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< zoq> rcurtin: It's too early to say that :)
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< cult-> just make sure you will use fancy words like deep learning
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< n2lmp> i'm trying to verify the output of the lars function. Is there a way to get sklearn to output the same values? If I specify alpha for lasso_path, it just outputs one single set of coefs instead of the path that mlpack outputs
< n2lmp> (if i get disconnected i will check the logs on the website so feel free to respond)
< rcurtin> n2lmp: you can check the last vector in mlpack's alphaPath and compare it with what scikit gives
< rcurtin> the path is just the set of alpha values that LARS takes at each iteration, if I remember right
< n2lmp> but in the mlpack lars function we fix the lambda parameters right?
< n2lmp> perhaps i'm not understanding what's going on
< n2lmp> but i thought fixing alpha in lasso_path would be like selecting lambda in mlpack lars?
< n2lmp> basically in mlpack I do: lars -i x.csv -r y.csv -l 0.4 -L 0
< n2lmp> in sklearn I do: linear_model.lasso_path(x,y,alphas=[0.4,],eps=1e-16, verbose=True)
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< rcurtin> n2lmp: you're right, lambda is fixed in mlpack LARS
< rcurtin> let me quickly see the scikit documentation
< rcurtin> yes, so to me it looks like scikit's coef_path_ variable will be the same thing that mlpack's alphaPath is
< rcurtin> the final coefficients of the regression in scikit will be coef_, I believe
< rcurtin> ah hang on sorry I have misspoken from the beginning
< rcurtin> when I said "mlpack's alphaPath" I meant "mlpack's betaPath"
< rcurtin> so the last element of LARS::BetaPath() (which is a std::vector<arma::vec>) should be the regression coefficients
< rcurtin> and that std::vector<arma::vec> BetaPath() itself should be the same as scikit's coef_path_
< rcurtin> I'm not fully understanding how you set the L1 or L2 penalty in the regression in scikit's implementation
< rcurtin> so I dunno if alphas=[0.4,] will be the right way to imitate mlpack's '-l 0.4'
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