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< Victor_> hello there, I am a CS sophomore at the University of Rochester. I am interested in implementing a few Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for mlpack through GSoC. Specifically, I was interested in Proximal Policy Optimization and Persistent Advantage Learning DQN. I was wondering what kind of background are you looking for and what other metrics are you going to use to evaluate a proposal. Cheers, looking forward to hearing from you
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< rcurtin> hi Victor_, take a look at and hopefully that should help
< rcurtin> there is also an application guide linked to from the Ideas page, which perhaps might also help clarify :)
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< sonu628> when i do sudo make install in the middle we get the following
< sonu628> TEST FAILED: usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ does NOT support .pth files error: bad install directory or PYTHONPATH
< sonu628> You are attempting to install a package to a directory that is not on PYTHONPATH and which Python does not read ".pth" files from. The installation directory you specified (via --install-dir, --prefix, or the distutils default setting) was: usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ and your PYTHONPATH environment variable currently contains: '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/'
< sonu628> when i do $PTHONPATH in terminal i getbash: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/: Is a directory"
< sonu628> if its a valid directory why is installation getting directed to usr/locao/...
< sonu628> any suggestions ?
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< Viserion> I am not able to locate cf_model.hpp , cf_model_impl.hpp . It was suggested to look into them before solving the issue, I could see only cf_main.cpp and cf_impl.hpp
< sreenik> Viserion: I just checked the src/mlpack/methods/cf directory and there appears to be both cf_model.hpp and cf_model_impl.hpp. If you are searching the installation folder in usr/local/include/mlpack, you won't find them there. Just check your cloned repo directory
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #264: FAILURE in 1 day 4 hr:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #265: STILL FAILING in 1 min 16 sec:
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< jeffinsam> zoq : i guess there is some issue with jenkins, the checks for pull request have been stopped.i mean not running
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< zoq> jeffinsam: Should be fixed, there are some jobs in the backlog so this might take some time.
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< mulx10> zoq: I have a question regarding the issue ( In the file lstm.hpp variables OutputDataType delta, OutputDataType grad, OutputDataType outputParameter; are not used anywhere. However they have getters and setters. So how should I get the `cell` parameter: (1) by writing getter and setters or (2) Function overloading (Forward(input, output, cell))
< mulx10> zoq: Thanks
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< zoq> mulx10: They are used to hold e.g the error, the FFN class is one example, I guess to set the cell you could overload the Forward function.
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< Nitish> can you explain ESO?
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< mulx10> jeffinsam, zoq: I guess jenkins has stopped. It got stuck in test case.
< mulx10> Can someone please kill the process.
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< mulx10> sorry for the trouble
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< zoq> mulx10: Do you mean the memory test?
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< mulx10> zoq: Yes
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< zoq> mulx10: Okay, I've stoped the job.
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< mulx10_> zoq: I guess the tests are fragile. I found the reason for my failing memory builds. ctest -j2 runs two parallel test. Also, a lot of tests uses the same file name, which in tur creates a race condition
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< mulx10_> zoq: Also when I changed all the file names corresponding to the test case. It somehow got stuck.
< zoq> mulx10_: That might as well fix the issue with the same name.
< mulx10_> zoq: Thanks.
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< jeffinsam> zoq : implemented one hot encoding function as utility function, any comments... would it be useful or not as preproccessing of data.?
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< jeffinsam_> also anyone, any idea what is Static Code Analysis Checks, i couldn't get why pr is failling that test
< zoq> jeffinsam_: Which one is failing? Right now it runs a combination of cppcheck and pvs-studio.
< zoq> jeffinsam_: About the one hot encoding, definitely interesting, it's part of the String Processing Utilities idea (
< jeffinsam_> zoq : pr#1780
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< zoq> jeffinsam_: I see, the node that runs the job doesn't use the right toolchain.
< zoq> jeffinsam_: Let's restart the test, but it might take some time, since the node is currently testing the docker suite.
< jeffinsam_> thanks zoq : i have make a pr regarding one hot encoding pr#1784 , could you review it whenever you get time, being a competitive programmer i am facing tough time writting code regarding industries standards
< jeffinsam_> zoq : no issues with the time , Thanks for the clarification
< zoq> jeffinsam_: I'll take a look once I have the chance.
< jeffinsam_> zoq : thanks
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< Shubhangi100> Can anybody help me out through this " Thread 1 "python" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault, arma::Mat<unsigned long>::steal_mem (x=..., this=0x153f3d0) at /usr/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp: at line 1094 if(t_vec_state == x_vec_state)"
< ShikharJ> Shubhangi100: Can you mention the context of this error? What exactly are you trying to do?
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< Shubhangi100> I am trying to debug segmentation fault with the help of python gdb in issue ''
< ShikharJ> Hmm, have you set the breakpoints at the required place yet? It seems that the program is seg-faulting before any of the set break-points.
< Shubhangi100> No, I haven't yet set any breakpoint.
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< ShikharJ> Shubhangi100: You should set break-point before running the program in gdb, and after the break-point run it line by line to get to the point of error on the outer code.
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< rcurtin> Shubhangi100: also use 'backtrace' and then move around in the stack frames (like 'frame 3' or so once you've seen the backtrace) and inspect the variables (i.e. 'inspect t_vec_state') in order to see what's going on
< rcurtin> I'd suggest trying to find the last mlpack-related stack frame and work from there
< rcurtin> hope this helps; there's likely to be a lot of reasoning necessary to understand what's happening and why it's a problem
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< Viserion> what is the difference between dense matrix and sparse matrix of user item table in cf_impl.hpp in Collaborative filtering
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< last_comer> hello
< last_comer> i am new to open source but interested in contributing
< last_comer> need help
< zoq> last_comer: Hello, should be helpful here.
< last_comer> what is this?
< zoq> last_comer: could be helpful as well.
< zoq> A page with a bunch of helpful infos about how to get involved and contribute.
< last_comer> what i supposed to know in order to contribute?
< zoq> That highly depends on what you like to do, but if you are willing to learn no stuff you are basically good to go.
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