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<zid> *hisses at the burning sky orb*
<zid> stupid sunrise, I can't seeshit in here
<zid> guess whose window faces east. pls no send snipers.
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<Hammdist> msr("cntp_tval_el0", 1000); <-- is this the correct way to arm interrupt 30?
<Hammdist> strange that it is called el0 when I am running mostly in el1
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<sham1> zid: you're not worth it
<zid> Not with that attitude
<zid> I'd bound out of bed to find things to shoot at if I owned a sniper rifle
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<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<Hammdist> ah I got it to work .. I was missing the timer enable bit in the timer CTL register
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<mcrod> heat: embedded
<heat> votekick mcrod
<heat> f1 guys stupid tm8
<mcrod> :(
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<zid> F1 is scripted indeed, ask hamilton
<zid> oh wait not what you meant
<zid> oh heat QUIT
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<mcrod> he does that a lot
<ChavGPT> wrestilng is fake
<ChavGPT> f1 is fake
<ChavGPT> solaris is true
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<gog> embedded
* vdamewood gives gog a fishy
* gog chomp fishy
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<kof213> i just interpreted it this way 1) > a chorus of men singing the praises of rust around the illumos world, and their song is reaching a fever pitch 2) > *hisses at the burning sky orb*
<gog> illumos
<gog> openindiana openindiana
<vdamewood> Solari... nevermind. The lawyers tell me it's definiately not that.
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<kof213> > The lawyers tell me it's definiately not that. if you lose your case, the pizza is free! -- lionel hutz
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<netbsduser``> i proceed apace with a fun exercise in stretching my vfs (a fat driver)
<sortie> how are you that is my thing
<netbsduser``> you spurred me on to make a start on it with your chat about it a day or two ago
<netbsduser``> i am thinking of introducing a new generic mechanism for filesystem drivers to use to cache their mapping of pages of a file to the disk extents they come from
<gog> hi
<gog> can my thing be thinking up great experiments but never doing them
<netbsduser``> the alternative would be that i make space in cached file pages to store that information (then assuming relatively sequential access, you can shortcut finding the FAT entry for a particular block, let's say at 32mib + 4kib, having already loaded the block at 32mib previously)
<moon-child> gog: no sorry that's my thing already
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