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< travis-ci> coatless/ensmallen#3 (patch-1 - 3884d1b : James J Balamuta): The build passed.
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< rajiv_> zoq: I have defined as Dense<arma::cube, arma::cube>* in the boost_variant<> which matches with the implementation
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< gauravcr7rm> zoq: hello marcus. Can you please explain me the line given in the desciption of NEAT project which goes like"NEAT must be implemented according to mlpack's optimization interface so that the method can work with different functions." Thanks in advance.
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< zoq> gauravcr7rm: The optimizer should uses the function type API ( and implement the optimizer interface, see for an example.
< zoq> rajiv_: Is this already part of the PR?
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< sreenik> I have rebuilt mlpack from source and have run into a problem that supposedly didn't exist before. Calling mlpack::data::Load(...) is throwing an error similar to the difference being that I am linking the necessary libraries. Where does the problem reside?
< sreenik> Compilation statement: g++ mlpack_dem.cpp -std=c++11 -lboost_serialization -lboost_program_options -larmadillo -lmlpack
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< zoq> sreenik: Are you sure the version of mlpack that you installed is the same one you are linking against?
< zoq> sreenik: might be helpful
< sreenik> I think this should solve my problem. Thanks
< sreenik> Just uninstalled the other version of mlpack and it's working again :)
< zoq> great :)
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< rajiv_> zoq: Yes, it's a part of the PR... I have pushed the latest changes
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< rcurtin> I've set up mlpack-bot on the ensmallen repository just like the mlpack repository; hopefully it should be helpful :)
< zoq> thanks
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< riaash04> So for the isomap pr travis build is failing with error approx_equal is not part of arma, but it is present in the documentation. What could be wrong here?
< zoq> the travis build uses armadillo 6.500.0, which is the minimal version mlpack supports
< riaash04> Is there anything similar to approx_equal I can use?
< zoq> perhaps you can use CheckMatrices from tests/test_tools.hpp?
< riaash04> This is required in the implementation part, not in testing, so I can't use CheckMatrices(I think). I'll just do a regular if check and make it similar to approx equal.
< riaash04> Something similar to what CheckMatrices does
< zoq> I think, you could just implement: arma::abs(x − y) <= tol
< riaash04> Ah, yes this is what I was thinking, thanks :)
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