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< zoq> robb8: is another
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #278: FAILURE in 1 min 34 sec:
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #279: FIXED in 3 hr 37 min:
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< travis-ci> shitian007/mlpack#2 (k_means_parallel - 4c05287 : Shi Tian): The build has errored.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...4c05287e39dd
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< sreenik> Hi, this might be a weird question here. I use Visual studio code for C++ programming. However, the memory it consumes increases slowly over time and as it reaches the 7-8 hour mark the system consumes around 7gb of RAM (around 2.5gb is the system consumption when I start VSCode). Could this be due to a memory leak in the programs that I run or is visual studio code at fault? I use linux
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< zoq> sreenik: Could be a memory leak, perhaps you can track this down to a program you run.
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< sreenik> zoq: Thanks. Unfortunately this happens with the cli parser I am developing. Ah, more digging to do... :)
< zoq> sreenik: Running valgrind might be helpful here.
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< sreenik> Thanks I'll try that :)
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< whoKnows> once I did some changes in the source code do I need to click "build solution" under build tab in MVS or any other option beacuse by doing build solution every time it takes a very long time to build the project even for a small change in source code
< whoKnows> Can't I build project only for the specific changes I did keeping everything intact
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< sreenik> whoKnows: I don't know if this will solve your issue but you can do your changes and testing in a different workspace and if everything seems to work fine, just do similar changes in your original project and build it.
< sreenik> You can actually build individual components but I am not sure if this is exactly what you want to do. Instructions are here (this is a cached copy of the old site, I have currently forgotten the name of the new site)
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< whoKnows> I think this may be helpful for the next time but I just wanted to know that everyone suffers such long time for building entire project or I am doing something wrong because in my system I took an average time of around 45 minutes which is very huge
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< sreenik> zoq: There are many optimizers in ensmallen that I have never heard of. Are all of them applicable for ANNs or do many of them (only) have other general purpose uses?
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< zoq> sreenik: Every optimizer that can handle differentiable separable functions, can be used for ann's:
< sreenik> zoq: ahh I see that I have implemented a couple of the non-differentiable functions also. Thanks, your reply was just in time :)
< zoq> sreenik: Great :)
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< robb_> Hey, so I'm not entirely sure what the 3rd dimension for recurrent neural networks is.
< robb_> I've read the documentation and it looks like each slice is a data point
< robb_> oops, I mean time step
< robb_> and each column is a data point. so would each row be a feature?
< saksham189> robb_: you are correct about each slice which refers to a time step. each slice has multiple data points (columns) for a given batch which leads to rows
< saksham189> hope i am clear
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< robb_> saksham189: thank you for the clarification. so each row is a batch?
< saksham189> a row corresponds to a single dimension of multiple data points for certain time step
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< robb_> ok thank you. i just wish there were better RNN examples . I had to pull the sine wave one from the boost tests lol
< robb_> still trying to figure it all out
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