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<geist> oh hey new rpi5 looks nice
<kazinsal> ooh, they announced it?
<zid> we just had a new rpi!
<zid> got a link?
<kazinsal> 2.4 GHz quad-core A76, 4 or 8 GB LPDDR4X
<kazinsal> 1xGbE, 802.11ac. BLE 5.0
<kazinsal> that as a compute module on a cheap PCIe backplane seems like a wonderful appliance
<zid> found some stuff
<zid> apparently it has a pch now :o
<zid> I miss their original design philosophy a bit though
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<Hammdist> should gic distributor be initialized first or controller? I've seen controller initialized first but my sense is if the distributor has arbitrarily broken config that will generate undesired interrupts vs initializing the distributor first
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<Hammdist> fwiw either way seems to work in QEMU but that's not a reliable indicator of anything
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<Hammdist> neither does the datasheet of the gic-400 indicate how to initialize
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<Hammdist> while my code works in QEMU, on the actual hardware I keep reading iar==0 and doing eoir=iar in an attempt to clear all pending interrupts in a loop. any idea why does interrupt 0 keep firing?
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<Hammdist> ah wait I had not plugged in the addresses of the gic and gicd let me do that ...
<geist> Hammdist: when you say controller, what do you mean?
<geist> like the per cpu local part of the GIC?
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<Hammdist> yeah. I call them gicc and gicd they are two separate reg ranges
<geist> yeah figured that's what you eant. well, i guess it would make sense to at least zero out the gicc part so that if the gicd is misconfigured nothing fires
<geist> i dont think it's a big deal honestly
<Hammdist> I assume they are both off to begin with. well I have plugged in the correct addresses now and I get past the clear-pending-interrupts loop, so iar is working a bit. however, the cpu never wakes from wfi for now ... will continue investigating
<geist> hmm, the rpi5 PCH is a bit weird though
<geist> like now there's another blob of firmware that you have to deal with
<geist> performance wise it seems to be about 2x a rpi4
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<zid> seems it basically *requires* a fan too
<geist> yeah, though for all practical purposes i think the 4 does too
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<zid> I like fewer blobs and fewer fans, so why it looks like.. a cheap full computer, it isn't an *rpi* anymore imo
<zid> soul is gone
<zid> *shakes fist at clouds*
<geist> true dat
<geist> there there
<clever> geist: lspci -v on the pi5 (talking to a dude on discord) reports pcieport for the pcie controller, that doesnt sound like the crappy 1x lane thing from before?
<geist> dunno
<zid> it says it's a 1x 2.0
<zid> rather than 1.0 at least
<clever> zid: 4x to the rp1 chip, 1x to the FFC connector
<clever> oh, let me read the DT closer...
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: fdt · GitHub
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<clever> looks like dwc3 for usb
<clever> a metric ton of pl011 uarts in the rp1
<clever> and many custom peripherals for other stuff
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<Ermine> wow, pi5
<zid> We need a pi5.5 now
<zid> so I can call it the piss
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<Hammdist> yes! I find the bug! I was offsetting the next cval from the "first" cval which is undefined. when I changed it to offset from cntpct it started to work
<zid> So what tragedy do we think befell heat?
<sham1> Living in Portugal
<zid> I mean, that one is just implied
<zid> It's a state of being, not a new development
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<mcrod> hi
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<sham1> Hi
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<mcrod> sham1 may I pet you
<sham1> Um, sure
* mcrod pets sham1
* sham1 wags tail
<mcrod> tgmath is kind of a funny header
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<mcrod> seems like it was just an attempt to make _Generic a thing years ago
<zid> "Disambiguation" redirects here. For other uses, see Disambiguation (disambiguation).
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<zid> I found The Good Shit parts of wikipedia today
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<mcrod> i've seen some crazy stuff on the front page in the "did you know" section
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<zid> https://imgur.com/gallery/vDZmEvh idk if I ever reposted this here, but it's one of my favourite takes ever on anything
<bslsk05> ​'The latest scam' - ''
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<gog> my linkedin is _full_ of stuff about "AI"
<gog> i really hate it
<gog> i'm half concerned that this is going to cause the industry to contract and hurt jobs and half concerned i'm wrong about it and that it is the future
<gog> to contract when the whole thing falls apart*
<mcrod> yeah too many people are jumping on the AI train
<mcrod> and most people are morons
<sham1> It'll be interesting to see
<sham1> Of course the fact that it's called ""AI" is a misnomer
<zid> It's not a misnomer at all, AI means whatever you want it to meaan
<zid> The serious researchers talk about NN, recursive descent models, etc etc, nto AI
<zid> AI is the marketting term with a specific non-meaning
<sham1> But the thing is, it's not intelligent. Like at all
<zid> And neither is my dust buster vacuum
<zid> busting any dust
<sham1> Right
<sham1> I'd also call a vacuum cleaner a misnomer
<zid> it doesn't clean any vacuums?
<zid> I lost the lawsuit I filed against the people who made my toothbrush :(
<sham1> Sadly not
<zid> Turns out a reasonable interpretation is NOT that it should have been made of teeth
<zid> bastards
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<kof213> someon will accuse me of being negative but..........if it makes money for someone it is "working" if not it is not "working."
* kof213 buys an "e"
<kof213> > Unikitty: Business, business, business. Numbers. Is this working? Yaaaaaaay!
<heat> oh man the pi5 has an RTC
<heat> rpi5 looks good though
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<heat> i wonder how cursed the platform itself is
<zid> oh heat is back
<heat> hi
<nortti> huh, still using videocore
<zid> heat, who is luan santana and why do you love him so much
<immibis> LLMs are the new .com - it's very profitable (I hesitate to say useful) in the long run, and way oversaturated at the beginning
<heat> zid, brazillian singer but im not sure if i've ever heard one of his songs
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<mcrod> heat: you're alive
<mcrod> we thought we lost you to portugal
<heat> you did
<zid> did you read
<zid> the scrollback
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<mcrod> unrelated
<mcrod> I managed to snag a trinitron TV
<mcrod> and I'm stoked
<mcrod> i can play FF7 and pretend I'm 6 again
<heat> zid, yes, i saw the pi5 news and some vague heat/portugal slander
<zid> You could have done that at any time
<mcrod> yes I could've
<zid> it was released on PC.. three times, so far :D
<mcrod> but this is much more authentic :p
<zid> plus psx emulation
<zid> plus psx on an lcd
<mcrod> even if it wasn't, I want to try and work on something for the playstation 1
<zid> can't personally recommend
<bslsk05> ​zid/psx - PSX example code remote backup (0 forks/1 stargazers)
<mcrod> heh
<zid> That code basically neuters the bios as much as it can as quickly as it can
<zid> because none of the bios routines work correctly
<zid> then displays a test pattern bmp loaded from the cd-rom data
<zid> then plays track 2 of the cd-rom
<zid> and no emulator supports it because they all copied broken cd-rom code from pete 20 years ago
<zid> :D
<zid> all commercial games use psyq, sony's sdk, to interact with the cd-rom drive
<zid> and pete's code got the interrupts/busy status stuff conflated a little
<zid> I figured out how to make it work on emulator, and I could make a trivial change to make it work, but that's sadge
<gog> hi
<zid> hi bunny
* gog hopp
<sham1> :)
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<kof213> and then there were 3. also, there is a #psxugnd
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<Ermine> where gog
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<heat> gog terminated her Konversation
<zid> we're still fighting with the .pt government for terminating heat
<zid> apparently 18 years is slightly outside the bounds of a regular termination
<ChavGPT> ey heat
<ChavGPT> check out obsd flamegraphs
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<puck> what's with this "userland" function and how is it using 70% cpu,,
<heat> what is that?
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
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<gog> yes
<zid> conversely, 30% spent in syscalls is bad :P
* ChavGPT pets gog first
<ChavGPT> got em
* gog prr
<ChavGPT> heat: make -j 8 from kernel build
* Ermine takes gog mutex
* Ermine pets gog
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* gog prprr
<mcrod> now i'll never be able to pet
* Ermine drops the mutex
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* mcrod takes gog mutex
* mcrod pets gog
* mcrod drops gog mutex
<heat> i dont see anything horrendous except uvm_fault taking maybe too much cpu time
<ChavGPT> their mtx_enter accounts for over half of sys time
<ChavGPT> and this is only -j 8
<Ermine> one of nvidia modules has 'uvm' in its name
<ChavGPT> and, contention aside, it is artificially worse than it has to be because their code is stupid
<heat> ChavGPT, no it doesn't
<heat> Matched: 17.1%
<ChavGPT> and kernel is 31.52
<heat> mate it's proportional
<heat> if you do it without the zoom on kernel, it says 5.4%
<ChavGPT> oh my bad, so about 15% of sys time
<heat> mtx_enter and mtx_enter_try being on separate stack frames is LUL
<pitust> Ermine: uvm is the virtual memory thing used in BSDs
<ChavGPT> it is a separate func to try
<heat> nvidia uvm = unified virtual memory
<heat> whereas the netbsd/openbsd uvm means nothing
<ChavGPT> what is ified virtual memory?
<heat> idk, its some nvidia GPU stuff
<heat> maybe their memory manager?
<Ermine> pitust: thank you, but it's obvious from the context, I just had to make a stupid remark
<ChavGPT> i'm disappoint
<ChavGPT> add
<ChavGPT> unadd
<ChavGPT> ify
<ChavGPT> unify
<heat> haha
<heat> hilarious
<heat> i found your joke unfunny
<ChavGPT> want a cheap laugh, talk to genz
<ChavGPT> sorry, this was meant to go to #millenials
<heat> their tooling looks fucked
<heat> offsets are not being discarded
<ChavGPT> that is easy to add
<heat> it's kind of tampering with the results
<ChavGPT> check this out, uvm_pagezero_thread getting in the way
<Ermine> What are you trying to achieve btw?
<pitust> pagezero threads are bad
<pitust> they dont help
<pitust> in fact they make things worse
<pitust> so thats cool
<ChavGPT> Ermine: me? some lulz
<ChavGPT> i'm not having that flame again
<heat> flame some flamegraphs
<Ermine> heat: this was question for you
<pitust> DragonflyBSD removed their implementation because it was slower
<heat> Ermine, achieving with what?
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<Ermine> heat: ... with looking at bsd uvm source?
<heat> i wasn't looking at bsd uvm source
<heat> this is not even my flamegraph
<heat> now, i have been looking at the uvm thesis, for inspiration
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<mcrod> i am building gcc
<mcrod> what a process.
<Ermine> A sight to behold
<geist> all told it's at least not terribly compute intensive, unlike clang
<geist> well, i mean relatively easier to build
* gog clangs
<heat> no dont clang never clang
<heat> you'll take too long to build
<Ermine> But then clang builds stuff faster?
<heat> yea usually
<heat> but if you really want to minimize build time you just build clang with full LTO on and wait a bunch of hours
<mcrod> very soon
<mcrod> I will have access to an EPYC
<mcrod> and it will be glorious, glorious I tell you
<geist> if it even completes, it's ram it mostly needs a crapton of
<heat> yeah the cpu/mem ratio is nuts for full lto
<zid> gcc is mainly converted to C++, rather than being full balls to the wall Boost at least
<zid> cuts down on the memory and compile speed fairly significantly
<geist> yah it's just not super fancy C++
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<heat> tbf llvm's C++ isn't too fancy either
<heat> it's not balls-to-the-wall header-only
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<geist> probably uses some stdc++ though and this brings in a fair amount of templates
<heat> yeah
<heat> including C++ stdlib files is an ez blow up of compile time
<heat> so is any header-only lib (i.e google test headers)
<Ermine> header-only libs bad
<Ermine> but there's no other way for inline functions
<heat> L T O
<heat> but srsly the real problem with header-only libs are the incessant use of templates I think
<heat> you can have plenty of inline functions and not have horrendous compile time
<geist> yeah.
<geist> it has to at least lex/parse the inlines, but doesn't go through the really expensive part until it instantiates it, but templates cause it to instantiate a lot of stuff, multiple times
<heat> something i find really awkward though is how many large C/C++ projects have horrendously tangled headers
<heat> mine included
<heat> compile time suffers, and if you touch a header file you need to rebuild huge portions of the thing
<heat> trying to have more efficient code through exposing types and inlines in headers inherently suffers from this issue
<heat> (because then opaque types don't really work in many cases)
<Ermine> time for fast headers patches?
<heat> yeah but it's a PITA
<heat> and i'm honestly not sure how unfuckable everything is
<Ermine> That makes me think whether languages where you import modules, like rust or hare, are better in this regard
<pitust> are they better?
<heat> probably
<pitust> touching any code is like changing a header
<pitust> and you can't parallel build code
<pitust> unless you basically do code -> header in the compiler
<heat> it's not
<heat> if you do incremental linking or whatever
<heat> but this obviously all heavily relies on LTO to do inlining for you
<Ermine> you have a point
<pitust> if you are doing LTO
<pitust> any argument about compile performance goes out the window
<heat> well yes but you're not forced to do LTO
<heat> in fact C++ got modules in C++20 because they're strictly advantageous
<heat> essentially on-demand precompiled headers
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<clever> geist: oh, youve mentioned before, about how arm recommends a large spacing between peripherals? all of the bits of the RP1 are 64kb spaced
<geist> perfect
<geist> it's so if you use 64k pages you can still put them in their own page
<clever> yep
<clever> https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/pull/5618 also mentions page sizes
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Add support for Pi 5 by popcornmix · Pull Request #5618 · raspberrypi/linux · GitHub
<clever> > bcm2711_defconfig will support all 64-bit Pi devices and uses a pagesize of 4K
<clever> > bcm2712_defconfig switches to a 64K pagesize, and only works on Pi 5.
<clever> geist: one of the big questions i still havent seen an answer to, is if the pcie bridge will be online when the arm kernel is executed
<clever> but luckily, the SoC still has its own PL011's, with a dedicated uart debug header
<clever> the RP1 southbridge also has 6 more PL011's
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<clever> and if you just mount the RP1 onto a pcie expansion card, you could get 90% of the pi5's io onto any machine
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<clever> and due to them basically starting from scratch, the memory map is far more sane
<clever> every uart in a line, followed by spi, and i2c, with no gaps
<clever> the device-tree claims an address of `0xc0 0x40070000`, the 2nd BAR is at 1f_0000_0000, and the peripheral itself is at 1f_0007_0000
<clever> ive not double-checked the ranges= yet
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<geist> yeah i would like to read about the RP1
<geist> took me a while to figure out what RP1 was when folks talk about it
<clever> its basically just a 4x pcie slave, with damn near every bit of IO on the pi5
<clever> ethernet, dsi, csi, gpio, i2c, uart, spi, i2s, dpi, pwm, sdio
<clever> oh, and throw in some dwc3 as well
<clever> the only peripherals the soc is having directly, are sd/wifi/ram/hdmi, i think
<clever> but, a lot of the old stuff, is still present, the genet from the pi4 is in the soc, its just not wired to the PHY
<clever> they also mentioned, the RP1 is made on an older process node with fatter transistors, i think that makes it more robust to abuse?
<clever> so the gpio arent as likely to kill it when shorted
<clever> and even if you did fry the rp1, the soc is in another castle, lol
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<CompanionCube> i mean, that doesn't seem particularly useful since it's just as useless?
<clever> CompanionCube: given how much is on the rp1, yeah
<clever> you would lose the main usb and ethernet