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< aditya__> hi this is aditya,after $ make install using mlpack_knn --help shows an error can anyone help me please.
< zoq> aditya__: Hello, what does the error say?
< aditya__> segmentation fault (core dumped)
< zoq> Only for the knn executable? Btw. which version do you use?
< aditya__> I use mlpack-2.1.1
< aditya__> I did not check for all i will check in a min
< aditya__> yes sir it shows segmentation fault for every executable
< rcurtin> do you have multiple versions of mlpack installed on your system?
< aditya__> firstly i downloaded by direct command but it shows error as dependencies are not installed.Then i seperatelly installed dependencies and later i installed by direct command
< zoq> I'd expected that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set but it doesn't sound like that's the case.
< rcurtin> aditya__: if you upgraded core libraries on your system after building mlpack then you will probably need to rebuild mlpack against the new libraries
< rcurtin> and also make sure that there is no other floating around on your system, that could also cause a segfault
< aditya__> so can i delete all and rebliud
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< rcurtin> aditya__: yes, I would suggest that as a first step since I don't know much about your situation
< rcurtin> it might be easier to just install mlpack through your distribution's package manager, i.e. "apt-get install libmlpack-dev"
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< kakarot> aditya, do you still have the issue?
< kakarot> I faced the issue a while ago and got it fixed
< kakarot> echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/" >> ~/.bashrc
< kakarot> had solved the issue for me, rather than "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/" in the docs
< kakarot> it worked the first time, but started seg faulting later, appending it took care of it for subsequent runs
< aditya__> thanks 1 min i will try.
< kakarot> rcurtin, I cam across one of your papers on dual trees, havent covered it fully, looks really interesting. Great acknowledgement on the cats though :D Cheers!
< rcurtin> hah, I am glad someone noticed :)
< rcurtin> your LD_LIBRARY_PATH command is actually safer (it preserves any old LD_LIBRARY_PATH) so I think I will update the readme
< aditya__> kakrot thanks it worked!!
< rcurtin> I'm surprised, usually a missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH will say something like ' not found' or similar
< rcurtin> I am willing to bet that on both your systems, there is a stray of a different version floating around
< kakarot> I pretty much had a fresh install of mlpack that was built from source and I only went with the latest stable version. If I do get another ubuntu machine to try it on, I'll let you know how it works out there :)
< aditya__> i have installed mlpack-2.1.1 earlier
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1723 (master - 4812549 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< rcurtin> heh heh, I spend the morning telling people that extra versions of can cause problems if LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't set right...
< rcurtin> and then I spend the afternoon debugging a very strange problem on my system only to find after a few hours that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set right and there's an extra version of in /usr/local/lib/...
< rcurtin> I should listen to my own advice! :)
< zoq> :) it would be much easier if the error message is more descriptive, "segmentation fault" ....
< rcurtin> yeah; in my case I was building some python bindings automatically and found that they were linked against a version of libbfd that doesn't exist
< rcurtin> I ended up spending an hour reading about debian's policy of not linking dynamically to libbfd and wondering what was wrong with cython
< rcurtin> and then I realized that the python binding so was linked against /usr/local/lib/ which was linked against the no-longer-existent
< rcurtin> I think that maybe I will have to look into the debian package a little bit---if it ships with a debug version, which will be linked against, it'll need to either link statically against libbfd or be rebuilt every time binutils is updated
< rcurtin> but I don't think it does ship a debug version, so I think there's no issue
< zoq> oh, sounds like a really "nice" "bug" hunt
< rcurtin> I don't mind too much; always a good opportunity to learn more about runtime and compile-time linking :)
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