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< rcurtin> yeah, let me try restarting jenkins
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< rcurtin> oh, fascinating
< rcurtin> masterblaster has been infected by a script called 'watchbog'
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< rcurtin> here's the script that got run
< zoq> for cryptomining ...
< rcurtin> but that got run as user jenkins... this should have never worked
< zoq> unless you can get root
< rcurtin> I'm not clear on whether the attacker was able to get root
< rcurtin> or even the surface through which they were able to execute any code at all
< zoq> jenkins?
< rcurtin> yep, you just beat me to it
< rcurtin> that seems to be the issue
< rcurtin> luckily, this does not seem to be a root exploit
< rcurtin> (especially since I have no way to reinstall the system)
< zoq> Perhaps it makes sense to just use masterblaster as another build node; not sure.
< rcurtin> yeah, that's what we were doing---but I failed to stop and disable the jenkins service
< rcurtin> (from back when was
< zoq> ahh, I see
< rcurtin> I can't find any evidence of privilege escalation
< rcurtin> nothing in /etc appears tampered with
< rcurtin> any modifications were basically only in /home/jenkins (.bash_history showed a bunch)
< rcurtin> the user jenkins' crontab was modified, and there was a backgrounded script that would restart everything if someone came and disabled the cron job :)
< rcurtin> it seems I have managed to disable it from running (for now?)
< zoq> okay, fingers crossed that's all
< rcurtin> since reinstallation isn't really an option, I think all we can do is hope that there aren't further issues
< zoq> right
< rcurtin> jenkins on is up to date; it doesn't have the same vulnerability
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< jeffin143> Does make install* , creates the binding for anaconda environment too? I mean Python2 cr , is able to import mlpack, but python3 , on anaconda isn't able to import mlpack.
< jeffin143> Also can we specify , which python to use ot specify path*
< rcurtin> jeffin143: you should be able to specify '-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python' when you configure with CMake
< rcurtin> ah sorry '-DPYTHON=/path/to/python'
< rcurtin> I think that should be sufficient. I do that all the time to switch between the system-installed python2 and python3, but I've never tried with an anaconda environment
< rcurtin> if you find any bugs we can fix them :)
< jeffin143> Sure*
< jeffin143> I ll try that out
< rcurtin> anyway, I'm off to bed. if you're still around when I get up, I'll hop in the jitsi test meeting and you can help test if you like
< rcurtin> although, you don't need me there for a test, you can join at any time
< rcurtin> the hope is to ensure that we can have a handful of people in the meeting and they can all hear/see each other ok
< jeffin143> Sure , day time in India I will be available for next 12hrs :)
< rcurtin> :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#289 (ensmallen-1.15.0 - 837390f : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #325: NOW UNSTABLE in 3 hr 57 min:
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< ShikharJ> zoq: Is there a way to rebuild the failed jenkins builds on the PR?
< zoq> ShikharJ: comment with "@mlpack-jenkins test this please"
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< Mulx10> zoq, rcurtin : yeah most of the script require root, Even I don't understand how the script was made to execute.
< Mulx10> However that's seriously impressive and a bit terrifying.
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< ShikharJ> zoq: Ouch, so that's what the comments do :)
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #326: STILL UNSTABLE in 4 hr 13 min:
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< KimSangYeon-DGU> jeffin143: Have you tested the jitsi? If not, we can test it. :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> jeffin143: Please let me know, if you're ready. :)
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< sreenik> One observation from the last jitsi meeting was that I could perfectly see/hear everyone except rcurtin (video quality was really poor, audio was satisfactory except the last few minutes). Not sure if everyone has the same observation
< sreenik> I also tried out an Atlanta vpn during the meeting but that didn't help
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< rcurtin> ok, I rejoined the jitsi test meeting, if anyone else wants to join feel free
< rcurtin> sreenik: yeah, that was strange, maybe the public server won't have this problem
< rcurtin> if it does, maybe we can use hangouts or something
< rcurtin> the jitsi test meeting URL is by the way
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< rcurtin> Mulx10: as far as I understand, it was a vulnerability in Jenkins that allowed the user to execute arbitrary code on the system:
< rcurtin> I assume that the exploit was used to cause Java to start some bash process which they could then pipe commands to
< rcurtin> anyway it is an important reminder to keep software up to date, and to disable services that aren't needed :)
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< rcurtin> I had to go to other meetings, so I'm no longer in the test call
< rcurtin> Yashwant and I tested it and it worked well, but we still haven't tried it with many people yet
< rcurtin> I think, if we have problems with Jitsi, we can just switch to a Hangouts call as a backup
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< zoq> rcurtin: interesting "Wrong Side Of The Road" ... probably too late for watchbog
< rcurtin> that was the name of the Tom Waits track I was listening to at that moment :)
< zoq> :)
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< rcurtin> I've gone back to idling in the Jitsi test meeting, feel free to join if you're available
< rcurtin> just for testing purposes, to see if we could use this more regularly with a bunch of people :)
< sreenik> rcurtin: Nice, let's see if we have more people active now
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< jeffin143> rcurtin : u there..?
< sreenik> In case someone is there please tag me here once so that I get the 'activity!!' notification from chrome
< jeffin143> Pr1876 , Travis build is failing , for a test case which I didn't temper with, just have a look once when you are free
< jeffin143> sreenik : hi
< sreenik> jeffin143: Yeah, I was talking about jitsi meet. You up?
< jeffin143> Yes
< sreenik> Okay
< jeffin143> sreenik : are you from India..?
< sreenik> Yes
< jeffin143> Which place.?
< sreenik> Kolkata..
< sreenik> Let's continue on jitsi itself if you available
< jeffin143> Cool, remember we had a chat regarding printing of network layers(model.summary) , did u give it try, were you able to do it
< jeffin143> Cool with me
< sreenik> Ahh no I didn't try it out after that. I mean, couldn't get to a working solution
< jeffin143> Umm , ok I would give it a try may be tommorow
< sreenik> jeffin143: Let me know
< rcurtin> ok, I rejoined the meeting (sorry, had to step out)
< sreenik> Okay rejoining
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: I'm not sure if Jitsi would work out that well for everyone. Even between two people, we're facing connectivity issues on a proper dedicated broadband.
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: yeah, maybe we should try hangouts instead?
< rcurtin> yeah, let me see if I can set up a hangouts call
< rcurtin> yeah, it seems like my connection with Shikhar is much better like this, let's see what happen as more join
< ShikharJ> If anyone is online, please try and join the call.
< jeffin143> Ok
< rcurtin> yeah this is going way better
< ShikharJ> I guess we can change the meeting venue to Hangouts altogether. It'll be way smoother for everyone.
< jeffin143> rcurtin : -> (jeffin143) Pr1876 , Travis build is failing , for a test case which I didn't temper with, just have a look once when you are free
< jeffin143> I agree with shikharj
< jeffin143> Much better than jitsi*
< rcurtin> jeffin143: yeah, I'll take a look when I have a chance, probably later tonight
< rcurtin> and I think I have to agree, Hangouts seems to be the far more robust solution
< rcurtin> I am sad that open-source software didn't stand up to the test this time though :(
< jeffin143> Rcurtin : No issues, I thought you missed my msg ,
< jeffin143> Also , if you are a open source lover
< jeffin143> Then may be it would be good to give that article a read :)
< rcurtin> nice, always great to see open source software helping out :)
< jeffin143> :)
< ShikharJ> Okay, since we've tried out Hangouts, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Gonna go off :)
< rcurtin> sounds good, talk to you later
< rcurtin> I'll do the same, I have to head out
< sreenik> Video conferencing probably requires more bandwidth than an open-source and non-profit software can provide
< rcurtin> yeah, I wondered if that was the case---Google has servers everywhere with good connections, I don't imagine Jitsi does
< ShikharJ> Particularly in India, I suspect most of their servers would be through Europe or China if we're lucky.
< sreenik> Yes, jitsi also probably needs some love from gsoc
< jeffin143> Haha :)
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