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<klange> geist: As a "graphics person", rgb subpixel smoothing is an affront to computer imaging and I am proud to have been on the team that got rid of it at Apple
<zid> cleartype can suck my balls
<geist> klange: word
<klange> "i heard u like color smearing so i put some color smearing in your b&w text <3"
<geist> oh since you're here a) what's the canonical source for the flying poptart kitty
<geist> and b) can it be compiled K&R?
<geist> i wanna run it on my PDP-11
<moon-child> wait I just made the connection that that's why text on windows looks like crap
<moon-child> lol
<geist> yah i always turn that shit off instantly
<klange> geist: use the telnet version
<bslsk05> ​klange/nyancat - Nyancat in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences. This is the source for the Debian package `nyancat`. (139 forks/1395 stargazers)
<zid> flying.. poptart.. kitty
<geist> oh yeah, nyancat
<heat> no clue if it'll ever easily compile on 2.11BSD
<geist> i couldn't remember the name or i would have found it
<Matt|home> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGw0mUairGY <-- aw :D hi puppy ^^
<bslsk05> ​'when Norbert realizes he's getting a second treat.....priceless' by Norbert (00:00:40)
<geist> yah might take some time, but i *think* it's K&R only so will see
<klange> set up a cross-compiler :3
<geist> nah the fun part is compiling locally!
<geist> since it takes a while
<geist> anyway if it works i'll set up a port for folks to telnet to
<heat> the gang DDoSes a PDP-11
<geist> wouldn't be that hard, only 1.5MB
<heat> are you going to use ed to patch it?
<geist> though it's got a solid 1.1MB available after kernel is initialized
<geist> nah i have a vi
<heat> noooooooo
<klange> Code's not too complicated, so porting it to k&r should be possible - don't recommend doing it locally
<klange> what terminal you going to use?
<heat> FreeDOS on youtube has a bunch of great vids where he does things The Old Way
<geist> it's surprisingly usable. actually interesting switch back and forth between BSD2.11 and a modern linux. it's pretty much the same thing
<geist> klange: vt320 is what i have. no color of course
<heat> including writing nroff using ed
<klange> ah, use the vt220 mode then
<klange> if you had a 340 you could do the 'ansi' mode with color
<bslsk05> ​'Linux like original Unix' by FreeDOS (00:44:55)
<heat> he even wrote fortran in ed and i simply find that charming
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<geist> well, the fun thing i can do with this after i get it workng is get it building for openvms
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<klange> I think if you told me to do some coding on a system that only had ed, I would pull up my old pre-kuroko bim source and type out all 10k lines of it - in cat, out of spite.
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<heat> the ed haters are out in full force, i see
<heat> what's next, nroff sucks? pfft
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<zid> heat: phew, the test worked, was worried it wouldn't go off for a second there (trinity)
<heat> what test?
<zid> (trinity)
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<heat> the fuzzer?
<zid> you said you'd watched it
<heat> OH
<heat> haha i was so confused
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<zid> weird, my machine isn't responding to pings oer the lan
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<zid> okay figured it, despite the firewall being 'off', it had decided my gigabit ethernet local network was 'public'
<zid> and had filtered all ports and pings
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<nikolar> anyone here a typescript type genuius
<nikolar> i have a function that takes a discriminated/tagged union and returns a different union but with the same .typ field
<nikolar> how do i type that function
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<puck> nikolar: as in, foo(blah: { typ: "foo", bar: number }): { typ: "foo", baz: number }; foo(blah: { typ: "bar", quux: number }): { typ: "bar", quux2: number }
<nikolar> Sort of
<nikolar> It's one function
<puck> like, it sounds like you want function overloading
<nikolar> Not really
<puck> nikolar: just add a definition for each possible input->output pair, then define your function as normal
<puck> presumably
<nikolar> But it's exactly the same code
<nikolar> I just need to link the argument and the return type
<nikolar> I'm unpacking json basically so it's the same code for any combination
<puck> the alternative would be foo<T>({ typ: T }): { typ: T }, no?
<puck> nikolar: you might need Extract for this actually, depending on how you define the output union https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/utility-types.html#extracttype-union
<bslsk05> ​www.typescriptlang.org: TypeScript: Documentation - Utility Types
<nikolar> that looks handy, thanks
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<wutno> anyone familiar with scsi commands? trying to directly read a device and return size is always zero
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: blah.c · GitHub
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<mcrod> hi
<mcrod> wtf irccloud
<gog> hi
<Ermine> I wonder how server management things like iLO work
<Ermine> Seems like it is separate computer inside server that can send it acpi events, keyboard/mouse events and intercept display output
<heat> probably a BMC
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<nikolar> hello mcrod
<mcrod> hello nikolar
<heat> gog
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<mcrod> gog
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<kof123> i believe the technical term was magic packet
<Ermine> akshually remote management doesn't work without additional payment
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<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [GIT PULL] asm-generic updates for v6.7
<heat_> itanium 2 electric boogaloo
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<gorenbk> hello!
<gorenbk> im new here!
<heat_> hi
<gorenbk> hi!
<gorenbk> actually new to irc in general
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<mcrod> that’s a statement i haven’t heard in years
<mcrod> welcome
<GeDaMo> They left :|
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<mcrod> :(
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<GeDaMo> gorenbk: welcome back :)
<gorenbk> hi.
<gorenbk> wait... this is weird
<gorenbk> if im not actively online im not part of the room?
<gorenbk> not like matrix
<GeDaMo> That is correct
<gorenbk> huh
<gorenbk> hi rustyy
<gorenbk> are you are rustacean?
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<gorenbk> accidentally left lol
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<gorgonical> what's up microkernellers and itanium enthusiasts
<gorenbk> hello!
<heat_> rustrustrustrustrust
<gorenbk> rustrustrustrustrustrustrustrust
<gorenbk> ferris the crab is an almighty hero
<gorgonical> so what about zig huh
<gorgonical> It's on my todo list to play with
<gorenbk> gorgonical please leave
<heat_> i like the C
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<gorenbk> heat_ also leave
<heat_> no
<gorenbk> this is a place for rustaceans
<gorgonical> One thing I would really like is a surviving supradialect of C
<heat_> the place for rust people is on the discord
<gorgonical> There have been a few over the years
<heat_> not here
<gorgonical> ^
<gorgonical> Only curmudgeons allowed here
<gorenbk> what are curmudgeons
<gorenbk> like rustaceans for c?
<gorgonical> lmao
<gorenbk> the dictionary says "a bad-tempered person, especially an old one."
<gorenbk> (yes google is a dictionary)
<heat_> there you have it
<gorgonical> gorenbk: are you american? you could use that against zid to see my point
<gorenbk> what is zid lol
<gorgonical> he'll be around later I expect
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<gorenbk> welcome netbsduser`
<heat_> you should stop welcoming people that join
<ripsquid> gorgonical: What do you mean supradialect of C? Any examples of what you mean?
<gorgonical> So this is not exactly what I meant but started from the same thought years ago: https://gustedt.gitlabpages.inria.fr/p99/
<bslsk05> ​gustedt.gitlabpages.inria.fr: P99 - Preprocessor macros and functions for C99
<gorgonical> But this is what I meant: https://cyclone.thelanguage.org/
<bslsk05> ​cyclone.thelanguage.org: Cyclone
<heat_> it sounds like you kinda want C++
<gorgonical> The basic idea in my head that you don't really need to reinvent C, just fix it
<gorgonical> heat_: absolutely not
<heat_> why not?
<gorgonical> C++ is a terrible quagmire of bad design and confusion
<heat_> yeah so clean it up
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<heat_> Cpp2 or Carbon
<gorgonical> Oh yeah I have heard of carbon, but not cpp2
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<heat_> also C++ is not horrendous if you only take the language bits
<heat_> the library bits are mostly ass though
<GeDaMo> Is cpp2 Herb Sutter's thing?
<gorgonical> I never really meshed with the evolved memory model though
<gorgonical> GeDaMo: yes
<heat_> GeDaMo, yep
<bslsk05> ​herbsutter.com: cppfront: Autumn update – Sutter’s Mill
<ripsquid> I do believe you aren't alone in wanting to clean up C. There seems to be a decent amount of people who prefer C over C++ even after being C++ developers from the beginning
<gorgonical> ripsquid: that's what I did. C++ professionally for two years, C for the last five in research
<heat_> C is a lot simpler
<gorgonical> I have before played with auto and written some positively un-C-like C++ code before
<heat_> sir, auto is 100% C
<Ermine> it's another auto
<gorgonical> yeah it's storage class right
<heat_> auto a = 0;
<Ermine> though it will be for type inference in c23
<heat_> explain this liberals
<gorgonical> a is int
<gorenbk> c has bad typing
<gorgonical> you no-typing savage
<heat_> auto a = 0ul;
<heat_> explain this, liberal
<Ermine> will auto c = 1.23 work?
<gorenbk> everything is int
<gorgonical> a is probably still int
<heat_> A IS STILL INT
<gorenbk> statically typed languages are simply better
<gorgonical> you should just get another warning
<gorenbk> c is basically dynamically typed
<heat_> what
<gorenbk> *rust is not*
<heat_> what
<Ermine> implicit type coercion
<gorgonical> I mean C is staticly typed but only weakly
<gorenbk> (int)
<gorenbk> c is basically dynamically typed
<gorenbk> rust is actually type safe
<gorgonical> haskell is also typesafe
<heat_> yeah C is 100% dynamically typed if you forget the places where it has types
<Ermine> c is basically statically typed
<gorenbk> it's weakly typed
<Ermine> and you actually basically spreading bullshit
<heat_> if you're writing C you're basically writing python
<gorenbk> if your writing assembly your completely writing python
<gorgonical> that's why my kernel is written in forth
<Ermine> #include <typing.h>
<gorgonical> Abstractions are for losers
<gorenbk> i don't use standard library
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<kof123> c exists in a schrodinger's cat state of type, because there is no reference implementation </rustacean>
<gorenbk> i don't know what you mean by </rustacean>
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<GeDaMo> Are you familiar with HTML end tags?
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<kof123> it means i can make a joke without taking either side, remaining in a quantum cat-like state, because i am merely hypothetically quoting a hypothetical person
<gorenbk> yes
<gorenbk> i am familiar with html end tags
<gorenbk> i dont think they are very relevant to osdev
<gorenbk> or rust
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<GeDaMo> Fake HTML tags are sometimes used for comedic effect
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<gorgonical> welcome to the party goggles
<heat_> gog
<gog> heat
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<heat_> itanium
<heat_> 64
<gog> itaaaaaaaaanium
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<gog> itanium would have survived if rust existed when it came out
<gorgonical> How so
<gorgonical> My understanding is that the compilers failed to provide the infra needed for itanium
<acidx> gog: itanium computers are mostly rust now
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<gorenbk> favorite operating systems?
<heat_> rust is perfect
<gorenbk> yes
<gorenbk> correct
<heat_> my favourite operating system is cargo
<gorgonical> cargo where? to the store?
<heat_> no OS installed? just import a bunch of crates and create your own frankenproject
<gorenbk> just made #systemsprogramming lol
<gorenbk> #systemsprogramming:libera.chat
<gorenbk> so...
<gorenbk> yeag
<gorenbk> *yeah
<heat_> gog, why are you ignoring the memes i send you
<gorenbk> im a proffesional systems programmer now
<heat_> that hurts
<gorenbk> gog?
<gorenbk> please
<gorgonical> I'm working on a buildroot configuration right now and I really wish I had one of those ampere 128 core machines to accelerate this
<gorenbk> does anyone actually use a hobbyist os on there computer (i know linux could be considered a hobbyist os at some point, not talking about that. also not an os that you made)
<gorenbk> *their computer
<heat_> what's an hobbyist OS?
<sham1> sortix
<sham1> Redox
<gorenbk> yeah i was literally about to say sortix lol
<gorgonical> that spelling implies you are saying it like "an 'obbyist OS' like some sort of exaggerated british caricature
<zid`> freebsd
<gorenbk> i tested sortix out on qemu once
<sham1> zid`: freebsd doesn't count
<zid`> why not
<gorgonical> netbsd
<zid`> which metric does it fall short on
<sham1> None of the BSDs count
<sham1> Way too much corporate sponsorship
<zid`> it's a small project with dubious install base and quality
<heat_> they get 400 dollars from apple every now and then
<heat_> corporate sellouts
<zid`> ah okay
<heat_> dragonflyBSD in particular is EVERYWHERE
<gorenbk> no sortix is fun
<gorgonical> yeah dillon recently overtook torvalds as the most recognized name in computing didn't you hear
<gorenbk> sham1: for some reason i know sortix
<heat_> who's this torvalds bloke?
<gorenbk> i considered installing it on my computer and deleting linux from my computer once
<gorenbk> heat_: some guy
<gorgonical> he runs a youtube channel i think where he reviews computer parts
<heat_> isn't that joel spolsky?
<heat_> from heap underflow
<gorgonical> i thought that was jack dorsey. isn't joel the guy that invented facebook? maybe twitter
<gorenbk> didn't the torvalds guy make SubSurface or something?
<kof123> well yeah dillon is a huge movie star
<bslsk05> ​subsurface-divelog.org: Subsurface | An open source divelog
<gorenbk> yeah
<gorgonical> oh yeah you're right kof123. the matt I'm thinking of invented background processes
<gorgonical> how could i mistake them
<heat_> dillon brooks is an NBA player gorgonical
<gorgonical> who knew you could write a whole OS in your downtime from the NBA?
<gorgonical> an inspiration
<heat_> i don't know, we should ask john linux, the creator of linux
<gog> hi
<gog> heat
<gog> I'm at the mall
<gog> I had a shawarma
<heat_> gog can you bring me a cheeseburger pls
<gorgonical> iceland had good shawarma
<gog> I will bting you borgar
<gorenbk> heat_: so why did you mention the subsurface guy?
<heat_> chisborgar
<gorgonical> OSTBORGARI
<gog> ostborgari með franskar
<heat_> ja
<gog> enginn Coke, bara Pepsi Max
<gorgonical> that'll be 4500 isk thanks
<sham1> How much is that in real money
<gog> my shawarma was 1850
<gorgonical> holy shit
<gog> cheapest meal I've had in q minute
<gorgonical> oh man the isk has devalued I was thinking it was still ~100 to 1usd
<heat_> 1850 usd dollar?!
<gorgonical> nevermind $13 for shawarma is not insane
<sham1> 4500 ISK is about 30 euros!?
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<ripsquid> $13 sounds a bit insane. Depends on if that includes drink or not
<gog> everything is expensive here in about that proportion
<gorgonical> sham1: the cheeseburger meal at iceland's burger joint is 2300 isk
<heat_> oh gosh, thanks for the restaurant idea
<sham1> 15 EUROS!?
<heat_> burger joint = burger king + weed
<heat_> i'll be MAKING BANK while you ppl type on IRC
<gorgonical> a section on the menu: HAMBORGARAR
<gog> I get 600,000 a month and I'm technically below the poverty level here hhaahha
<gog> but because I have a dependent
<kof123> you'll have to compete with white castle
<heat_> hambor
<gog> hamb orgara fabrik kan
<sham1> How devalued is the Icelandic Krona
<gog> a lot
<gorgonical> when I was there about six years ago the rate was a lot closer to 100isk to 1usd
<gog> Icelandic Banks had their own investment scam when the economy was really hot in the early 2000s
<sham1> What would that rate be in real currency
<sham1> I heard of that one
<gog> then when the credit collapse happened it took the scam with it
<gog> yeah Icesave
<gog> so the central bank just issued a shitload of cash to cover the despots they bought from the distressed assets
<gog> and the value of the cash is down by about half since its peak
<sham1> According to Google, 1 ISK is worth 0.0066 euros. Damn
<heat_> what if iceland stopped being a proud nordic country and adopted the euro
<gog> not going to happen
<mjg> meh
<gorgonical> something about fishing rights and all that
<mjg> how many isk do people get
<sham1> What do you mean? Finland is a perfectly proud Nordic country yet we use the Euro
<mjg> for example 1 pln is about 6 czk
<heat_> sham1, waiiiit finland uses the euro?
<mjg> but salaries and wages in cz are about 6 x of that in pl, so it ends up being about equal
<heat_> i had no clue
<sham1> Yes. Since 2002
<sham1> Like everyone else
<mjg> cz does not
<mjg> sk does
<sham1> And now, while the Swedes for example have been smug about them having their own currency, nowadays they seem to not be so smug about it anymore
<heat_> sweden has their own, so does denmark, so does iceland
<gog> norway
<sham1> Norway isn't in the EU. TBF neither is Iceland
<heat_> yeah norway too
<heat_> smug ass nordic ppl smh
<gorgonical> but iceland is in the euro economic zone
<sham1> Not so smug now, glamouring for the Euro
<gorgonical> or whatever that's called
<gorgonical> hey sham1 are you where you get polar night in finland? onko kaamos jo alkanut?
<sham1> I'm squarely in the south and I don't know
<sham1> I'd assume kaamos is already upon the lapps
<nortti> yeah we're about as far south as you can go in continental finland
<gorgonical> non-continental meaning aland i'd guess
<nortti> and the archipelago
<gorgonical> oh yeah, not shown very well on maps
<nortti> < sham1> I'd assume kaamos is already upon the lapps ← doesn't look like so, actually: https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/finland/utsjoki
<bslsk05> ​www.timeanddate.com: Sunrise and sunset times in Utsjoki
<gorgonical> about two more weeks
<sham1> So it would seem
<gorgonical> as finns who get called nordics, do you think estonians count? since the language is similar and theoretically the haplogroup stuff too?
<nortti> I don't think linguistical / genetical ties are what makes "nordic", it's more shared history
<gorgonical> hmm
<nortti> I do think there are good arguments for estonia being nordic tho. orkneys too
<sham1> Yeah, clearly not linguistic ties :P
<nortti> but estonia also has a lot of history that's connected to central european or eastern european powers
<sham1> Estonia was also under the Danes and the Swedes. After all, Reval (Tallinn) was founded by the Danes
<sham1> Although it does seem that Estonia wasn't nearly as integrated to either as, say, the modern Finnish lands were to Sweden
<gorgonical> And I also understand that finns in helsinki have a good relationship with tallinn, so I wonder if you think that increases the argument for nordicness
<nortti> yeah I don't think estonians were ever allowed to sit at the riksdag of estates
<gorgonical> like, does the shared historical/economic tie extend to today?
<sham1> Honestly, I feel that a lot of the "animosity" there is due to Estonia having been a Soviet republic/under Soviet occupation alongside Latvia and Lithuania
<sham1> That they're "too Russian" or something silly like that
<nortti> there's also a kind of "they're coming over taking our jobs" because finnish companies like hiring where labour is cheaper
<sham1> Mmm, that old argument
<gorgonical> an interesting complaint
<nortti> though that doesn't necessarily preclude nordicness – finns were viewed like that in sweden in the 70s
<gog> meow
<heat_> gog
<gorgonical> I've wanted to work on the LUMI supercomputer in kajaani and would like to go live in the middle of the finnish woods
<gorgonical> Sounds incredible
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<gog> heat
<gog> feed me
<heat_> that's kinda kinky gog
<Ermine> I can pet you gog
<sham1> gog: just steal heat's burger
* gog prr
<err> gorgonical: so you want to live in woods and work on the supercomputer? kind of oxymoron
<gorgonical> yes exactly err
<err> nice
<sham1> Well, Kajaani is in the middle of the woods, so that checks out
<gorgonical> It's almost the exact middle of finland even
<Ermine> Nobody said that supercomputer has to be in the woods, right?
<heat_> err, how frustrating is your name?
<heat_> i get kind of annoyed when people tag me accidentally
<heat_> but err is probably next level shit
<Ermine> heat_
heat_ is now known as heat
<heat> heat_
<Ermine> I've tagged you accidentally, sorry :)
<err> I dont mind, i feel involved al the time. lol
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<zid`> xilo is a better name
<gog> meowlo
<zid`> xilo would be a good tech company name
<bslsk05> ​xilo.com: Australian Web Payment and Mobile Payment Gateway
<zid`> see
<zid`> Am I a genius or what
<sham1> Outlook not so great
<heat> yeah i prefer gmail
<sham1> heat: you're not a very good 8-ball
<zid`> sham1: How do you make yours say stuff like that? Mine just says 'Made in China'
<heat> >In 1999, hackers revealed a security flaw in Hotmail that permitted anybody to log in to any Hotmail account using the password 'eh'
<heat> i cant
<heat> i just cant
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<sham1> eh
<zid`> /msg nickserv ghost heat eh
<zid`> it's probably like footballer_legs_unf_6969
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<mcrod> i love donuts
<nikolar> DONUTS
<heat> mcrod, you love DEEZNUTS
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<wutno> anyone familiar with scsi commands? trying to directly read a device and return size is always zero
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: blah.c · GitHub
<heat> wutno, hi, i don't see anything wrong with your code
<heat> at least at a glance
<wutno> hmm
<zid`> I'd need to read the msdn pages for those ddk functions for a good while first
<zid`> heat is amazing
<heat> it's an idea to try it in linux, with the same CDB command
<heat> zid`, he linked this earlier
<zid`> oh
<zid`> Is this supposed to be C or C++ btw?
<wutno> c
<zid`> don't cast malloc
<wutno> with an nt-like system
<zid`> () means 'unspcified number of arguments' you meant '(void)'
<wutno> nit:
<wutno> heat, what's the linux equiv for iodevreq?
<heat> what's iodevreq?
<wutno> i just didn't want to type out IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest
<heat> ah ok, it's ioctl
<heat> ugh, doesn't seem like there are good docs for the sg IOCTLs
<geist> in general years ago when i was fiddling with scsi i remember wikipedia had actually decent enough overview of most of the basic scsi commands
<geist> enough to prettymuch write a simple driver
<heat> wait, what's this IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest I can't find?
<heat> is this an xbox thing?
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<zid`> you actually get 0 results on google for it + ddk
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Amiga360/src/osdep/undocumented.h at master · netonjm/Amiga360 · GitHub
<heat> >// Kernel routines only in the XBOX
<gorenbk> favorite types of schedulers
<gorenbk> ?
<zid`> yea, appears to be an internal undocumented ddk function for xbox
<zid`> from xboxkrnl.exe
<wutno> mmm all sorts of exports
<bslsk05> ​github.com: nxdk/lib/xboxkrnl/xboxkrnl.exe.def at master · XboxDev/nxdk · GitHub
<wutno> but i have iobuildreq which is a windows thing as well
<zid`> exactly the file I was looking at yea, but in a different repo
<heat> well i find it hard to know what an undocumented function from an obscure kernel does
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<heat> gorenbk, CFS
<wutno> builds and sends off an ioctl
<gorenbk> heat, okay?
<gorenbk> you ever implemented it?
<gorenbk> is your implementation on git?
<heat> i haven't implemented it, it's on my mental TODO list
<gorenbk> heat, tell me when you do!
<gorenbk> would love to read the code
<heat> why don't you do it?
<gorenbk> i will
<gorenbk> just have a lot to do
<gorenbk> have any of you ever actually written an os?
<gorenbk> i sure haven't.
<heat> yes
<zid`> heat your thing has a portugese keyboard layout, so nobody else has been about to confirm whether you have or haven't
<heat> gôód
<gorenbk> heat, what os did you make?
<gorenbk> can i *read the code*?
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<heat> github.com/heatd/Onyx
<bslsk05> ​heatd/Onyx - UNIX-like operating system written in C and C++ (10 forks/64 stargazers/NOASSERTION)
<heat> today i pruned my local git stashes from 21 to 8
<heat> good cleanup
<heat> wutno, can't find IoBuildReq either?
<bslsk05> ​learn.microsoft.com: IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest function (wdm.h) - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn
<wutno> rewrote it to use that + iocalldriver
<wutno> same thing, status == ok, return size 0 and buffer is all zeros
<heat> can you check DataTransferLength?
<heat> from the ioctl docs it doesn't even seem like "output buffer" is used
<wutno> that'd be weird? how would you get data back
<heat> you filled it in
<heat> DataBuffer
<wutno> DataTransferLength should be an input, no?
<heat> input and output
<heat> the whole structured you passed is also the output
<wutno> hmmm
<bslsk05> ​learn.microsoft.com: IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT (ntddscsi.h) - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn
<wutno> if it's BE then 1, or LE 0x1000, but that's not the size im passing in
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<wutno> scratch that, it is the size
* wutno wonders if it's an alignment thing?
<wutno> but im calling lba 0 with 1 sectors worth of data
<heat> what is?
<wutno> if it didn't like the alignment, like when doing NtRead has to be 4k aligned
<heat> 4096 is a legit physical sector size for disks
<wutno> of course
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<heat> so what problem are you seeing?
<heat> you set the struct, do the ioctl, then on return it has DataTransferLength = OriginalSize
<heat> LGTM?
<wutno> buffer remains empty, returnsize is 0
<heat> try using AllocateAlignedBuffer in the link i sent
<heat> also maybe NULL out OutputBuffer for IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest
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<heat> dang NtSpeak really is dystopian
<heat> underscores where??
<zid`> fuck underscores, yen symbols between words.
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<zid`> Nt¥Device¥Io¥Sequence¥Async¥Write¥SCSI¥Pls
<wutno> aligned no, output no
<heat> zid`, that has to be how horizon's syscalls are named
<wutno> i still don't get why on JP systems they use the yen for slashes for cmd
<gorgonical> bracket initialization in C is cool
<zid`> wutno: because there is no \
<zid`> They stole that codepoint for yen, in the basic page
<heat> codepagez
<zid`> cus nobody uses unicode between japan and microsoft
<zid`> they use SJIS and WIDE CHARS respectively
<heat> LPCWSTR
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<nortti> wutno: JIS X 0201 (single byte encoding for basic latin + katakana) is based on ISO 646, where 0x5C (ASCII \) is one of the reallocatable code points for national use. when DOS was translated into japanese, there were no changes made to accomodate the fact that 0x5C meant something different than in ASCII which DOS was developed in mind. due to backwards compatibility, \ and ¥ are still conflated on
<nortti> microsoft operating systems
<heat> i found a rust "reimplementation" of horizon and predictably almost every kernel function panics on errors
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<heat> typical rust
<nortti> horizon?
<heat> the nintendo switch's microkernel
<bslsk05> ​github.com: GitHub - sunriseos/SunriseOS: Horizon/NX kernel reimplementation
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<geist> yah i think it may be tRON based
<gog> geist: RUSSSSST
<heat> geist, what TRON?
<heat> gog: goggggggggggg
<geist> it's a japanese microkernel spec, i think
<geist> well, it's japanese and microkernel, but i dont understand precisely where it ends and implementations begin
<ripsquid> heat: Is that supposed to implement the nintendo switch kernel so you would be able to run games on any arm pc?
<heat> it's probably just a fun hobby kernel
<zid`> agreed geist
<zid`> I think it's analogous to like.. 'sysv unix'
<heat> but sysv unix was a palpable thing?
<zid`> so are the tron microkernels?
<zid`> the switch runs one
<heat> yeah but was there a TRON?
<heat> like "the" tron or whatever
<zid`> There is both a spec, and implementations of it
<zid`> like unix
<zid`> I don't know if there's a wildly more popular implementation than the others
<heat> right, does not sound like the same thing as unix
<heat> where the spec reflected the behavior of unix after the fact
<zid`> there's a small difference so there's no similarities/
<heat> and there was indeed a "unix" and a "sysv unix" and most other implementations derived from it at some point in history
<zid`> there's itron/jtron/btron/ctron/mtron/stron, like linux, solaris, bsd, etc
<zid`> and there's software impls and a spec
<zid`> idk what more you want
<zid`> "Wasn't written by dennis ritchie, can't be similar"
<heat> hmm ok
<heat> i don't know anything about tron itself
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<zid`> me either tbh
<zid`> I know a small amount about the japanese micro market
<zid`> They tried to be hold-outs against the PC for a long while
<heat> i haven't nailed down a good search term for tron stuff
<heat> tron microkernel takes me to btron, itron
<zid`> but w95 came out in japanese, and NEC had all of its stuff cloned and then they divested it to a much smaller team who were only able to sell garage kits, etc
<zid`> so PC eventually won through
<heat> oh ok
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<heat> tron is not UNIX
<zid`> correct
<heat> >TRON does not specify the source code for the kernel, but instead is a "set of interfaces and design guidelines"[7] for creating the kernel
<heat> it's just a design spec
<zid`> like unix
<zid`> these days, posix
<heat> unlike unix
<zid`> unix clones = api clones
<heat> which was code-first document-everything-second
<zid`> I am aware there is a different here is
<zid`> s/is/yes
<zid`> I'm saying it's still massively analogous
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<zid`> "The hobby and small corporate OS people in japan got tron, sf got unix, and they're both broadly similar in that there are many derivative versions, all roughly cohering to a design philsophy at least, if not full blown spec"
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<gorenbk> What is real mode, protected mode, unreal mode, etc.
<heat> real mode is 16-bit with 8086-like segments, protected mode is 32-bit with 286-like segments, unreal mode is 16-bit mode with a hack that gives it 286-like segments
<gorenbk> is there any 64-bit mode?
<heat> long mode is 64-bit
<gorenbk> okay
<gorenbk> heat, how do i turn on long mode?
<heat> it takes a while
<moon-child> a long time, indeed
<heat> you have to setup paging, enable long mode in the MSR, then jump to a 64-bit code segment
<heat> osdev wiki dead?
<gorenbk> the wiki has been database problems
<gorenbk> they're hopefully going to fix it
<clever> heat: very slow to load, but it does load
<gorenbk> sometimes it loads.
<moon-child> who is going to fix it?
<heat> the mythical chase shall come down from the heavens, fix the servers, and then vanish once more
<gorenbk> someone should actually fix the databse problems
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<heat> https://rigtorp.se/isatomic/ this is so intensely yucky
<bslsk05> ​rigtorp.se: Aligned AVX Loads and Stores Are Atomic | Erik Rigtorp
<heat> clang does a lock cmpxchg16b for a 128-bit relaxed load
<heat> msvc and gcc just fall back to address-hashed spinlocks
<moon-child> vmovdqa is actually architecturally guaranteed atomic now
<heat> (clang also falls back to the spinlocks if you don't pass it -mcx16)
<moon-child> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=104688 they had to retcon it but it has receipts from more x86 vendors than I ever knew existed
<bslsk05> ​gcc.gnu.org: 104688 – gcc and libatomic can use SSE for 128-bit atomic loads on Intel and AMD CPUs with AVX
<moon-child> (16-byte vmovdqa i mean, not wider)
<moon-child> http://ix.io/4Lbh apropos, why can I not get this to spit out any useful information
<zid`> heat: dig into signal delivery source for us
<moon-child> DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!
<zid`> I want git blames on who said we can't have real addresses
<zid`> and lkml emails
<moon-child> yeah!
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<heat> that's an easy question
<heat> si_addr is supposed to hold the faulting address on a SIGSEGV, not the IP
<heat> since that gives you a GPF, you don't get a faulting address
<heat> the real question is why are you testing on openbsd
<heat> also
<heat> exit(1); <-- signal unsafe
<zid`> isn't that the point of exit
<heat> you need _exit in signals
<zid`> It's highly unsafe in general, purposefully :P
<moon-child> atexit or something?
<moon-child> so supposed to use _Exit?
<zid`> abort()
<zid`> ABORT() ABORT()
<heat> yeah _exit() or _Exit()
<heat> abort() is also AS safe
<zid`> is *((int *)0) = 4; safe
<heat> exit() grabs locks, calls destructors, flushes stdio, in general very unsafe
<moon-child> heat: but why don't I get a faulting address though
<heat> no sir, that's UB
<moon-child> I want it to give me buf+1
<heat> <heat> since that gives you a GPF, you don't get a faulting address
<heat> GPFs are probably the worst kind of trap on x86, they give you very little in information
<heat> in particular, they don't fill out CR2, and the error code is single-purpose for bad segments
<moon-child> decoding the instruction by hand it is, then
<moon-child> as I cba to do the proper thing and make a sideband structure
<heat> yeah you'll need to decode it and piece together the info with the mcontext_t you're given
<heat> OR you don't do any of this
<heat> oh printf is also AS-unsafe
<moon-child> <moon-child> as I cba to do the proper thing
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<moon-child> heat: why are you nitpicking my contrived example for calling as-unsafe things from signal handlers
<moon-child> just for that I'm gonna implement the stack trick
<heat> because you tested against openbsd
<heat> you're already on my wrong side
<moon-child> ok fair actually
<moon-child> oh and on rosetta it doesn't actually fault (if replacing vmovdqa->movdqa). Peachy
<heat> hah
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