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< Suryo> <testing chat>
< Suryo> Sorry, the chat was glitching.
< Suryo> I was saying that since the proposal period is approaching, I thought of spending these few weeks working to make PSO run on constrained optimization problems within ensmallen
< Suryo> So that I can write a good proposal
< Suryo> Dear zoq, kindly let me know your thoughts on this.
< Suryo> rcurtin: if you don't mind, Sir, could I ask you a question over email?
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< Suryo> zoq: seems like some of the earlier things I mentioned got cut. I said that after you merged the SPSA fix, my tests for PSO in PR #86 all have passed.
< Suryo> And that it isn't an extensive set of tests, but I can work on including more test cases.
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< rcurtin> Suryo: sure, go ahead
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< rajiv_> I want to read a binary file into arma::mat using .load(). It works when I use the absolute path but when I copy it to the data folder in tests and use "data/file.bin", it doesn't work. Where should I add the file so that I can just use the name of the file to load it?
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< zoq> Suryo: I think there are some descussion about contstrained PSO in the mail archive (last year). Let me know if you can't find the mails.
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< Suryo> zoq: I didn't think of looking up the mail archives, thanks for the heads up. I'll find them and get back to you.
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