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< gopala> Can density estimation trees handle multivariate distributions /
< rcurtin> gopala: a density estimation tree models a piecewise constant distribution, so I'm not sure entirely what is meant by your question
< rcurtin> if you mean whether or not a DET can model a multi-dimensional dataset, the answer is yes
< gopala> yes that was my question..
< rcurtin> ok, it sounds like I answered it ok then :)
< gopala> also it wasnt clear how i should input the predictee values and predictor features
< gopala> all in a csv ?
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< win_dts> hi! So, i was wondering if mlpack applications/starter code can be tried successfully on windows system?
< win_dts> Also if one plans to contribute to mlpack, can they choose to do so by developing code on a windows system?
< zoq> win_dts: Hello, I'm not sure what is meant by applications/starter code, but if you mean whether or not you can build the mlpack code and tutorials on windows, yes that's possible. might be helpful
< win_dts> zoq: I am checking out those articles. I think mlpack is targeted to unix systems. So, will I be able to write code for mlpack without much hiccups on windows?
< win_dts> Even in case of new updates?
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< win_dts> ok, a noobier question: Can i compile mlpack code using cygwin compiler on windows system?
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< win_dts> I mean how will a windows installation differ from simply using cygwin?
< zoq> Let me put it this way, I think most mlpack user uses some kind of Linux distribution, but we make sure it builds on windows. In fact, we use appveyor to check every commit on windows. I have never used Cygwin before to compile mlpack, but instead Visual Studio. But cygwin should work.
< zoq> You could also use the precompiled libraries:
< win_dts> ok, i need to ask a tonn of more questions, if you don't mid
< win_dts> *mind
< zoq> sure go ahead
< win_dts> ok so mlpack uses armadillo for super fast matrix and linear algebra calculations right
< zoq> right
< win_dts> now on searching about his i am hit with all these things: lapack, blas, openblas, intel mlk
< win_dts> and something about armadillio allwoing us to choose what to use
< win_dts> what is all this?
< win_dts> also a comment on ( "Note that high performance linear algebra is generally easier to accomplish on Linux and Mac OS X than on Windows." Why is it so?
< zoq> MKL, OpenBLAS etc. are all backends you can use to perform the math operations; e.g.: MKL is especially optimized for Intel CPU architecture.
< win_dts> ok, so lapack, mlk, blas are all libraries to solve various math problems?
< win_dts> is an optimized and efficient manner i suppose
< win_dts> And a wrapper to use these math solving code as c++ functions is made available via armadillo?
< zoq> yeah, as pointed out in the stackoverflow post, Intel MKL is faster on Windows, not sure that's true. I haven't done any research in that direction.
< win_dts> ok and wht about : "And a wrapper to use these math solving code as c++ functions is made available via armadillo?"
< win_dts> ahh ok
< win_dts> it is so different once the vanilla c++ is taught and over and you now have to use professional open world software
< win_dts> college courses sure didnt prepare me for this lol
< zoq> You could also do e.g. matrix multiplication by using an array of arrays but isn't it much easier if you could use a library that provides an object to do matrix multiplication?
< win_dts> sure a library would make is much easier
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< Wasp_> hey!
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< zoq> Wasp_: Hello there!
< win_dts> now if instead of downloading lapack/blas , if I go for higher optimized packages like intel MKL / OpenBLAS, will Armadillo use the appropriate package?
< win_dts> Or should I be configuring it somewhere for it to do so...
< win_dts> ok never mind, i found the FAQ page about the same
< win_dts> So cmake links these lapack/blas to armadillo while building it?
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