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< rcurtin> mulx10: thanks again for the fix, I can see that the Python imports are correct now that they are regenerated:
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< mulx10> rcurtin: My pleasure.
< mulx10> rcurtin: With respect to pr #1771, I have made the changes .
< mulx10> rcurtin: Please review it if you get time.
< mulx10> rcurtin: thanks again
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #40: FIXED in 6 hr 25 min:
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< rcurtin> nice, succeeding nightly and weekly builds
< rcurtin> the monthly build looks like it hung up on just one job
< rcurtin> mulx10: sure, I'll try and take a look when I have a chance
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< atulim> @rcurtin @zoq After going through mailing list, I would like to ask that how many pages would the gsoc proposal be coz I know that you won't read much if its lengthy. Can you please specify? It would be helpful
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< zoq> atulim: We will read every application, regardless of the number of pages, but ideally you can keep it short, if the application covers everything from the application guide and you feel you added all the "necessary" information you are good to go.
< atulim> thank you @zoq
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< atulim> @rcurtin if you have time, I have completed that pull request sir, three to four days back kindly look at it.
< rcurtin> atulim: like I've said before, I'll take a look when I am able to. there are now more than 60 PRs open...
< atulim> @rcurtin Yes sir. Sorry to bother you.
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< rcurtin> no need to call me sir :)
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< sreenik> I had a short query. The activation functions are spread around with some of them having typedefs in base_layer.hpp
< sreenik> I mean to ask, why is it particularly done? Moreover, some are defined as layers too
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< zoq> sreenik: The typedefs that are in the base activation layer, don't take additional parameter at construction time so they can all be combined (to keep the code size low).
< sreenik> Oh I see :>
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< Guest36667> can the existing neuroevolution genetic algorithms (like CNE) included in ensmallen be used to tune hyperparameters for neural networks? Like number of layers, etc
< Guest36667> because from what I can see they're used as an alternative to backprop for training basically. just using GAs to adjust the weights and biases
< zoq> Guest36667: Hello, that's not implemented.
< Guest36667> I think there was a PR a few years ago for 2.0.1 or something
< Guest36667> not sure what happened to it
< Guest36667> probably incomplete
< zoq> Guest36667: Probably using NEAT instead of CNE.
< Guest36667> Yeah I think so
< Guest36667> because NEAT evolves both topologies and weights
< zoq> Guest36667: Right, perhaps we can finish this one over the summer (GSoC).
< ShikharJ> KimSangYeon-DGU: Ack, sorry I had been very busy lately. I'll get back on this.
< Guest36667> zoq: do you think it would be put in ensmallen or just mlpack?
< zoq> Guest36667: NEAT, would be part of ensmallen, but the tuning would be part of mlpack, integration into the exsisting hpt model would be great.
< Guest36667> zoq: sweet. looking forward to it if it does happen
< Guest36667> in the meantime I will see if that PR is actually buildable
< KimSangYeon-DGU> ShikharJ: No problem!! I know you are so busy. :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Thanks for your hard work!!
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< ShikharJ> KimSangYeon-DGU: Yeah, it's okay, since no one has a strong opinion on it.
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< robb_> is it possible to specify my own fitness function for an ensmallen optimizer?
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< rcurtin> robb_: yeah, that's the whole idea, just call Optimize() with the function you'd like to minimize
< rcurtin> it needs to have an Evaluate() and Gradient() function (maybe more or less depending on what optimizer you want to use)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> ShikharJ: Thanks! :)
< robb_> rcurtin: Got it, thanks
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< robb8> where can I find an example of using an ensmallen optimizer to optimize a neural network? any test code possibly?