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<geist> clever: yeah, i think PC format has a implicit interleave
<geist> though later controllers could do track at a time, which is faster if nothing else because it can read the sectors back to back and un-interleave it
<geist> so only takes one rotation to read the track in, instead of N rotations to read the sectors in logical order
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<clever> geist: and ive seen an adrians digital basement vid, where he was able to change the interleave when doing a low-level format
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<geist> yeah but not on a floppy. that was on ESDI hard drivers
<geist> drives
<geist> before IDE, where the controller itself is expecting a particular layout
<clever> maybe it was the other stuff, for emulating floppy drives
<zid> the other guy whose channel I can't remember does a lot of floppy stuff
<zid> they use FLUX MAPS
<zid> instead of disk images
<zid> and it has a nice visualizer :P
<clever> yeah, ive seen that tool
<bslsk05> ​'How to image and create disks for retro computers' by Adrian's Digital Basement (00:55:10)
<clever> ah here
<bslsk05> ​'How to image and create disks for retro computers' by Adrian's Digital Basement (00:55:10)
<clever> this `imagedisk` program has all of the track/sector/interleave settings, when formatting/imaging a floppy
<bslsk05> ​'8" Floppy PSU Rebuild, Load Tests, and Finally Disk Imaging!' by Tech Tangents II (04:40:42)
<clever> ah yep, thats the floppy tool i was thinking of
<clever> and if you look closely, you can see how the sectors arent aligned perfectly
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<clever> the inter-sector gaps are to account for that
<geist> yeah neat
<geist> that makes sense if trying to reformat a flppy for non PCs yeah
<clever> yep
* geist is trying to get the scsi2sd to work with the vax again
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<geist> dunno why it stopped. it has no problem using real hard drives, just booted netbsd off an old 1GB scsi disk
<geist> but it's really really noisy. not in a good way, int he terribly loud spindle kinda way
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* vdamewood gives gog a fishy
* gog season the fishy with some dill and chomp it
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<ChavGPT> lmao "you would not put jeff bezos's bank account as the background of your phone to remind yoursef how poor you are"
<ChavGPT> "... so don't put an influencer picture either"
<Ermine> de wat
<gog> Ermine: yes
<gog> also your run of the mill influencer is several orders of magnitude less wealthy than bezos and their wealth is probably precarious
<gog> they're rational actors in an irrational market imo
<gog> they've found a niche and are sellign a product to sell other products
<gog> their personality and image is the product
<gog> it's just the new way marketing is done
<GeDaMo> Human beings are not rational :|
<gog> not intriniscally
<gog> but the thing they're doing makes sense within the context of the market we have now
<gog> setting aside the various privileges that makes it possible for them to occupy that niche
<gog> this isn't an endorsement of the market we have, just an observation
<gog> i did think it was funny when this influencer complained about having to wait in line for transportatio and walk to a place to get pictures and video and that social media influencer was work and like.. yeah?
<gog> congratulations you've attained the basic level of class consciousness
<gog> keep on it
<ChavGPT> best part about influencers is that they fake their lifestyles
<ChavGPT> pretendin to fly first class, or better yet, in a private jet
<gog> yeh
<gog> i should be an influencer
<ChavGPT> dawg i am an influencer
<gog> pretending to drive my luxury car to my influencer office
<ChavGPT> there was a dude years back who faked everythiing
<gog> sitting down and answering influejncer emails
<ChavGPT> fucking photos on magazine covers
<gog> hahahah yeah kurtis conner did a video on him iirc
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* Ermine pets gog
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<zid> good news, it's light novel day
<zid> gog I need you to drive me in your ferrari to a nice park or something to read in
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<gog> k
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<gog> this is iceland's most tree-filled park ty
<gog> we have trees
<gog> you're fake news
<zid> Those are shrubberies
<zid> also a.. cesna
<gog> you're a shrubbery
<zid> I don't think a cesna is a type of tree, bad scam
<gog> yeah there's an airport right next to this park
<gog> which is cool
<gog> i like to watch planes land when i'm there
<zid> I'm surrounded by a billion airfields
<zid> blame germany
<gog> true
<zid> I see 747s with fighter escorts, random bombers, lots of pilots practicing, etc
<zid> plus a bunch of recreational stuff, cesnas etc
<gog> ooh fun
<zid> was fishing once, with tall trees only giving a little pocket of sky to look at
<gog> the biggest plane i see is the occasional 737 or a320
<gog> at least in town
<zid> and just got absolutely hammered by aircraft noise for a few m ins
<zid> then just peeking through the gap in the tree cover above the water, a VERY low flying passenger jet, completely black
<zid> and a bunch of fighters
<GeDaMo> I mainly see helicopters
<zid> that's because scottish air is nice and soupy and thick
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<gog> mostly i see DHC-8s
<gog> that's what icelandair operates for its domestic flights
<zid> domestic flights? Do they do a lap of the island and land back in ryek?
<gog> yeh
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<froggey> i live under the flight path into heathrow, just planes overhead constantly. seeing the a380s is cool, they're absolutely huge
<zid> ouch
<zid> I get 0 airliner noise here, but like 10am to 2pm I will often get turbojet spam
<zid> someone in a eurofighter doing donuts or whatever
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<zid> oh, here's some additional info about how close I am to various mil bases, my neighbour 2 doors down is an aircraft mechanic.
<gog> nice
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<zid> useful if you want to borrow wd-40
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<sham1> If it's an eurofighter then those are some expensive doughnuts
<zid> It's their avgas not mine, shrug
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<gog> hi
<zid> bleb and gog should have baby, called blorb
<gog> blorb
<zid> it's a *very* good baby name, highly descriptive
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<zid> It's always the first adjective that springs to mind when I see a baby at least
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<Ermine> hi gog
<gog> hi ermine
<Ermine> may I pet you
<gog> yes
<sham1> blorb
* Ermine pets gog
* gog prr
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<zid> github has helpfully sent me a message to let me know I've been mentioned on github
<bslsk05> ​github.com: @ZID 标记的字段在启动时判断名称是否正确 · zhangzhengit/sb_zrepository@de8e92f · GitHub
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<sham1> It's a very empty repo
<zid> branch 'develop'
<zid> has 23 commits
<sham1> oh
<sham1> > code 55% faster with github copilor
<sham1> NO
<zid> I can probably code about 1% faster with it
<zid> because weirdly my ability to code is not infact, hamstrung by my ability to type
<zid> It's by my ability to think, naturally.
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<Ermine> sham1: that annoys me too
<Ermine> code 55% faster and create 110% shittier code
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<zid> I'd like to *try* copilot, just so I can look smug when my biases are proven
<gog> i like to write my own shitty code
<gog> i'm a professional and i will not blame a tool for my failures
<zid> copilot is great for web shit
<zid> because it's all boilerplate all of the time
<zid> so that you can interact with your FRAMEWORK
<gog> we're refactoring away our boilerplate
<sham1> Copilot is good for copyright infringement
<gog> bit by bit
<gog> also that
<zid> that's the best part of the internet
<zid> we'd be lost without the rampant copyright infringement
<Ermine> Only if everyone was a cutie such as you
<sham1> Also, just the fact that there are now ADS IN GITHUB
<sham1> AAAAA
<gog> me??
<gog> eee
<Ermine> yes
* gog prr
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<geist> yay
<gog> hi
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<gog> hi
<sham1> hi
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<gog> i'm sad still
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<zid> have you tried beating your children
<zid> that cheers a lot of people up
<gog> :| i don't think that'll make me feel better
<zid> don't knock it until you try it!
<gog> in fact i think that would make me feel a lot worse
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