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< Yashwants19> Hi rcurtin zoq:If you have time please review my PR.
< Yashwants19> Thank You :)
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< MULX10> rcurtin : I will not include the file in mlpack. Cmake will download if necessary.
< MULX10> zoq: I don't know what 3 clause BSD license means :p
< MULX10> I will find out and let you know.
< MULX10> Thanks
< MULX10>
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< rcurtin> mulx10: sounds good :) we just need to make sure the MIT license for stb is compatible with the 3-clause BSD license... I think it is, but not 100% sure
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< mulx10> zoq, rcurtin: It has 2 licences: MIT License, Public Domain (
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< atharva> leave
< atharva> Sorry for that :p
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #337: FAILURE in 3 hr 40 min:
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< zoq> ShikharJ_: Sure will take a look.
< zoq> mulx10: I think it is compatible, but better to make sure first.
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< jeffin143> lozhnikov : if free have a glance at PR1814 , thanks
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #178: FIXED in 45 min:
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: thanks for merging the random forest test PR, I'll release 3.1.1 once I get back from dinner
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< zoq> rcurtin: I use some of the new functionality from #113 for the callbacks, so I will update the PR once #113 is merged.
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