changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< yogesh> hello
< zoq> yogesh: Hello there
< yogesh> I'm new to open source community, and would like to contribute, it would be great to be guided
< zoq> yogesh: Have you seen ? That might be a good place to get started.
< zoq> yogesh: Also, if you would like to implement machine learning algorithms that mlpack currently doesn't have, contributions like that are more than welcome.
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< gsoc_en> hi! I was wondering if mlpack is applying as an organiser for gsoc 2017?
< zoq> gsoc_en: Hello there, yes.
< gsoc_en> awesome!
< gsoc_en> I wouldn't say I am great at ML....but I would really like to get my hands dirty, because I am really interested in ML
< gsoc_en> Do you have any pointers as to where I can get started?
< gsoc_en> I am aware of a few instructions given here (
< gsoc_en> But do you have any personal advice?
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< zoq> I would also take a look at the issues on Github; But I see there are not very many right now; We are going to add more in the next days.
< zoq> Also If you have implemented any new algorithms in your previous work we
< zoq> are more than happy to merge them in if they are well tested and satisfy the design and style guidelines.
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< gsoc_en> sorry, got dced
< zoq> gsoc_en: No problem:
< gsoc_en> oh just real your replies! Thank you very much
< gsoc_en> I will check for any updates on issues on Github
< zoq> gsoc_en: You are welcome, let us know if you have any questions.
< gsoc_en> sure
< rcurtin> gsoc_en: lots of people come into #mlpack and ask for advice, so if you peruse the logs, you might find some other answers that could apply to your situation
< gsoc_en> oh nice, i will go through this month's logs
< gsoc_en> ty :)
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