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<Ermine> de wat
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<cloudowind> osdevers quite tonight
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<geist> trying to figure out how to build marlin firmware for my board
<geist> since like 100% of the guides are written for windows, i guess i'll have to do it there, grr
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* cloudowind asking google about what marlin firmware is
<FireFly> 3D printer firmware thingy
<FireFly> I'm surprised the project wouldn't have generic build instructions though, but maybe needs something Special for the board in question I guess
<cloudowind> yea seems like
<cloudowind> geist got a 3d printer then
<zid> idk, a lot of commercial embd stuff is just heavily tied to random windows apps written by some guy in china
<zid> and there's no docs for what it does
<zid> And the instructions are please run "MegaSerialFlash 2000.exe" and follow the prompts.
<geist> yeah the marlin firmware apparently originally started as an ardiuno sketch but grew past that, since it supports like 10000 different configurations
<gog> hi
<geist> so apparently you can still build it with arduino, if it's AVR, but the newer ARM boards require something called PlatformIO which I hadn't heard about
<geist> seems to be some sort of embedded/IOT/etc library/engine/build system thing
<geist> anyway i tried to build it on linux using the command line, but really seems that everyone just uses vscode + some sort of extension that automates everything
<geist> i grudgingly accepted that and it builds pretty easily. edit a huge Configuration.h file and push a button
* geist shrugs
<FireFly> apparently there's another 3D printer firmware people use now
<FireFly> ah klipper
<FireFly> but yeah, reasonable to just give up and go with the thing that everyone else does tbh
<cloudowind> wb gog
<gog> it's Monday morning please kill me
<kazinsal> i refuse
* kazinsal hugs gog instead
* gog prr
<kazinsal> nya~
<zid> but monday is mynesday
<zid> And last week we just hit the part where they basically said the name of the novel, and the reaction shots are all this week
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<cloudowind> Left_Turn very interesting nick you have chosen to yourself
<Left_Turn> :)
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<puck> geist: the platformio cli is pretty good imo, and has been pretty stable to me, and at least lets you do arduino avr stuff from cli easily (better than just having a .ino :p)
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<mcrod> hi
<gog> hi mcrod may i hug you
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<mcrod> of course
* mcrod hugs gog
* gog hug mcrod
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<sham1> hi
<gog> hi
<mcrod> hi
<mcrod> sham1: one day we will write ANSI C and be happy together
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: Libc/stdio/FreeBSD/vfprintf.c at master · apple-open-source-mirror/Libc · GitHub
<heat> glibc has the same thing but needs to parse /proc text!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!1111111
<mcrod> you're a weird guy
<gog> lonix
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<netbsduser`> heat: the quintessential problem of linux
<gog> should i be using netbsd instead
<gog> can i play factorio on it
<netbsduser`> when i ported systemd to the 5 BSDs i was able to replicate a set of functions for grabbing process data (on gnu/linux by reading /proc) in an eighth of the sloc-count using kvm/libproc
<gog> i read a thread of poeple arguing about initware
<gog> on reddit i think
<gog> you can't win
<netbsduser`> it inflamed a lot of senseless passions
<gog> i hate computers
<gog> why did i get into this godforsaken field
<netbsduser`> one guy compared me to, and i quote from memory, "jezebel, who undid israel in a day with idol worship"
<gog> whaa
<gog> that's unhinged
<mcrod> gog: one of my favorite pastimes is to play with really old hardware
<netbsduser`> the really sad part is that i have informed and sensible critiques of systemd on the repo wiki
<mcrod> it reminds me of a simpler time, where complicated things had to happen on terrible hardware
<mcrod> and it *worked*
<gog> i'm gonna get an itanium
<netbsduser`> indeed there is a roadmap there with am ambitious plan to completely and utterly refactor the thing
<mcrod> my packard bell is a treasure
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<kof13> i would imagine it was somewhat tongue in cheek, but if they are idolizing an os then, well... projection :D
<Ermine> itanium fsys fsys itanium
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
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<gog> yes
<Ermine> heat: you have u8 in onyx. Maybe I misunderstood your take on how to name those types
* Ermine pets gog
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* gog prr
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<mcrod> i still say shortening those types is just a waste of time
<mcrod> whoop-de-doo, 5 characters
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<mcrod> er, disregard that one
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<Ermine> "4.3BSD and 4.4BSD implement pipes with Unix domain sockets"
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<heat> lol
<heat> Ermine, what?
<heat> what's the problem with u8?
<Ermine> Iirc you didn't like it
<Ermine> Am I wrong?
<heat> my take is that I dislike uint8_t but like u8 because it's just much shorter and easier to type
<heat> yes
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<Ermine> ok, sorry then
<heat> how do you not know my preferences smh
<ChavGPT> u8 too ez to make a typo when you meant u16
<ChavGPT> trust me, i'm a geezer
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<heat> u_int8_t >>
<ChavGPT> u_int_EIGHT_t
<ChavGPT> there you go
<ChavGPT> no type confusion
<ChavGPT> or pull off a php and replace EIGHT with the same word in hebrew
<heat> int is too easy to typo to when writing float
<ChavGPT> i am agreed
<ChavGPT> but there is no float_EIGHT
<ChavGPT> so int_EIGHT is safe
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<heat> WRONG
<bslsk05> ​arxiv.org: [2209.05433] FP8 Formats for Deep Learning
<ChavGPT> oh no
<ChavGPT> wtf 'bookmark on reddit'
<Ermine> UINT8
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<kof13> you guys are all anti-c89 with your fixed-width types
* kof13 hears more geezer than geezer playing in the background
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<ChavGPT> foo(bar)
<ChavGPT> int bar;
<ChavGPT> amirite
<kof13> that's like 3x geezer, i am maybe 1.5
<ChavGPT> i have been doing kernel programming for 30 years,t herefore i always i know better
<ChavGPT> and i'm totally not stuck in lol ways
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<Ermine> heat, dumb question: implementing pipe_read_iter through iterating over iter and doing pipe::read on each iovec is wrong solution, right? Seems like read_iter_emul does the same thing
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<heat> Ermine, no
<heat> read_iter_emul is a wrong solution as it's not POSIX compliant
<heat> POSIX says that readv({2 bytes, 2 bytes}) must behave in a similar way to read(4 bytes)
<heat> lets say you have a pipe with 2 bytes then
<heat> read(4 bytes) = 2 bytes
<heat> proper readv({2 bytes, 2 bytes}) = 2 bytes
<heat> read_iter_emul({2 bytes, 2 bytes}) will read 2 bytes and then block waiting for 2 more bytes
<heat> hence wrong
<heat> since read_iter_emul calls ->read()
<Ermine> I see
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<heat> it's just a cheap solution to make readv/writev kinda work on files that don't implement the proper solution yet
<heat> linux has the same thing, BSDs probably have it too
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<Jari--> hello all
<heat> hi
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<zid> mynesday woo
<cloudowind> morning
<gog> meow
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
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<gog> Ermine: yes
<mcrod> i hate strings.
<heat> hi mcrod what brings you here tonight
<ChavGPT> pets
<heat> hi ChavGPT what brings you here tonight
<heat> what are we hating on
<ChavGPT> hm
<ChavGPT> there is an unfunny bug in freebsd which perhaps yu would be interested in workign on
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<ChavGPT> in devfs :X
<heat> what bug
<bslsk05> ​bugs.freebsd.org: 273418 – [panic] Repeating kernel panic on open(/dev/console)
<ChavGPT> title is misleading in the sense this is not cat /dev/console and it crashes
<ChavGPT> there is a geezer liveness management in there which needs unfucking
* Ermine pets gog
<heat> ok im out then
<heat> i'm not unfucking anything
<ChavGPT> :)
<ChavGPT> you made the right call
<heat> i already have a pending unfuck on the linux elf loader
<ChavGPT> lmao
<heat> there's a new bug
<ChavGPT> i take it back
<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [PATCH RFC] binfmt_elf: fully allocate bss pages - Thomas Weißschuh
<heat> the fix is completely wrong btw
<Ermine> I'm thinking of adding 'make tags' target to onyx's makefile
<ChavGPT> tags with what mofer
<heat> why?
<heat> you're supposed to use clangd
<heat> i have a whole llvm toolchain with clangd and wrapping the make with bear works fine
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<heat> <heat> i have a whole llvm toolchain with clangd(1) and wrapping the make(1) with bear(1) works fine
<heat> bsd'ed it for you ChavGPT
<Ermine> In vim? If I find non-shitty extension to integrate with clangd
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<heat> i mean i got LSP to work fine in neovim
<heat> i don't know about vim though
<heat> sorry, vim(1)
<heat> one must always refer to the manpages
<heat> man(1)pages
<Ermine> isn't clangd 8 or something
<mcrod> heat: nothing
<mcrod> I just hate strings in C
<heat> clangd(1) isn't a traditional daemon so probably not?
<mcrod> nothing's wrong... just, I hate strings
<heat> >No manual entry for clangd
<mcrod> because no one can agree on a Right Way for anything
<heat> that settles it, they're not UNIX boomers
<heat> is that C or C++ mcrod
<heat> because i understand the C strings hate, i truly do
<heat> C++ is a lot more palatable due to std::string but still
<mcrod> don't use strcmp because what if no null terminator, don't use strncpy because it doesn't produce null terminated strings, you shouldn't need str* at all because you should always know the size of your strings and can use the more efficient mem* funcs
<mcrod> and it goes on
<mcrod> er, strncpy doesn't guarantee that the result will be null terminated*
<heat> don't take advice too literally
<mcrod> and there's probably some hidden rule I'm forgetting
<mcrod> which is buried deep in some old fart's brain
<heat> >don't use strcmp because what if no null terminator
<mcrod> yes I know
<heat> this is C, strings are always null terminated implicitly
<heat> >don't use strncpy because it doesn't produce null terminated strings,
<heat> i agree
<heat> strncpy is ass
<heat> >you shouldn't need str* at all because you should always know the size of your strings and can use the more efficient mem* funcs
<heat> bullshit.jpeg
<mcrod> I'm rattling off talking points
<mcrod> that one is an ulrich drepper one
<mcrod> he's wrong, obviously
<Ermine> I end up knowing string sizes usually
<ChavGPT> ulrich is my fav programmer
<ChavGPT> i just use rust
<ChavGPT> all problemd dodged
<heat> you should like take advice less literally, because sometimes it applies, other times it doesn't
<heat> you can't try to be dogmatic about things
<heat> like "goto sucks don't use it!!!!!!!"
<heat> C error handling without goto is like, horrendous
<heat> but would I tell you to use goto loops? probably not, kill it with fire LINUX IDIOTS^W^W
<Ermine> I was taught that goto sucks and you shouldn't use it, so when I first time saw it in real code, I was shoked
<Ermine> shocked*
<ChavGPT> people who tell you to not use goto in c are webdevs
<mcrod> there isn't a *hint* of goto in the embedded shit at work
<mcrod> because MISRA compliance
<heat> people who tell you to not use goto in C are not C programmers
<ChavGPT> i was told in college goto is not used
<mcrod> oh shut up
<mcrod> embedded counts
<heat> no fuck you mcrod
<ChavGPT> unfortunately for the fucking PHD i had my laptop
<mcrod> we're real too
<heat> embedded? more like cringedded
<ChavGPT> i told the guy linux is full of goto for error handling
<heat> how many cores does your code scale to?
<ChavGPT> then he asked when was the last commit with goto
<ChavGPT> and it was pretty fresh
<Ermine> Anyway, goto is to be used carefully, it can turn code into spaghetti if abused
* gog prr
<ChavGPT> heat even mcrod admits wmbedded is webdev of osdev
<ChavGPT> innit
<gog> webosdev
<Ermine> OS.js when
<mcrod> there are things we simply _are not allowed to do_ if we want to maintain MISRA compliance
<heat> there's a v8 OS out there
<mcrod> a lot of the rules are pretty choice
<heat> unfortunately they beat me to the punch
<mcrod> *however*
<Ermine> Akshually it exists
<mcrod> some of them are slighly ridiculous
<mcrod> slightly*
<mcrod> so much so to the point that until you read the footnotes of some, you'll laugh out of your chair
<heat> give me one
<mcrod> "all code must be compiled without compiler extensions of any kind"
<heat> i understand the goto stuff because give a bad C programmer goto and they will abuse it
<ChavGPT> don't use git
<ChavGPT> :X
<heat> jesus fuck MISRA
<mcrod> note: we are in embedded
<mcrod> what did I just say
<mcrod> "until you read the footnotes of some"
<heat> what's the footnote?
<mcrod> they make explicit exceptions for that stuff where it is absolutely required
<heat> ChavGPT, BSD guidelines?
<heat> use CVS, it's really good
<ChavGPT> bro
<heat> tag everything with $FreeBSD$
<ChavGPT> want some geezer
<ChavGPT> there was a write up why use svn over git
<ChavGPT> and it was full of geezer points
<heat> i use got
<mcrod> heat: I have a copy of MISRA C 2023 if you want to peruse
<mcrod> however, be aware that I had to pay for this and I'd appreciate it if it didn't land on the internet with my name on it :)
<mcrod> because the PDF says "LICENSED TO MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ"
<Ermine> heat: is bsd' __RCSID shit also stems from CVS? Or is it even more ancient?
<ChavGPT> can't find it
<heat> mcrod, yeah i won't take that sorry
<Ermine> Even suckless.org recommends git over svn
<heat> particularly as you've just announced in a logged channel that you're willing to do illegal shit
<Ermine> so, consensus
<mcrod> heat: :)
<ChavGPT> Ermine: where
<heat> like, weird move pal, there's a pm feature in IRC
<heat> or DM if you're under 30
<ChavGPT> and over 12
<Ermine> ChavGPT: what where
<ChavGPT> Ermine: 23:44 < Ermine> Even suckless.org recommends git over svn
<ChavGPT> heat: btw all that $FreeBSD$ stuff recently got removed
<ChavGPT> heat: it was a cvs leftover
<mcrod> i find that the suckless people are nutty people
<gog> succless
<ChavGPT> succcessless
<ChavGPT> :
<ChavGPT> X
<heat> mcrod, naziful
<mcrod> that too
<mcrod> i forgot about that
<Ermine> ChavGPT: suckless.org/sucks, section 'Version control'. Well, correction: it says that svn sucks, but tells nothing about git
<bslsk05> ​suckless.org: software that sucks less | suckless.org software that sucks less
<mcrod> i remember I stopped using dmenu because of the nazi ties from suckless
<bslsk05> ​github.com: minix/bin/sh/cd.c at master · Stichting-MINIX-Research-Foundation/minix · GitHub
<Ermine> static char sccsid[]
<ChavGPT> them claiming svn sucks is pretty much expected
<Ermine> It's posix btw
<Ermine> heat: ^
<heat> sccs is posix?
<heat> ew
<bslsk05> ​pubs.opengroup.org: sccs
<heat> sccs and its associated utilities are part of the XSI Development Utilities option within the XSI option.
<heat> oh ok not strictly POSIX, just XSI
<ChavGPT> L Mao
<ChavGPT> btw fuckkkz i'm working on a proposal to posix
<ChavGPT> watch out heat i may get another lwn mention from it :X
<heat> really?
<Ermine> opendir_r wen
<heat> what are u workin on
<ChavGPT> 's a trivial addition mon
<heat> Ermine, wdym opendir_r?
<ChavGPT> lolcode keeps using getconf(_SC_PROCESSORS_ONLN) or similar to spawn lol workers
<ChavGPT> and i'm gonna propose something which respects cpusets 'n shit
<heat> kool
<Ermine> like opendir, but you provide buffer for DIR
<ChavGPT> it is a recurring problem and there should be no need to handroll per-system solution for it
<heat> have fun lmao
<ChavGPT> bro
<ChavGPT> i expect nothing but idiotic non-arguments against it
<heat> Ermine, why?
<ChavGPT> there is nothing to it from tech pov
<Ermine> opendir() has to allocate heap memory
<heat> fopen is the same shit
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<heat> ChavGPT, add it to freebsd and linux and then we'll see?
<Ermine> Well, you can open() shit and manage buffers yourself
<heat> POSIX-mandated features are horrendous and depressing and they should stop doing that
<Ermine> in dir case, there's no such option
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<cloudowind> in c?
<heat> that's a POSIX problem isn't it
<ChavGPT> heat: i do plan to start with glibc
<heat> and the fact is that there's no standard syscall to read directory entries
<heat> particularly one by one as readdir wants you to
<heat> also IIRC the struct dirent * definition is also kind of messy and left unspecified in POSIX
<Ermine> Yes, this is posix problem
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<Ermine> DIR and struct dirent are opaque afaik
<heat> struct dirent isn't completely opaque
<heat> a few members are defined
<heat> ino_t d_ino File serial number.
<heat> char d_name[] Filename string of entry.
<heat> this is all you need for POSIX compliance
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<heat> im impressed the openbsd people went and made got slightly incompatible with git
<heat> just to confuse people
<heat> based skarnet
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<bslsk05> ​Note by warthog9: "@jann vger is a particularly busy set of mailing lists, on a daily basis it will send literally millions of emails to individual addresses. Gmail has a lot of users, and thus w[…]"
<heat> this is fuckin erm depressing and explains why a bunch of linux-efi mail never reached me
<zid> gmail should just have a mailing list api tbh
<zid> like, they absorbed all of google groups
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<zid> I could just type into google, "kernel.vger.org" to browse those mailing lists or whatever, saves them tens millions of emails
<zid> basically, vger sends a single email to gmail, and any gmail user can subscribe internally to those lists
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<heat> but then they implemented an API without consulting anything and then google bad destroying the internet
<heat> and this affects what could be rounded to 0% of everyone
<zid> It's literally the same as google groups
<zid> identicals
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<ChavGPT> heat: ey heat, did you know openbsd vfork does not skip copying the address space
<ChavGPT> heat: it literally is just fork with waiting for the parent
<ChavGPT> heat: l m a o
<heat> what
<ChavGPT> check it out mon
<bslsk05> ​www.netbsd.org: NetBSD Documentation: Why implement traditional vfork()
<bslsk05> ​bxr.su: Super User's BSD Cross Reference: /OpenBSD/sys/kern/kern_fork.c
<heat> openbsd fucking skipped this step?
<ChavGPT> the above branch is the only support for vfork
<ChavGPT> and of course FORK_PPWAIT to wait
<ChavGPT> but past that nothing
<ChavGPT> dude one channel over says netbsd implemented faster vfork *after* theo left
<heat> are you on #netbsd
<ChavGPT> no
<heat> is that the secret
<ChavGPT> i'm on a random channel which happens to have a bunch of bsd people
<heat> nice
<heat> im a bsd person too
<heat> bdsm*
<ChavGPT> git log --author=pedro@onyx.sucks
<ChavGPT> i got nothing in bsd
<ChavGPT> ok that makes sense
<moon-child> lies, that's three channels over
<ChavGPT> ey heat did you know moon-child is a freebsd user
<ChavGPT> lmao
<heat> yes
<mcrod> hi
<mcrod> i use freebsd
<ChavGPT> mcrod: what, you too
<ChavGPT> huh
<moon-child> no I'm running linux now
<gog> hi
<heat> he's the one freebsd user ever
<mcrod> yes
<heat> oh no
<mcrod> i've used freebsd since I was 14
<moon-child> freebsd was too annoying
<gog> i'm using linux
<ChavGPT> gogs nooo
<mcrod> but on servers
<heat> freebsd user count has dropped to 0
<moon-child> linux is also vv annoying
<moon-child> but
<gog> i never used freebsd full-time
<ChavGPT> mcrod: funny you say that, freebsd 14 is in the works ;)
<ChavGPT> moon-child: boo
<ChavGPT> moon-child: seriously though, what happened
<heat> i have VMs for the 3 BSDs i bother mentioning
<heat> sorry dragonfly
<gog> nooo dragonflybsd best bsd
<zid> Like I'll ever own a 200MHz Ppro, this isn't relevent to me
<gog> ok brb
gog has quit [Quit: byee]
<mcrod> i want to get a freenas
<mcrod> well, truenas now
<mcrod> file server? ZFS all the way
<ChavGPT> that's on linux now btw ;)
<moon-child> I might get a 200mhz ppro, but I never build my own libc, so
<heat> AHHHAH
<heat> AHHHHHH
<mcrod> they have two flavors
<ChavGPT> yo zfs is actually pretty dope if you don't look too closely at the warts
<mcrod> one is BSD, the other is linux
<ChavGPT> no sarcasm
<heat> zfs is ass
<mcrod> shut up
<moon-child> what's wrong with zedeffess
<heat> no filesystem needs to be that complex
<ChavGPT> fuck off heat
<heat> and i truly mean it
<ChavGPT> use openbsd\
<heat> the more moving parts the worse off everyone is
<mcrod> i really do want a NAS though
<heat> ext4 is perfect
<moon-child> heat: my filesystem can beat up your filesystem
<mcrod> in fact, I need one
<heat> it's simple enough and performant enough
<mcrod> but I want huge storage
<mcrod> huge I tell you
<heat> i'm willing to go as far as XFS
<heat> but anything past that gets a huge no
<Ermine> but snapshots with deltas...
gog has joined #osdev
<heat> also they ignored my bug report so 10 points to griffindor
<mcrod> I've thought about 18*8 TB
<mcrod> but... I don't have that kind of money
<mcrod> and if I did
<mcrod> my girlfriend would likely strangle me to death for spending that much
<heat> rightfully so
<mcrod> come on man
<mcrod> it's $8k
<mcrod> no big deal... right?
<gog> hi
<mcrod> hi gog may I hug you
<moon-child> ChavGPT: I don't even remember now--probably linuxulator compat was part of it
<heat> who needs 18*8TB
<mcrod> why not?
<mcrod> that's... a lifetime of storage
<gog> will your girlfriend kill you
<moon-child> oh and https://github.com/amshafer/nvidia-driver being an unofficial 3rd-party thing
<bslsk05> ​amshafer/nvidia-driver - Fork of the Nvidia FreeBSD driver to port the nvidia-drm.ko module from Linux (4 forks/38 stargazers)
<Ermine> onyx.sucks is not rgistered
<heat> how much por^W files do you have
<mcrod> none
<mcrod> gog: no
<Ermine> isn't amshafer an nvidia employee?
<mcrod> we can hold hands if you want
<heat> didn't they release freebsd binaries?
<ChavGPT> they had SOLARIS binaries
<ChavGPT> for real
<ChavGPT> i think i might have used them
<bslsk05> ​www.nvidia.com: FreeBSD x64 Graphics Driver Archive | NVIDIA
<moon-child> yeah but drm was linux-only
<moon-child> and cuda too
<mcrod> i'm still shocked that there are official BSD drivers for NVIDIA
<heat> huh?
<heat> so what do you get from the official one?
<Ermine> doesn't fbsd have drm?
<mcrod> i can't watch netflix on fbsd
<moon-child> mcrod: not that drm
<heat> l m a o
<moon-child> Ermine: yes but only for intel/amd
<Ermine> my keyboard typed fbad firstly btw
<heat> jesse, we need to install linux
<heat> wait
<heat> you don't know that reference, you can't use netflix on fbsd
<zid> my montior rn: "Feeling cute, might crash every 2 mins, idk"
<heat> Ermine, thanks for the new pun
<heat> FreeBAD
<ChavGPT> joke is on you, mcrod pirated the content years ago
<Ermine> can you use netflix on linux?
<heat> yes
<mcrod> yes
<Ermine> wow
<ChavGPT> hwo would you even know
<moon-child> risc-v is gonna change everything
<gog> mcrod then yes
<ChavGPT> do you do it by booting windows
* mcrod hugs gog
<ChavGPT> in a vm
* gog hug
<ChavGPT> now that you mention it, does netflix work on phones?
<ChavGPT> maybe that's why
<mcrod> honestly, I have my linux setup doing exactly what I want it to do and nothing more
<mcrod> and that's... rare
<heat> yes netflix works on phones ofc
<ChavGPT> aight
<Ermine> Every time I tried to watch movie I just rebooted to windows, because other streaming services didn't work for me
<ChavGPT> gog say something nice about bsd
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat> since you can't use netflix
<gog> it's not linux
<mcrod> i can use netflix :(
<gog> that's the nicest thing I can say
<mcrod> also heat if I would get an oversized NAS
<ChavGPT> bb sitll trending?
<ChavGPT> huh
<mcrod> I'll give you some space
<ChavGPT> oh right, the writer guidl strike
<mcrod> not that you'd ever use it, but hey
<ChavGPT> people have to watch old content
<moon-child> I never watched it, is it good?
<heat> the one piece live action thing is actually ok
<heat> even if sometimes cringe
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<ChavGPT> moon-child: you for real dawg
<heat> you didn't answer my question
<heat> what does the official nvidia freebsd driver have if not DRM?
<heat> is it just a framebuffer + modesetting thing?
<zid> you will never trick me into watching a live action manga
<zid> aimed at very small children
<moon-child> heat: err I think it might be 'gbm' it doesn't have? idk--I stay far far away from graphics stack stuff
<moon-child> it is hardware accelerated (at least under x)
heat has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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