that are unravelling in the computing and electronics industry
<epony> and is public information
<Mondenkind> you...you didn't?
<Mondenkind> the pages and pages of free-association didn't give it away?
<epony> you want "imperial" associations? ;-)
<epony> get over to the reality side of physics and applied technology
<immibis> guess I hadn't seen it before. They're on my ignore list now.
<epony> you're stuck in socio-philosophy of small talk of saying nothing in a cohesive mix of "I feel ya"
<epony> of course, you can talk about quantum computing all day long
<epony> but are you going to wait for it to happen before programming the computers in your hands ;-)
<Bitweasil> I'm actually more in line with the Butlerian revolution at this point. Teaching sand to think was a bad idea. :)
<Bitweasil> We're bad at it.
<Bitweasil> And we've delved so deeply into the mountains of complexity that we've quite forgotten to leave a way out.
<epony> what is stopping you from achieving RISC small-microprocessors and micro-controllers superiority on the generally programmable machines of the business and commercial services compute?
<epony> it's stuck in the telecommunications small appliances sectors and you're being held hostage by that, and you call it the really superb free platform, have you been falling on your heads recently?
<Bitweasil> The problem isn't the hardware so much as the general software complexity.
<epony> or..
<Bitweasil> Running insanely complex software on RISC-V vs ARM or x86 doesn't gain you much.
<epony> the inapplicable designs of the hardware for the set of computation you're trying to assign to it
<Bitweasil> And simpler software is a benefit regardless of the ISA. But our tech industry is based around promotion for new features (more complexity), so here we are.
<Bitweasil> Eh, I don't do much in the way of floating point. A good integer ISA would cover my limited needs just fine. ;)
<epony> insanely complex is the programming of an insufficient and lacking realibility and isntruction sets a small RISC controller
<Bitweasil> No, the ISA is so far down the piles of complexity that it doesn't matter.
<Bitweasil> Someone doing a NodeJS desktop "app" doesn't know or care what ISA they're on.
<epony> you're working in "software" what hardware accelerates for the more complex processors
<epony> and you call that superiority and the better platform, it's called being an person without logical rationale and calling a partial RISC of a CISC machine the better computer platform while you're using a CISC machine with non-standard extensions over that RISC primitivism
<epony> in short: business lied to you and you believe lies and think it is superiority
<epony> it sold you less of a computer for higher of a cost
<Bitweasil> What platform do you think I've just called "better", exactly?
<epony> that bubble burst when the micro-computer processors were not artificially implemented in a limited way to give advantage to the expensive cheaply produced restricted instruction processors
<epony> Bitweasil, if you think I am talking with you.. in an argument or something, it's not ;-)
<Bitweasil> I /think/ you're arguing in favor of RISC-V, but unless something new has come out recently, I still can't get a decent RISC-V board with, say, Pi4/Pi5 performance.
<epony> it's a group think targeted micro-debate of "become real persons, you zombies of alt-beliefs"
<epony> that's bullshit
<Bitweasil> I'm not sure who you're debating with, though...
<epony> I told you that RISC is a mistake about 10 times so far
<Bitweasil> Then I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to promote.
<epony> it's a commercial fat lie
<epony> rationale and reason
<Bitweasil> I'll be honest, I didn't read a ton of the scrollback, I'm hacking on an emulator at the moment.
<epony> as in "this type of machine is for this, that type of machine for that" and "you realising that you've been culturally trained to be groupthink zombies of online chat but not actually doing anything technically"
<epony> "hacking"
<epony> you mean you're reworking someone else's software or what?
<epony> you've been busy talking a talk that you should not need to have
<Bitweasil> Sorry, that's nonsense, there are a lot of people doing deep technical OS development and related work in this channel.
<epony> like what?
<Bitweasil> (actively developing, it's doing something nonsensical to the kernel state, and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong, where)
<epony> did you do the Arm platform programming for the mobile baseband stations or what?
<epony> did you do any of the RISC architecture designs?
<Bitweasil> _shrug_ If you've been around, that wouldn't need answering. It's the best place for deeply technical discussions in the firmware/hypervisor/kernel/etc realms I've found yet.
<Bitweasil> Nope.
<epony> did you even program a UNIX clone?
<epony> yeah.. keep narrowing
<epony> did you write an emulator?
<Bitweasil> Developing one is my current dayjob, yes.
<Bitweasil> Currently working ARMv8 but I've done quite a bit of ARMv7 implementation as well, mostly in the MMU regions.
<epony> it has some technical coverage, but is on a wiki and the talk has been amassed with "fart" and butt-poke jokes with nose secretion contaminated fingers
<epony> or as you call it, incredibly deteriorated communication level
<Bitweasil> Sure, and if you try to have a technical discussion about some point, that tends to go away quickly in favor of actual technical conversations.
<Bitweasil> But fart jokes are *funny.* :p
<epony> so, nobody is calling you names, until you start calling others "trolls" and "excluded" from your personal hygiene public rituals
<Ermine> lol, so many messages
<epony> do that stuff in private if you like technical discussion, it's you spamming it with "nonsensical animalistic pseudo-words"
<epony> let's see the technical now then ;-)
<epony> that part nobody wants to interrupt
<Ermine> heat_: I'm here to holywar about monolithic vs micro at any time
<Bitweasil> Let's port the Linux kernel to Java. ;)
<epony> cool, but just read an AST book ;-)
<epony> aha, first C++
<epony> over your dead bodies it will be java.. never
<Bitweasil> I don't _mind_ the concept of C++ in the kernel... you can avoid a lot of the performance traps, but my general experience with C++ devs is that they find a particular joy in "excessive cleverness."
<gog> my favorie thing to do
<epony> it's not going to be NONE of the commercial languages like C#, Go, Rust, Swift, Java, Javascript etc
<Bitweasil> Moreso than C programmers, who tend to do that in ways that improve performance with clever bit twiddling and such.
<Ermine> Bitweasil: yo dawg, I heard you like linux and java, so I've ported linux to java, so you can run java on linux on java
<epony> it's going to be C to C++ rewrite exactly following the GCC and LLVM toolkits
<epony> you can also kiss Rust goodbye from now on
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<epony> it's never going to take a foothold even with a political pressure from the job widens senile agent smiths promised lands of nevermorrows
<Ermine> ... on linux on java on linux on java ... Stack overflow
<epony> rust is.. nothing ;-)
<epony> a library for C++
<epony> which is fake
<epony> (a fake rusty library for C++)
<epony> with implementation specific memory tracking that is not portable
<epony> like a "variant of boost and a non-gc model of a gc"
<epony> in short, stupid
<epony> so.. what are the chances of a massively utilised OS component being implemented in a fake language of commerce and proprietary design, if the system is already contended and agreed upon by these big businesses is shared
<epony> ZERO.
<epony> I think that's enough brushing against the feathers.. you do you just don't you dare call technical info "trolling"
<epony> ^ in a Greta voice
<epony> trolling is what Berkeley RISC did to you ;-)
<epony> have fun
<sham1> The answer is to embrace the CISC. On that note, M68K is very good even if it did lose to Intel x86 in the end
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<epony> no ;-)
<epony> the answer is: use the computers if you can
<epony> design better ones if you van
<epony> and keep going
<epony> if your rationale was correct we'd be on Z55 architecture by some Conrad
<epony> of a 1 design with model numbers in the imperial tradition
<epony> V1, V2, MarkIII, MarkIV.. learning roman numerals from product names for the uninitiated
<Mondenkind> VAX
<Mondenkind> A
<Mondenkind> X
<Mondenkind> E
<Mondenkind> N
<epony> whatever you like, dookie
<Matt|home> .. hello..
<epony> as long as it works ;-)
<epony> and by work it does not mean "a prototype" it means "a consistent trail of computing over generations of hardware integration"
<epony> there is even no objection to different convention operating system organisation that matches the smaller platforms
<epony> but claiming "righteousness" and "superiority" from the perspective of a "limited micro-architecture" and "absurd bundling of language features" is just.. naive and impossible
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<epony> it's the UFO-logy of alt-beliefs in computing
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<epony> "ebmrace being a useless word" is the notion of getting a bit more academic and technical about actually understanding the organisation of the computer and the programming worksets for it
* Matt|home pokes epony ..
<epony> and not the "emblem" or the "label" assigned to it as a "product" but not "technical" convention
<epony> so, it's not a one "familiy" of microprocessor design and its iterative micro-deviations you call models
<epony> it's a set of foils on a printer corroding and getting shrunk and shat on by mice and their flying superiors
<epony> that is your m68k
<epony> one of many foil sets and designs of hardware "implementation" specific to a particular small workgroup of people
<epony> who are beyond theyr age limits for working on this again if they are alive yet even
<epony> and the designs being kept secret :-) you see the absurdity in this
<epony> do you even have a real CPU sample from these computers, 'cause I have a couple and will never give them to clueless people with nose secrtions on ther fingers
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