ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< rupesh> hello everyone,
< rupesh> my name is Rupesh and I am quite interested in the quantum gaussian mixture project. I just wanted to know has some work already been started in this project on mlpack or we have to start from scratch
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< rupesh> Can anyone tell me briefly how this IRC chat works? how to connect to the mentors over here?
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< mulx10> rupesh: Hello
< mulx10> rupesh: You can contact the mentors here itself. But please be patient. The mentors will reply
< mulx10> rupesh: Thanks
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< ShikharJ> rupesh: As far as I'm aware, this project is new. But you should confirm with Sumedh.
< ShikharJ> rob_b: Though I'm relatively inexperienced in the field, but I think lately a whole lot of algorithms have come up, ranging from ones using RNNs to 2D CNNs. A literature survey might help you here.
< ShikharJ> zenzu: Welcome
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< gauravcr7rm> hello everyone..
< gauravcr7rm> i want to work on the neat project for gsoc
< gauravcr7rm> Can anyone guide me about what will be the perfect starting point for that.
< gauravcr7rm> I have prior knowledge of the codebase of mlpack..thanks in advance
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< sonu628> hello everyone
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< sonu628> "make: *** No rule to make target 'mlpack_test'. Stop" - what does this error means ?
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< sonu628> hey
< sonu628> I was going through the build section in mlpack docs
< sonu628> my computer was hanged in the middle
< sonu628> then i did make -j2, got same result
< sonu628> so i tried make -j1, it got to a greater percentage but still the pc got stuck
< sonu628> any suggestion what should i do ?
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< sonu628> Thanks
< sonu628> How much does one need to build mlpack?
< sonu628> How much ram*
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< mulx10> sonu628: Hello
< mulx10> sonu628: confirm that cmake was successful.
< mulx10> sonu628: And I guess 8GB RAM does the work.
< mulx10> sonu628: you can try to build by closing all other applications.
< rcurtin> guaravcr7rm: there have been several questions asked about NEAT in both IRC and on the mailing list... I'd suggest taking a look at the archives; maybe that would be helpful
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< rcurtin> I can't provide too much more input about the project though
< rcurtin> (I'm not the mentor)
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #35: ABORTED in 3 days 17 hr:
< rcurtin> it was really close to all green :) but two tests failing total for the weekly build and one hung (not sure exactly why)
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: The wiki page is ready, if you feel like adding something, please let me know :)
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: updated it a bit and now mlpack-bot will mention the testing guidelines too
< rcurtin> it's really nice, I think it'll be helpful to a lot of new contributors :)
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< awad> i want to see last messages is there any method to do that
< ShikharJ> awad: We keep the logs at
< awad> i asked some questions but i am afraid i didn't catch answers
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Great!
< rcurtin> awad: I saw your email ("string processing utilities in GSOC") but I don't think I understood your question at all
< rcurtin> I'd suggest looking through the mailing list archives for previous years' discussion about the string processing utilities project
< awad> any link sir to get those items
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: BTW, I added myself to the algorithm optimization and ANN applications project. Hopefully those will attract some good applications this time.
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: sounds good
< rcurtin> awad: follow the documentation on the mailing list to find the archives
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #36: STILL UNSTABLE in 6 hr 16 min: