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< Mina> Hi, is this the right channel to discuss GSoC projects?
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< aman_p> hi!
< aman_p> can anyone help, how to start with tensorflow translators.
< aman_p> i just want a little idea for a kickstart. thank you :)
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< aman_p_> hi
< aman_p_> just checking irc clients for the first time
< aman_p> hey
< aman_p> well check it
< aman_p_> doesnt work the way i thought
< aman_p_> bye
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< aman_p567> Hi
< aman_p> .
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< aman_p567> .
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< aman_p> Hi.
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< Suryo> zoq, rcurtin: I have a couple of questions regarding the GSoC application.
< Suryo> 1. I have familiarized myself with the code base, tweaked the code, got it to build on my system, included the pso module and passed tests (so far, on my system). Would it be okay to mention all of these things in my application?
< Suryo> 2. There has definitely been some efforts in the past and even currently to introduce PSO to ensmallen and mlpack and some of it coincides with the requested objectives of the project.
< Suryo> In order to maintain the strength of the application and avoid doing any redundant work - would it be okay to mention variants of PSO that have not been asked for in the ideas page?
< Suryo> 3. In the past, we have spoken about parallelization and one of the suggestions was that I look at the codebase of armadillo. Briefly stated, the parallelization that I think is appropriate comes in two different forms:
< Suryo> (i) parallelization in the PSO code in ensmallen (ii) parallelization within the matrix operations done by armadillo
< Suryo> However, at present, I have not gone through the codebase of armadillo thoroughly (I did look at it a couple of times to understand the flow, but my efforts weren't substantial).
< Suryo> Would it be okay to mention parallelization (within ensmallen as well as arma) as a kind of a secondary objective in the proposal?
< Suryo> 4. Can I submit two proposals? I'm kind of interested in the Quantum Gaussian Mixtures idea as well (but I haven't studied it). I'm familiar with Gaussian Mixture Models, though (covered a bit of it in class and I've gaussian mixtures in my work in the past)
< Suryo> 5. zoq: Related to constraints in PSO: At present, I have not introduced constraints in the PSO implementations. However, I have some ideas.
< Suryo> Basically, I think that every constraint for a problem should be a function, and that an array (or vector) of functions should be passed as a parameter to the PSO class.
< Suryo> I can describe this using pseudocode. However, what we do in practice might change later on when the actual implementation is done. Assuming that my proposal is accepted, is it okay if something I mention in the proposal goes through changes at the implementation phase?
< Suryo> Related to query 2: the variants of PSO I would be interested in are essentially in integer and binary search spaces and not just real valued search spaces.
< Suryo> Those are a lot of queries, I suppose. But kindly let me know :) I'll begin working on my proposal(s) once I'm clear about the above.
< Suryo> Thank you
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< Suryo> Last thing: Related to query 1: I've also submitted a pull request recently. Would it be okay to mention that as well?
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< nisarg_> Hello sir, I am Nisarg Shah. I wish to send a proposal for GSOC 2019. I am interested in ML algorithms and their optimisation to get better results . Could you guide me on how to start contributing and what should be the first steps?
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< Robb9> What happened to Bang Liu’s NEAT method? Did it ever get merged?
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< rcurtin> Robb9: Robbb: no, it didn't get merged, but it was most of the way there
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< rcurtin> Suryo: I'll do my best to answer but we are still a month away from the application period being open :)
< rcurtin> 1) Sure, of course it's reasonable to mention what you've done
< rcurtin> 2) yes, definitely it is okay to go above and beyond what's suggested on the ideas page
< rcurtin> 3) yeah, parallelization as a secondary objective is reasonable, but be sure that you include details of what you're planning. specifically, OpenBLAS provides parallelism for a lot of what Armadillo does
< rcurtin> so it would be important to be sure that the things you wanted to provide parallelism for aren't already covered by OpenBLAS
< rcurtin> 4) you can submit two proposals, but often it's better to focus on one proposal instead of spreading yourself a bit thin between two (up to you what you'd like to do there)
< rcurtin> hope that is helpful :)
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< Suryo> rcurtin: thank you for your response, that was very helpful. I've made a note of the things you've said and I'll work on them. I just want to make sure that I can make a proposal that can be followed as exactly as possible :)
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< robb_> I have a question... I thought each neuron automatically had a bias but Bang Liu's NEAT treats them as separate "bias neurons"?
< robb_> Why is that exactly?
< robb_> I thought each neuron automatically had one, but it seems that I am wrong
< rcurtin> I can't answer that question; it's possible that Bang's implementation has issues (remember that it was not merged at the end of the summer because it was incomplete)
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< rcurtin> I also didn't work directly on that project so maybe others have better input
< robb_> Got it
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< zoq> robb_: You could include the bias, there is no particular advantage.
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< rajiv_> zoq: I have added Forward() to Dense blocks... It would be great if you could help me out with the Backward() function... The description of the problem is in the PR :)
< zoq> rajiv_: Will take a look once I have a chance.
< rajiv_> Thanks!
< rajiv_> zoq: I am interested to contribute to the idea "Essential Deep learning Modules" in GSoC 19. I want to work on "Graph Neural Networks" as they perform really well on Non-Euclidian data. I feel that it would be great addition to the MLPack algorithms. Please let me know what you think... I have also sent a mail in the mailing list :)
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< zoq> Right, I saw the mail but I haven't got a chance to get to it.
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< rajiv_> Oh cool!
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< robb_> hey, what is an IdentityLayer<>? Doesn't that just mean Linear?
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< robb_> an example is it being used in the RNN tutorial
< zoq> robb_: It does nothing just forwarding the input
< robb_> Then why just not add the layer ?
< zoq> in this case it's used to avoid an unnecessary compution of the gradient
< robb_> oh
< robb_> thank you
< zoq> we don't need to perform the backward step for the first layer, because there is no layer we would have to pass the error to
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< robb_> what happened to the input layer?
< robb_> by that I mean is Add<> the first actual layer?
< zoq> Hold on, what I said, is the other way around, if the first layer would be e.g. a linear layer we don't perform the backward step since there is no layer we would have to pass the error to.
< zoq> But since we use a recurrent layer which holds other layers like Add<>, we have to put an empty layer infront.
< zoq> Sorry for the confusion.
< robb_> oh ok that makes sense now
< zoq> There was a plan to detect if we have to add a Identitylayer.
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< zoq> Basically if a layer implements the Model() function and is the firt layer we have to add an Identitylayer.
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< zoq> Mina: Hello there, this is the right channel for questions :)
< Mina> zoq: Thanks for your reply. I've chosen a project - NEAT - I am interested in contributing to. I'm a successful GSoC student from last year and got everything almost prepared for this project. I wanted to know if there is like a qualification task or anything required regarding this project.
< zoq> There is no actual requirement; if you like you could see if you can extend an exsisting method or add something to the ensmallen framework to get familiar with the codebase; but don't feel obligated.
< Mina> So other than that I can start with the application? If so should I share a draft with the mentor? Last year I actually prepared the proposal with the mentor but thought to ask first since every organization has its own rules.
< Mina> porposal*
< zoq> Usually, we do our best to give general feedback once applications can be shared via the dashboard.
< Mina> By that I mean I would prepare a full proposal and iterate it according to his feedback.
< Mina> Okay, so basically all I can do till that stage is getting to know the code more.
< zoq> Getting familiar with the codebase and the community around the project is definitely helpful.
< Mina> Okay, thanks a lot for your help. Most probably will work on a patch for an issue or an extension before the proposal opens.
< zoq> Sounds good, let me know if I should clarify anything.
< Mina> Thanks will do. Already done a great job with the wiki.
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