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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#304 (ensmallen-1.15.1 - 8bea8d2 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...8bea8d214b40
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #334: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 57 min:
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< rajs123> Hi, I wanted to know what is process of contributing to mlpack in structure similar to gsoc projects [identify projects and contribute intensively for 3-4 months] without getting enrolled in gsoc. I come from trading background with lots of C++ exp, and have been deeply involved in ML for last few years.
< zoq> rajs123: Hello, contributions are always welcome; see for some more details. Ideally we can find a group that is interested in the project that can provide help if needed.
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< zoq> rajs123_: In case you missed the message:
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< jeffin143> Github released sponsors* today
< jeffin143> rcurtin : When are we going to have our sponsor button setup :)
< rcurtin> jeffin143: I think we should successfully join NumFOCUS first :) but we can keep that process moving, I think there is not too much left to do
< jeffin143> :)
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< favre49> rcurtin: It seems the random forest test can fail sometimes.
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< favre49> fatal error in "WeightedCategoricalLearningTest": critical check rfCorrect >= dtCorrect - 15 failed [1872 < 1886]
< favre49> ^ from travis job on PR #1901
< favre49> Also, I'm not able to tell why the Appveyor test on the same failed. The appveyor logs are a bit difficult to read, to say the least
< jeffin143> favre49 : download the log and search for error (with a space) keyword and you will get the error I guess
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< favre49> jeffin143: I tried that, no results
< zoq> favre49: Which PR?
< favre49> #1901. Found the error, it was right at the end. I don't think i have been sleeping enough :P
< favre49> [FATAL] Cannot open file 'nonexistentfile.arff'.
< favre49> Don't know what to do about it though
< zoq> favre49: nonexistentfile.arff does that file exsist?
< favre49> zoq: nope
< zoq> favre49: so that could be the issue?
< favre49> yes, but what is that file?
< zoq> hm, not sure; need to take a look at the PR
< rcurtin> favre49: that may be intentional, some tests test that files fail to load
< rcurtin> want to link the appveyor log? I'll glance at it
< rcurtin> they are super difficult to read, you're right
< rcurtin> hundreds of thousands of lines of MSVC warning output :)
< rcurtin> favre49: I think it hit the 90 minute build limit---let me restart it and let's see what happens
< favre49> I'll be pushing a commit for the style fixes, no need to restart yourself :)
< favre49> thanks for your help!
< rcurtin> ah, ok, yeah, I don't see a restart button anyway :)
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< jeffin143_> lozhnikov , rcurtin , zoq : is it ok to user unordered_map<const char* , int> in mlpack ?
< jeffin143_> because i read release mails and in mlpack 2 all char* were replaced by string . !
< rcurtin> jeffin143_: that was mostly for user-facing APIs. I think in your case you are looking to have a map using a substring as a key?
< rcurtin> so long as that's 'safe' (i.e. std::string gives a guarantee that it internally holds a const char* that you can use in that way), I don't personally see a problem with it
< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: No, that won't work for equal strings if the pointers are different.
< rcurtin> others may have different input :)
< jeffin143_> lozhnikov :
< rcurtin> lozhnikov: could you use strcmp() as the unordered_map<> equality function?
< rcurtin> strncmp() I guess for safety :)
< rcurtin> only problem is, then the type starts to get really ugly...
< lozhnikov> I suggest to introduce a database e.g. std::vector<std::string> and a map std::unordered_map<boost::string_view, size_t>
< jeffin143_> if if declare unordered_map<boost::string_view,size_t> , all the member function doesn't work , find() or count()
< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: hmmm... I didn't know. Why?
< jeffin143_> so i the solution i had in my mind was to declare unordered_map<const char* , int> and then use member function which return a pointer and the char array is saved
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< jeffin143_> but you are right
< jeffin143_> throws a segmentation fault since the pointers are different when i use the same variable.
< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: I tried to investigate why unordered_map doesn't work with boost::string_view. Looks like we need to define the hasher.
< jeffin143_> i also tried, had glance over some of the stack overflow post, but didnt't find a convencing one
< jeffin143_> hashed as in ?
< jeffin143_> hasher*
< lozhnikov> Did you try std::unordered_map<boost::string_view, int, boost::hash<boost::string_view>> ?
< jeffin143_> No, I didn't . Give me a moment i will try that out
< lozhnikov> rcurtin: In case of strncmp() as the key equality function. We need to pass the length of the substring somehow. That leads us to something like string_view.
< rcurtin> lozhnikov: yeah, I was thinking about what I wrote and you're right. It seems like string_view is the best option here
< rcurtin> (my only concern is added overhead for the inclusion of more boost headers, but perhaps string_view is lightweight---and if not, there are ways to mitigate the problem)
< lozhnikov> rcurtin: yeah, string_view is pretty small
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< jeffin143_> lozhnikov : no it throws up several error, tried debugging it , but couldn't
< jeffin143_> for some reason they don't have support for string_view, i mean boost::hash
< jeffin143_>, followed this
< jeffin143_> they changed the directory structure , now hash.hpp is not in container_hash but instead in functional/
< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: Try to include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
< jeffin143_> error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct boost::hash_detail::basic_numbers<boost::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> > >’
< jeffin143_> lozhnikov :
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< lozhnikov> jeffin143: My compiler doesn't show any errors. Which compiler do you use?
< jeffin143> lozhnikov : gcc 7
< jeffin143> Did u use my code or wrote your own ?
< lozhnikov> I used your code.
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< jeffin143_> And which compiler do you use.?
< jeffin143_> lozhnikov : weird ,
< lozhnikov> I use gcc 9. Looks like you need to include some headers. Which version of boost do you use?
< jeffin143_> lozhnikov 1.65.1
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< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: Try the following code:
< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas: did you make the deadline? only 80 minutes left. we just submitted ours
< jeffin143_> lozhnikov : works smooth :) , you are great
< jeffin143_> I guess this would solve out issue*
< jeffin143_> Of storing string_view as key in unordered_map
< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: Thanks) Looks like there is no string_view hasher in boost 1.65
< lozhnikov> Yes, it should solve the issue.
< jeffin143_> Yes :) , would incorporate reviews and push a commit later by night,
< jeffin143_> Good night
< lozhnikov> jeffin143_: good night
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