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<zid> Hours since last timezone issue: -24:30
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<bslsk05> ​'The Zip Line Across Time Zones' by Tom Scott (00:02:03)
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<zid> That's how heat gets home from watching the football
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<Ermine> vendors still ship cds with drivers in 2023
<nikolar> yup
<sham1> Might as well. Also, not everyone has internet connectivity
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<FireFly> can confirm, I got a new driver CD yesterday
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<Ermine> And driver installer is in Chinese
<gog> who has an optical drive though
<gog> the last two computers i've owned don't include them
<Ermine> I have one but it's damaged
<GeDaMo> I have on e in this machine
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<nikolar> i should probably get a usb optical drive
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<Ermine> tfw it works under linux but not under windows
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<FireFly> I got a cheap USB optical drive at some point, it's very noisy but works in a pinch
<FireFly> admittedly it's somewhere in my storage unit
<FireFly> but yeah never really use CDs anyway
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<Hammdist> what's a good resource that explains paging on arm64?
<sham1> The ISA docs
<Hammdist> lol
<bslsk05> ​github.com: raspi3-tutorial/10_virtualmemory at master · bztsrc/raspi3-tutorial · GitHub
<Ermine> Will it work under freebsd?..
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<zid> virgin did network maint or something and turned the internet off, I had to sit here rocking back and forth doing nothing for hours. What did you do while the internet was off?
<zid> I appear to have 370Mbit interwebs now
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<netbsduser> i got that not some little time ago
<netbsduser> zen phoned me to inform that fibre to the premises was available
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<gog> hi
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<Ermine> hi gog, may I pet you
<gog> yes
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<Hammdist> it seems I've done something to confuse gdb: https://paste.ee/p/3uXhO any ideas what might be wrong? basically I set PHYS_BASE to 0x40000020 in the linker script of onyx which I copied into my project and now gdb is confused. what I'm trying to do at a high level is switch to a 1:1-ish mapping where previously things were set up that the kernel
<Hammdist> mapping would be offset by PHYS_BASE
<bslsk05> ​paste.ee: Paste.ee - View paste 3uXhO
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<Hammdist> I should mention I am connecting to qemu arm64 emulation with gdb
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<Hammdist> this is happening before page tables are installed
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<Hammdist> basically, when I ask to print 0x40000020, I am getting the memory at 0x40200000 ... onwards (with the contents I would expect to be at 0x40000020)
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<Hammdist> well actually the load address 0x40000020 is a bit suspicious, as it's not a proper boundary. but the code at 0x40000000 branches there all right ...
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<Hammdist> ah it was the star symbol before the address. it works if I don't specify that
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<FireFly> presumably the value at 0x40000020 is a pointer to 0x40200000 ?
<FireFly> so dereferencing it yields the latter and then you're printing the instructions there
<Hammdist> ah thanks for the explanation of this phenomenon. gdb is confusing since the breakpoint instruction requires a star to work with a raw address
<gog> 0x420
<gog> 0x69
<gog> gdb console has a sort of REPL for c code
* Ermine pets gog
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* gog prr
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<Hammdist> yay it seems to have booted up into a 1:1-ish mode I think. I rigged it so converting a physical address to a kernel address just means prepending 0xffffffff... and vice versa just stripping this prefix.
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<geist> woot
<geist> this is an arm64 qemu instance?
<jimbzy> Hmm. I read a forum post a while back (I think it was on 6502.org) that suggested daisy-chaining bus lines was acceptable, but the forums seem to be down. Have any of you ever seen this done?
<jimbzy> So, instead of going from CPU -> RAM, CPU -> ROM, etc you'd go CPU -> RAM -> ROM.
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<nortti> jimbzy: if it genuinely is a bus electrically that ought to work yeah
<jimbzy> nortti, Yeah I guess it would. I just never thought about it and seemed kind of greasy.
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<kof123> unless i am wildly misunderstanding, that sounds like caching all the way down (if item is not found in A, lookup in B instead)
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<jimbzy> kof123, I mean instead of running a direct line from A0-A15 from the CPU to the RAM and ROM chips run it from the CPU to to the RAM, and then from the RAM to the ROM.
* kof123 whoosh sound over kof's head
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<jimbzy> Just the address and data lines, though. CEB, OEB and WEB would all have to be direct so only one chip is active at a time.
<jimbzy> I guess technically it would be A0-A13 with A14 and A15 being used to determine the appropatie chip.
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<kof123> well dumb q from the software POV ...how is rom and ram accessed? is this transparent to the asm instructions, is what i was getting at
<kof123> like some addresses go to x, others go to y
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<jimbzy> From what I can tell it's all the same to the 6502. You got $0000-$FFFF for RAM, ROM and I/O
<kof123> makes sense. that is the only part i am vaguely familiar with, the rest is just a black box
<jimbzy> Here are a couple of ideas I had for the address decoding logic. https://i.imgur.com/qD5n1yO.jpg
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
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<GeDaMo> jimbzy: I believe that was common in the 8-bit days
<jimbzy> Daisy-chaining?
<GeDaMo> Yeah
<GeDaMo> RAM usually consisted of multiple chips too
<jimbzy> Ah, that's a good point.
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<jimbzy> I was thinking about doing it because I'm wrapping my board and I didn't want to have a bunch of connections emanating from the CPU.
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<bl4ckb0ne> is there a maximum of EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR for GetMemoryMap defined in the spec?
<yyp> doesn't look like it
<bl4ckb0ne> gonna put 512 but i feel like this is going to bust me up in the ass later
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<yyp> that's probably reasonable, though requesting MemoryMapSize and requesting that much memory from some allocator wouldn't ever backfire
<yyp> and if you don't have enough memory for that ... what kind of memory map does the system have
<bl4ckb0ne> i can just catch EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and worry later
<yyp> maybe
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<yyp> my silly risc-v kernel allowed max 32 descriptors lol
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<geist> jimbzy: i think that's fine if the clock is relatively slow
<geist> like, <100mhz, etc
<gog> hi
<geist> gog!
<gog> geist!
* gog prr
<gog> i'm not a very good web developer
<sham1> Be proud. That means that you're not a lost cause
<gog> i think i might just not be a good programmer at all
<nikolar> kek
<gog> i might be a hack and a fraud
<sham1> And this, my friends, is what we call impostor syndrome
<gog> i don't have impostor syndrome, i'm just not good at my profession and i don't belong there and i only still have a job because they feel sorry for me
<zid> Ljót Bergljót Ljótsdóttir
<gog> :|
<gog> guess i'm ugly too
<zid> oh so that translation was true then
<gog> daughter of ugly
<zid> I saw it earlier and had it on my cut buffer
* sham1 squints at zid
<zid> gog: We call that winning, btw
<zid> like, even if it were true, scamming THE MAN out of wages? 10/10 powerplay move.
<jimbzy> geist, Yeah it's going to be slow.
<gog> i'm an imposter in every way
<jimbzy> My EEPROM's 150ns access time pretty much rules out going fast. ;)
<kof123> i agree with zid that is like master tao programmer, body is invisible
<zid> I should read today's scrollback, my ISP turned the internet off all day though
<zid> so there shouldn't be anything there
<zid> with the internet being turned off and all
<gog> there might be some me being sad
<zid> *might* be, k :D
<gog> or saying that i'm sad
<gog> i'm pretty sad rn idk
<zid> You're obviously having THOUGHTS
<zid> bad idea imo
<gog> yeah
* kazinsal hugs gog
<kazinsal> no being sad allowed :(
* gog hug
<zid> where wife?
<gog> i already told her i'm sad and she told me some comforting things but it didn't help
<zid> just go hang off her leg and let her drag you around the house
<gog> i don't think that's going to work
<ChavGPT> lol
<ChavGPT> watch some self help guru gogs
<ChavGPT> or perhaps you would like non-comforting thigns?
<kazinsal> a nice cup of tea and fuzzy socks while watching relaxing youtube videos is a favourite of mine
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<gog> idk
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<gog> i'm gonna stop now tho
<gog> sorry
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<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<zid> jimbzy: Your diagram makes my brain itch
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<zid> I see the nand gate taking the same input twice, realize it's because you're only using nand gates, and make myself sad because it's a not gate really
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<gog> sosig
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<jimbzy> All sosig all the time.
<gog> i had borgar
<gog> for dinner
<zid> I had nothing, I was anslep
<gog> i had an avocado hummus foccacia bread for lunch
<gog> it was literally avocado toast
<zid> hipster alert
<zid> wee woo wee woo
<gog> it was delicious
<zid> I made cheese and onion baps for lunch
<zid> It's like avocado foccacia, but 100% less middleclass
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<gog> i'm not middle class
<jimbzy> borgar
<gog> jimbzy: borgar
<zid> your diet says you are
<jimbzy> humborgar?
<zid> middle class gastrointestinal tract
<gog> it was a 900isk prepack sandwich
<gog> i got it because i needed something
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<zid> You picked it
<gog> it was the cheapest prepack sandwich
<zid> no excuse sorry
<gog> :<
<gog> i'm proletarian
<gog> i'm a real working class gal
<zid> A real working class peasant would have just eaten the rich
<gog> workers of the world unite
<gog> shit you're right
<gog> i _am_ a fraud
<zid> We all are :(
<zid> bezos is looking *very* undercooked still
<gog> in minecraft
<jimbzy> Gotta get you a lunch pail, gog.
<jimbzy> Old school.
<gog> yes
<gog> a steel lunch pail
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<jimbzy> Damn straight.
<zid> I take it pail means something else in this context
<gog> that i'll eat from halfway through my 7 hour day at the code mines'
<zid> unless americans really do eat from buckets.. maybe they do, given the size of them
<jimbzy> I use my old man's Stanley Classic lunchbox.
<zid> wrenches for dinner
<gog> ok this one has rosie the riveter sticker that comes with it
<gog> that's kinda dope i want it
<zid> while sitting on exposed scaffolding on the under-construction empire state building
<jimbzy> If not that one get you a Thermos-brand Victory.
<gog> our services are like a construction site
<gog> dangerous and over budget
<zid> me_irl
<bslsk05> ​www.etsy.com: Vintage Annie Metal Lunchbox and Thermos - Etsy.de
<gog> then people made fun of me so i stopped carrying it
<zid> I'd also have made fun of you, the 80s were simpler times.
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<gog> it was 1995 tyvm
<zid> The 70s were simpler times.
<gog> :<
<zid> (I was also at school in the 90s not the 80s)
<gog> i graduated in 2006
<zid> we were still calling each other gay by the time I'd left
<gog> yeah same
<gog> turns out they were right
<gog> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<zid> we had gay friends, it wasn't really *about* that, it's weird
<zid> it was but it wasn't
<gog> we had a lesbian teacher but she was the only openly gay person i was aware of
<zid> There were a few gay lads, nobody as far as I know, really used that fact to abuse them
<zid> the gay as insult thing was more "haha, outgroup"
<zid> than actually about sex
<gog> i lived in a rural area in a red state
<zid> rural area in blue (== american red) here
<zid> but america's overton window is significantly farther over
<zid> we had real insults for gay people, they weren't used
<gog> same
<gog> that were
<gog> against me a lot
<zid> not same then
<gog> i think i'm traumatized about gender and sexuality things
<gog> because thinking about it made me severely sad again
<zid> I mean, yes duh?
<gog> i'm way off topic
<gog> ima go
<jimbzy> Bah
<jimbzy> This is #osdev.
<jimbzy> 95% of the convo is offtopic.
<zid> That means the topic is "whatever the osdev people are talking about" :p
<gog> is there a kernel module i can use to mitigate my trauma
<jimbzy> Yeah, if it were strict I would have been kbanned about 20 years ago... XD
<gog> or something
<zid> fuggeddaboudit
<zid> .ko
<kazinsal> kernel module that hooks syslog messages up to a bluetooth sex toy
<ChavGPT> ey gogs
<ChavGPT> got something funny for you
<ChavGPT> you ready
<kazinsal> severity of the event increases the power
<ChavGPT> i was just browing glibc git log and a name looked familiar
<ChavGPT> turns out one of the lead glibc contributors is the guy committing to hurd
<ChavGPT> :d
<jimbzy> Is hurd still a thing?
<ChavGPT> yein
<ChavGPT> it's a thing the same way netbsd is
<jimbzy> Or supposed to be a thing, I guess I should say.
<ChavGPT> i think debian made an unofficial release again in not so distant past
<zid> yea
<ChavGPT> but all dev there is basically jokez
<zid> someone from hurd was here recently
<ChavGPT> what
<zid> asking 1970s questions about os design
<ChavGPT> :d
<ChavGPT> ? :D
<zid> paging out page tables, probably
<jimbzy> Did you tell them to read the dinosaur book, zid?
<zid> was failing to understand that we don't use machines like that anymore, we use virtualization if we want to swap out OS images at runtime so that our 'mainframe' can support more clients on less ram
<ChavGPT> sorry my pdp11 died
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<ChavGPT> :d lmao
<ChavGPT> that hurd guy
<ChavGPT> turns ut glibc has hurd support(!!!)
<ChavGPT> and his contributions are to that code
<ChavGPT> now i am genuinely flabbergasted
<gog> hurd
<ChavGPT> who hurd you
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<gog> what you refer to as hurd is actrually GNU/hurd'
<jimbzy> I heard if you say "hurd" three times in front of a mirror RMS will appear and ask you to use your cellphone.
<nortti> what you refer to as hurd is actally GNU
<kazinsal> if someone ports the bsd userland to hurd, will it cause rms to collapse into a black hole of toe fungus
<kazinsal> kinda like an inverse debian/kfreebsd
<gog> doe sgentoo still ship kfreebsd
<zid> if I leave my WSL alone long enough
<gog> also can one literally just replace linux with freebsd as long as you support all the syscalls and pseudofses
<zid> I can no longer type into it
<zid> [ Results for search key : kfreebsd ]
<zid> [ Applications found : 0 ]
<zid> Searching...
<gog> oh right
<bslsk05> ​wiki.gentoo.org: Gentoo FreeBSD - Gentoo Wiki
<ChavGPT> and old friend recently reached out, turns out he is using a freebsd desktop (lol)
<jimbzy> Hardcore
<jimbzy> That's the type of person who tries to open up a mosh pit at a funeral.
<zid> I bet it works
<zid> just a bunch of configure scripts are busted for various packages
<zid> if you don't install old ones
<ChavGPT> mosh pit at a funeral sounds like a plan tho
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<ChavGPT> just make sure to not kick the coffin
<jimbzy> That'd be the first thing I kicked unless I was in it.
<ChavGPT> are you a funeral crasher?
<ChavGPT> show up to eat, collect some prayer cards
<jimbzy> Oh yeah.
<jimbzy> I was asked to leave the last funeral I went to because I wasn't dressed "appropriately". I left work early just so I could be there to pay my respects and the family didn't think I looked the part. :p
<zid> woo ritual
<ChavGPT> "right after the mosh pit ma'am"
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<jimbzy> Hah
<gog> when i die my "funeral" better be the wildest party
<gog> i don't want a bunch of people sad that i'm dead, i want a bunch of people who think it's metal that i died and drink and do drugs to my honor
<zid> Best I can do is "thank fuck, now I can have her cool stuff"
<ChavGPT> "gog was a wanker... but our wanker"
<gog> the only cool things i own are clothes so i hope you like dresses
<zid> sounds like someone needs to go 'cool mug' shopping
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<zid> today's crap
<zid> It's hot at night, I don't feel rested, my book was depressing, and I don't want any of the food I have
<x8dcc> Hello, I am trying to monitor performance by debugging on branch changes and checking the Time-Stamp Counter. I managed to get it working using the EFLAGS.TF bit and MSR.IA32_DEBUGCTL.BTF bit, but the problem is that it's throwing an exception when leaving the Debug ISR, so it calls it again
<zid> that'll happen yea
<zid> unless you fix the problem
<x8dcc> Maybe you know a way of getting around this or a better way of checking TSC/checking performance
<x8dcc> zid: by problem you mean the fact that it's calling itself, or something else?
<zid> something triggered the exception
<zid> you then handled the exception, and jumped back to the thing that triggered the exception
<x8dcc> no
<x8dcc> the EFLAGS.TF bit makes it so the cpu throws a Debug (1) exception every instruction (afaik), and with the BTF bit, it makes it so instead of every instruction, it throws one every branch change
<x8dcc> so I am enabling those 2 bits, and when I jump anywhere, it generates a Debug exception (expected), but when returning from the Debug exception ISR, it generates another exception because its jumping again with iretd
<x8dcc> I disable the TF bit inside the Debug ISR, but I obviously have to enable it again before returning
<zid> sounds like you've properly identified the problem at least, debugging ring0 code in ring0 means you end up debugging your debugger :p
Left_Turn has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<x8dcc> I guess what I am doing is not really possible in ring0 without calling myself all the time
<x8dcc> another way would be to manually put breakpoints and then read the TSC in there
<x8dcc> but this whole "print the TSC in every branch change" sounded like pretty much what I wanted
<x8dcc> if someone else reads this and has a solution/alternative, let me know
<bslsk05> ​xem.github.io: Page 587
<kof123> > 1. Executions of CALL, IRET, and JMP that cause task switches never cause single-step debug exceptions (regardless of the value of the BTF flag). A debugger desiring debug exceptions on switches to a task should set the T flag (debug trap flag) in the TSS of that task.
<x8dcc> yeah, that's exactly what I was looking when adding it
<kof123> :D
<x8dcc> the quote you sent is only useful for task changes, which is not my case currently
<x8dcc> I can always just "int 0x1" everytime I want to check the TSC and check performance that way
<kof123> yeah, that is what i figured...that says it does suppress raising (maybe wrong word) an exception for iret, but that is for tasks...
<x8dcc> yeah, to make it would make sense to not count IRET's as branch change, or at least add a bit toggle for it somewhere in DR6 or DR7
[itchyjunk] has joined #osdev
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<vdamewood> gog: #c isn't as tolerant of chit chat as here and ##programming, so...
* vdamewood gives gog a fishy
<gog> haha
* gog chomp fishy
<klange> We're more of a community than a topic-oriented channel.
<vdamewood> Yeah, we kind of run ##programming like that, too.
<zid> ya, like I said, this is the channel for the os dev people to talk in
<zid> we a church
* vdamewood gives zid a copy of the Bible
<zid> which animal is on the front?
<vdamewood> zid: Tannenbaum or Silberschatz?
<zid> kernighan
<vdamewood> Kernighan wrote an OSdev book?
<zid> and his diety son, who died for our sins, ritchie
<vdamewood> Oh, you mean that bible.
<vdamewood> zid: Wuld you like a bible with a camel on the cover?
<vdamewood> Would*
<x8dcc> I do